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OT Vancouver Olypics.

Thetis's picture

God am I embaressed.
I love Canada. I honesty believe that I live in the bast place in the world! Beautiful British Columbia, Canada! There really is nothing like it.
So we invite the world here to see how amazing our little corner of the world is.
*shakes head*
Now we have idiots attacking police officers and smashing stuff because they disagree with the cost of the olympics. So do I! But I would never EVER think of causing such a scene! What are they proving? Smashing privet property is not teaching anyone a lesson!!! OMFG How immature can you be? People still have to live and work in Vancouver while this is going on, why destroy someones home or work place? This is so Un-Canadian and its all over WORLD news. Someone needs to go down to down town Vancouver and beat these punks with the Maturity stick, because they certainly deserve it.

We stand on guard for thee... Ohh Canada....


Thetis's picture

Ohh and for the people who wont read the link but still want to know, the fucking punks are all wearing Black hoodies, and ski masks... good lord... act like a criminal, dress like a criminal but call yourself a protester? Sure right, and Dh never had sex before he met me.

Angel's picture

I won't watch the negative stuff. The opening ceremony was absolutely out of this world. First class! You Canadians should be very proud!!

Most Evil's picture

Hey, I haven't read anything bad . . . I think its great-!!!!! so don't worry dear - and, it is georgeous there!!
“Learn by practice.” - Martha Graham