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So now He's re arranged

sadstep's picture

So, now he's re arranged our whole Christmas because the winey child wants to open gifts tonight, we were scheduled for opening christmas eve morning since they will be back with BM on Christmas morning. I will skip my workout to go home and do this. I don't know why he can't just stick with the plan. Frustrating.


Thetis's picture

lol Plan??? Isn't that just a lose guide line that us women put in place so we can feel better about a situation we have no control over?
My Dh couldn't stck to a plan if I had it typed in size 20 font and plastered all over the house.

smnikki's picture

yeah, plan is just another four letter word unless its one they have put in place, and in no way shape or form should you deviate.

lol, i like that, "plastered all over the house"

sadstep's picture

He's ADHD and if I don't hold him down, we're all over the place sometimes. But when it comes to his kids it's not my call. I have a schedule and that's that. I work full time and a CFO and I teach fitness at night. If I don't workout I go from Step monster to frothing at the mouth step monster!!! ; )
This could be ugly.

sadstep's picture

Thanks, I'll need it, not very much in the Christmas spirit this year. But, Merry Merry Christmas to you!

soverysad's picture
