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Crazy keeps getting crazier

mumzy79's picture

Well we had the court trial for the 2 contempt charges and ... (drum roll please) she lied under oath stating we agreed to not have the kids on those dates. Even though we had text messages and testimony to say different it turned into a big he said/she said fiasco. The judge dismissed the contempt charges, however he did say he may not be so nice next time (to BM) thanks for the bone your honor! (Lotsa Sarcasm) Anyway, she turned around and filed another (1 year to the month since the last time) petition for Sole Legal and Physical Custody stating they can no longer make decisions together. Last time the judge didn't change anything because DH has done nothing wrong. The problem is he no longer caters to her every demand (which is all my fault :sick: ) so she wants him to have no legal say in their medical/educational information. What's new she shares nothing anyway. We have had to fax court papers more times than I can tell you because she expressly informed the pediatrician no to release information. Also, DH was not put anywhere on SS6 school registration, Emergency Cards, nothing. We had to bring the court papers there too. What really pissed me off is that SS6 had an awards assembly the very day if court and, yup you guessed she didn't tell DH. According to her skanky mouth, she thought the teacher would tell him. WHATEVER!! He doesn't pick up skids from school. Poor boy, he was one of 3 kindergartners out of about 50 awarded most outstanding student. She already has skids calling her 4th boyfriend since their split Daddy. I have records of 2 physical altercations between her and some boyfriend while skids were there, 5 times in 4 years she has said she couldn't handle SS5 and we needed to take them, and the list goes on FOREVER. Yet she wants DH to pay more CS so she can go to school. We are challenging that one. Daycare is in order to work not have some fancy 4 years later after bleeding the tax payers money that you want to go to school. UGH! Here we go again. DH is so fed up. He is thinking of asking just to have them for Spring/Winter/Summer breaks because the woman is CRAZY! She yells profance and immature crap everytime he has to see her (yup same wench that said she will laugh when DD 5 mo dies.., told skids their Dad is an as**ole when he came to pick them up) etc. I love DH and skids immensely but the Crazy I can't take. We want custody bad, but as you know she could smoke crack in front of them and probably keep them. UGH! Thanks ladies, vent over!


Amazed's picture

well I suppose it goes without saying that she doesn't see the hurt she is causing her children. Not to mention the enormous waste of paper and drain on legal resources that could be used for more important things.

It really is unfortunate that some mothers can shoot heroine and snort cocaine in front of children and still have full custody. It's such an old fashioned system in regard to a LOT of judges still being stuck in the "mom is best" frame of mind.

~Why run away? I know who I know who I am. Just let me be~

imagr8tma's picture

OMG - I almost thought your post was one of my posts. Seems like your story is my exactly. Except my Stepkid is a girl and she is 6years old. I certianly hope everything works out in your favor in court... .Our BM filed against us the same thing and ended up losing her battle and DH got even more time.

He didn't get custody switched - but some stiff penalties were written into the court order for BM. She will push the envelope to far - and end up with less then she has now. So let her act a fool.

********She doesn't have to love me or even like me - it doesn't change a dang thing..... So get over it and move on BM!************

mumzy79's picture

I followed your blogs for awhile. We are in VA as well, but BM and skids are in MD. At your last court date, I kept refreshing the page to see what happened. It was your story that rang so close to ours and yet still nothing happens. You had so much I thought definitely you would get custody. That is where we are, why pay all the money, I know what will happen!

Storm76's picture

If she lied under oath then surely she's guilty of purjury? Is there anyway you can push for this, because with a purjury conviction against her it will make it really difficult for her to try and push for anything else in court.

Do these judges not take into account the number of times a BM takes things to court? It seems such a waste of time & resources!

mumzy79's picture

I wish they did. Unfortunately there is no way to prove she lied. I told DH is he so ever as answers a phone call of hers again I will put my spike heel through his eyeball! If she ever tries to say that again, I will bring phone logs. Also, the judge informed us to email/text only so there will be no more confusion. She called 2 hours later. UGH!