Twenty-two more days!
I'm just wishing December 1st would get here already!!
The Child Support Arrears have been paid.
The Spousal Maintenance Arrears have been paid.
The Month of November has been paid for both CS & SM.
December 1st, 2009 will be the day DH will ONLY have to pay Child Support for his son. He'll have 11 years of it. Until SS turns 18.
BM is going to get a big fat check around next Thursday or Friday, and she'll probably go ga-ga over it, spending it all at once, not realizing that HEY, this is for the month of November as well. And if she complains that she doesn't have enough money for the end of the month, we can just laugh and say TOUGH.
So I'm looking forward to December 1st to arrive. No more "lazimony" as hubby calls the spousal maintenance.
It's just a huge burden taken off my shoulders when we sent all that money into the DCSE. I've been walking around with a smile on my face for the last couple days. AHHH, Relief is just around the corner!
- Stepmom2Ched's blog
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Congratulations. I remember
Congratulations. I remember how it felt when we ended the alimony and how wonderful it feels to pay off our bills rather than hers.
I can only imagine the
I can only imagine the frustration with that. Glad your roundin the curve!
For what ever reason, when the ex wanted her freedom from me and decided to move out.
She did not want a divorce. she did not want to work on the relationship either, but did not want a divorce.
I filed and did everything once she moved out.
I asked he if she would not make me pay child support through the courts. I said lets do this outside of the courts. I am more than willing to help with my half of the support. And she agreed.
She hated me, but still for some reason felt I would honor my obligations. And she never tried to suck every penny out of me.
I am very thankful for that.
There is something different about paying the minimum child support required because you are forced to.
Than paying "more than my share" because times hit hard for my ex and the kids needed something she could not afford. Or vise versa when I needed her help for something the kids needed because I did not have the money.
Which this brings up another topic...

I won't trample on your thread StepmomtoChed.
I will create a new one but I would like other viewpoints on this.
Look for it!
Well, Jon-Boy...She won't
Well, Jon-Boy...She won't ever make so much money as DH because she would rather stay home all day or go out and spend lotsa money! She works part time, but she's capable of working full-time. She has the ability, just doesn't follow through.
Tonight we dropped off Ched, and she said she's made an appointment for Ched to get glasses on Satuday. This makes no sense--you don't make an appointment to pick out frames/lenses, you make an appointment to get your eyes checked, which DOES make sense. So she's expecting 'money help' with that. If she doesn't have the money, why make the appointment? The eye appointment is covered by DH's health insurance.
The last time we got Ched glasses, we gave her a pair and we kept a pair...and we both had a copy of the prescription. Somehow "SHE" misplaced the pair we gave her for him. She wanted us to give her the other pair, OR a copy of the script. She got a copy of the script then got pissed because she didn't get the pair of glasses. DH told her to buy a new pair w/ the script coz SHE lost them. So she's expecting DH to fork over $$ for a new pair. Uh...yeah, eventually, hon. She never paid for that pair she lost. She's so damn irresponsible. I think if SHE footed the bill, she'd make damn sure those glasses wouldn't get misplaced OR mangled.
~*~A Good Mommy will let the kids lick the beaters. A GREAT Mommy will turn the mixer off first!~*~
My 17 year old son just
My 17 year old son just learned that lesson last week.
She is that ignorant?
He was at the diner table and over heard my wife say she was going to walmart.
He spouts out a command, "Oh I need deodorant."
I asked him what happened to the one we just got you?
He chuckled and said, "OH I left it in my car and it melted."
(You know how unseasonably warm it is hear in Az right now...)
So I chuckled and said, "Oh you can go and get your own then."
He was like, Whu?
I said yep. "This is your mistake and you can man up and fix this.
He thought about it a second and said, "Ok" your right.
He came back with deodorant and some cologne. which he needed his step mom's approval first if it was good smelling or not. Kinda cute...
But the point being don't parents teach this anymore?