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I flipped

stepmom31's picture

Got so angry, felt so alone, felt like such a failure... and i flipped...

I broke a glass, cut my hand in the process, not intentionally... DH hates me now because we live with in-laws and kids were here and saw me in a state... think i need to go to the hospital for my hand but DH won't take me and i'm afraid to ask anyone else...

and i regret it... i'm so sorry... all i wanted was for him to comfort me a bit, and i got the exact opposite. he said i am jus like the ex... i have totally failed... as a stepmom, second wife etc.


stepmom31's picture

can't sleep, can't go t om one is close by... no ffriends here... i dunno what to do...

he is smiling and laughing with everyone else and looks at me with scorn...

i feel so alone... he is my life here...
i love him, i want him.... i just need him to hold me...

i dunno what to do...
wish i coul d drinnk elf to sleep... but i can't... hadda be strong for this baby inside... but i feel so weak... i wish today never happneed....

primrose's picture

Crystal, you said it all,Take Action! Love yourself and child first.

Angel72's picture

I would turn around and rip a whole in him if he ever compaired me to his ex C of a wife!!! Tell him off! Stop , contain your emotions...i know its difficult, walk up to him and completely tellhim off, tell him you are not his ex wife , you will not treat me like and then tell him maybe he can start paying child support ot you as well!! And tell him 'i have not failed, you have failed as a partner and husband. You wont take me to the doctor for my cut and you sit there telling me i'm like your ex wife. What did you wife and i have in common . YOU!!! You fn' loser.
Pick yourself up and tell this man off and take money to go see a doc for your hand. NEver be afraid for your own health.