Most Evilest Stepmommy....BWAHAHAHAHA *cough*
Atilla was on the rampage again and my crazymeter was cranked too far. After the #2 incident we did give her 3 toys: a coloring book, a plastic horse and a deck of cards (so that she wasn't constantly saying "Daddy daddy daddy..." and on and on and on and on and on and on and on....ok...I'll stop. Anywho, the funniest part of this weekend was this situation:
Atilla was hitting DH with her plastic Barbie horse (they hurt like hell when hit with one) and he asked her to stop, of course Atilla screams NO! and I whip around and sternly say "Did you just tell your father no?" she puts her hands on her hips and says "Yea, so?" I took the horse from her and put it up. I told her no more horse. Then the conversation turns to this:
Me: Not anymore, you were being naughty and misusing it.
Atilla: Well now I have nothing to play with.
Me: You have a coloring book and cards plus an imagination. I'm sure you'll figure something out.
It's bad but I started laughing, DH started laughing. She's 5 and her temper tantrums are horrid, but I was at my breaking point and instead of screaming my head off I just laughed at her. Then she started to cry. She wanted her horsey back and she wanted us to stop laughing because it's not funny and she's a good girl and blah blah blah blah blah....
I think it's hilarious how Atilla just does NOT learn. No matter what the punishment it doesn't do any good. I asked DH if BM would go for a kindergarten bootcamp. Hahaha. Oh, I'm just trying to stay in a good mood...Some peoples kids.....
- Fading's blog
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That's great that your DH
That's great that your DH let's you discipline Atilla. If I would would say one word to my SS or even look at him cockeyed- DH would come down on me like a ton of bricks, because Precious is perfect you know.
It's also great you can laugh about it.
Wow...and she didn't poop on
Wow...and she didn't poop on the carpet again? That's progress!
How did you guys do with not allowing her in a room by herself this weekend? Was it difficult?
***Life - It's not a rehearsal***
It went pretty well
It went pretty well actually. DH and I always do dishes TOGETHER (one washing one drying) and whilst we were doing that she had to sit at the kitchen table and color
Even when she went to the bathroom one of us stood in there with her facing the opposite direction (knowing her habit of crapping in the tub and smearing it all over *gag*)
*: (=’:’ ):*
"I have not failed, I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work." -Thomas Edison