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OT - BM's newest FB update (Ewww!)

stormabruin's picture

So, I signed into FB on SS16's account, & what did I see??? BM's update last night says, "OMG!!! Got the "ladies" pierced last week & now they're all crusty!!! Does that mean infection???"

Yes, EVERY remark she makes is followed by !!! or ??? or !!??. Life in her head is clearly VERY exciting.

My first thought...poor skids. NO WAY would I EVER want to know anything like that about my mother.

My second thought...yep! I have come up with my nickname for SM! Smile

Crusty Bits


Gia's picture

:jawdrop: No freaking way...... Now, that is nasty. you are right, Poor kids.

By the way, the ladies? is that the boobs? cuz my first thought was like down there... um ok... :sick:

stormabruin's picture

Yeah, it's boobs. LOL! She had her "down there" done several years ago, but had to take it out due to infection. Why I know all of this? She shares it freely. How everything on her gets infected? I guess because she's nasty. LOL!

Gia's picture

She sounds like pure trash.

Not because she pierces them, because you do whatever you feel with your body but that is also a private matter, and woman, just keep it to yourself... :?

TheWife's picture

Reading your post, my face took on that "I just caught the back end of a fart" scrunch.


stormabruin's picture


stormabruin's picture

I don't have kids of my own & skids are not my FB friends, & no way in hell, would I EVER post that my bits were crusty! She obviously has no shame, but WHY? She's listed as single & looking for a man? Uhhh...I can think of more tactful ways of presenting myself. I guess that's the difference between me & her. I prefer a man who does not desire crust in his mouth. I will never understand her way of thinking...

Gestalt's picture

While I totally agree with everyone else's sentiments about mom divulging way too much info....why were you signing into FB under your stepson's account?

stormabruin's picture

We haven't seen or heard from skids since last July. I guessed SS's password & I sign into his page to see what skids have been doing & to see their updated pics.

stormabruin's picture

Skids are 13 & 16. He took BM to court on contempt 3 times to enforce his visitation. The first 2 times she was warned. The third time, the judge determined skids were old enough to make the choice where they wanted to spend their time. BM told SS that when DH corrected or disciplined SS, DH was not respecting him as an individual. SD was pissed because DH & I were getting married. SD hasn't come for visitation since she was 8, when she went back to live with BM. She had separation anxiety issues caused by the fact that BM left them when SD was 3 & didn't come back around until she was 8. The counselor said not to pressure her to come, so DH let it go...all the while BM was PAS-ing the life out of them.

BMJen's picture

That's the grossest thing I've ever heard. honest, it's just foul. Crusty boobs huh? Just wow.

Rain1's picture

Ewww…what are these people thinking? My kids bio dad and his wife, regularly break up and make up in face book.

The kids get so embarrassed by the drama that all their friends can see.

leladawn's picture

Ewwwww... She must like attention way too much, you think there would be some kind of of filter there.

But nope, "crusty bits" it is. Bleh! Hahaha at least you got a good nickname out of it..