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Fussy stepkid

kidsaplenty's picture

We have an upcoming event approx 2 hours away that we have been invited to-an engagement dinner for a relative at a restaurant. Young ss (kindergarten) I believe has emotional issues and possibly at some point may be found to have an inherited form of mental illness from his mother, he is extremely fussy, cries at the drop of a hat, and can be just very touchy and unpleasant. It is not practical to think we are going to be able to have him drive to a restaurant, eat, then drive back without meltdowns. That is a bit of a trip for anyone that age but especially a kid like him. I am thinking of what to do. 1. go on my own (I really don't want to, between working all week and routines during the week weekends are my downtime and time to spend with my immediate family), 2 take ss and hope for the best or 3 see if someone else can take care of ss (which isn't a great option either as we only have him eow)4 don't go at all or some other thing I have not thought up yet. Any thoughts?


Constantly_guilty's picture

Is there a family member that lives near where the dinner is taking place that could watch him? Maybe a niece or nephew that's older?

kidsaplenty's picture

That is a great idea but unfortunately those people are all going to the dinner as well. Thanks for the suggestion.

LMR120's picture

When my BF and I have things that we feel we must do like this he calls his ex and lets her know that he will not be able to watch the children. Would that be an option?

kidsaplenty's picture

We have done this one time before when dh was just too ill to care for them and didn't want them around anything contagious but we do feel lousy about doing that because we see them only eow. Yet, I know that is an option and something we will probably discuss as such. Thanks for suggesting this.

Bradybunchmom's picture

Is it possible to switch weekends with the mother? Don't know if that works for you guys, but my ex and i can usually trade visitation so it works out for both of us. Other than that maybe take a sitter with you to help?

kidsaplenty's picture

That is a possiblity, it is usually difficult to have them here on alternate weekends because of his problems combined with some problems mine have (we always have some kids here but have some bios that go when my steps come). I think I'll talk to my spouse about whether that tradeoff might be worth it. Might be trading half a day of trouble for a whole weekend. Thanks for the suggestion.

kidsaplenty's picture

I love your idea but unfortunately when I was explaining this dilemma to the host another relative piped up 'oh you can just ride with me and he can stay with the kids!' an the host seemed to think this was a great idea so I'm still feeling on the spot.