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Who is acting childish

baybee9404's picture

H works the 3rd shift, I work the 1st so we wont need daycare. To make a long story short back in July... I had a big blow out with BM. I told H i wanted nothing to do with her nor will I have anything to do with her, dont involve me with nothing and i haven't in the past 6 months. BM calls my house knowing H is at work no lie 16 times in a matter of 10 minutes... Not sure what made her think i would answer at all if i didn't answer the first time. She left me a nice nasty message, then goes and calls H mother to complain about me..(why she still has his moms number is beyond me) H's mom calls me and asks what going on i told her the truth and said bad enough i watch their child for free i wont play receptionist for free tooo, she can call when H is home to speak to her kid not when i am....
I told H about the situation and he told me to stop playing kid games and grow up she is just calling to talk to her daughter... (mind you the daughter he has full custody of because she tried to kill herself in front of the daughter, she hasnt supported her in 6 years, we are the one who do everything for the child and she does when she wants and see her when she wants too.... this chick thinks she got control.. she might have it over H but not me.... needless to say I told H go fuck himself and if he wants a receptionist he needs to pay me... along with the nanny services...


stepmom2one's picture

How old is the child? can't you just hand the phone to the child? you wouldn't need to even say hello....when SD is here I hand the phone to her--no need for me to answer.

misfit's picture

(((baybeee))) deep breaths, lady. I know moments like this can make you want to call our the devil on that horse of a BM but you also know, as you are a smart cookie, BM will call 16 times over and over and over because she's more than aware it will get to you. That is her attempt to grasp at your sanity.

DH could have been nicer to you, though, and chosen more.. appropriate (to say the least) words to convey his feelings.

MIL should NOT have been involved. That was BM's only option since no one was talking to her. Low blow but that's really what she's made of, isn't it?

You said it yourself, "she might have it over H but not me..". So be it!! You will NOT be tormented by this stupid tart. You're always in control of yourself Smile

Angel72's picture

Tell your dh , your not playing kid games. Get an anwering machine and let bm leave a message for her daughter to call back. Simple.
I have nothing to do with bm either and when she calls, most of the time, i let the answer machine pick up , why? Not because i'm a child but because i choose to not hear a voice i cannot stand and am disgusted by. That is my chose as an adult woman.
So good for you to tell dh to f himself. Tell him to grow a pair of balls and tell bm to stop phoning. Better yet, if the phone calls come in one after the other, shut the ringer off. I've done that too.

soverysad's picture

I let sd5 answer the phone when it is her mother. If Wingnut wants to talk to daddy or soverysad, she has to call back and leave a message. I also listen (loosely - though it used to be heartily) in on the calls. If anything inappropriate is said by either party (Wingnut tends to encourage lies and say negative things about dh and I), I tell SD it is time to hang up.

"God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" and you can't change crazy!!

Totalybogus's picture

I think you both are being childish.

You for not answering the phone and allowing her to talk to her child because you're pissed at her from your last argument and her for constantly ringing your phone to get even for you not answering.

I bet if you answered it the first time and let her talk to her daughter she would stop doing that and it would aleviate at least THAT drama. I think your husband is right.

Amazed's picture

I can understand your frustration but really, just don't play her game pass the phone to the kid everytime she calls. who cares if she's doing it to irritate you? It's only going to irritate you as much as you let it. You're letting this woman rent space in your head and make you angry. Stop giving her so much power and just let the annoying phone crap roll off. She'll eventually grow bored and tired of her little game. Start answering EVERY phone call in a wonderfully cheerful accomodating voice...she won't wanna call and hear how pleasant you are TRUST ME! It has be over the top pleasant too.

"Venting without the desire to look within and improve your situation is simply venting to hear yourself bitch."

Jsmom's picture

DH only allows BM to call his cell phone. She pays for the kids cell phones and calls them on that. Stuff like this makes me grateful when I hear the frustration that other BM's cause.

Pantera's picture

BM and I had it out in October, DH has full custody too. KILL HER WITH KINDNESS, IT REALLY WORKS Smile

"If I turn into another, Dig me up from under what is covering the better part of me" -Incubus