Rant About Boys And Bathroom Habits
Do boys ever outgrow peeing on the floor? What is so hard about keeping your pee stream inside the very large porcelaine target??? I am not a neat freak, but this is getting ridiculous. Is a bathroom that doesn't smell like a truck stop urinal too much to ask?! I don't have external equipment but it really doesn't seem like a complicated process to get the pee inside a large round bowl. So if you're peeing on the floor constantly, it either being done on purpose, you're lazy, or you're disgusting. Besides mopping every day (which I am) what more can I do keep from losing my mind?? What should the consequences be for wildly peeing like a maniac?
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Make them clean it up
Make them clean it up themselves while u supervise!! Maybe then theyll pee in the toilet! Know how u feel i have one bs2 one ss13 and a dh ugghh men are just dirty lk that they dont realize they are doing it.
Blacklight, totally! We got
Blacklight, totally! We got one to find a lingering cat marking smell, and I took it into the bathroom -- FDH was SHOCKED at the pee everywhere. He swore he didn't do it, well he's the only guy in the house. He just didn't know he was doing it. Now he's a lot more careful, and if he misses HE wipes it up.
If that doesn't work, the consequences I would say are to clean it up themselves, they'll be aiming pretty soon.
I give my son a pair of
I give my son a pair of gloves (bought a box at local drug store) and make him clean with clorox spray cleaner, the seat, under it, the outside and the floor around. He has to clean his toilet once a week. I have no clue why he master every video game known to man at 10years old, but can't pee IN the toilet.
I make my son clean the
I make my son clean the toilet.... I also make him sit to pee if he can't hit the bowl.
Isn't it amazing that men can hit a small hole hundreds of feet away with a golf ball, but can't hit a hole as big as the toilet bowl right in front of them??? I've NEVER understood this. On the other hand, I've been in women's bathrooms before and seen pee on the seat and wonder how this occurs???
i'm going to use the blacklight thing with my boys!!!
My anatomy professor was just
My anatomy professor was just talking about that the other say....that there isn't ONE single illness you can get from a toilet seat, yet people think you can. It is funny that they don't wash their hands though... gross!
I think it's funny to watch people use half a roll of TP on the toilet seat before they sit...if you are that paranoid, wait until you get home....
Ah this made me laugh..I so
Ah this made me laugh..I so feel your pain! I was quite traumatised the first time a boyf did it in my house..honest to god they're all disgusting...Did you ever experience the drunk man need to adopt any corner of the bedroom as the urinal cos theyre so blotto they have no idea they aren't in the toilet?? THIS is another law of every man in the world..I swear they are a whole different species! :?
OH girl don't even get me
OH girl don't even get me started! I have a SS10, BS3 and a boy on the way. Luckily, my husband pretty much has the peeing thing down to an art. But I think my SS10 is worse than my BS3! Once when my SS was sick, I put a bucket in his room. I had to do this because over the past 5 years this kid has NEVER made it to the toilet when he's sick. SO gross and annoying. All over the floor and bedspread (My BS will manage to hold it and keep his mouth closed until I get him to a toilet though). Anyway, the bucket was there to prevent him from puking all over the place since I know he wouldn't make it to the bathroom 2 feet away. I check on him in the morning and asked him how he slept. He said good, and that he didn't throw up. I go to fetch the bucket and there's pee in there! He told me he didn't feel like walking to the bathroom. WTF?!!!!
Luckily, since we've moved into a bigger place, my SS10 has his own bathroom that noone uses since he's the only one on the lower level of our split. Needless to say, his bathroom is disgusting. But this time, I don't have to clean it up since he's the only one using it! Now my husband is aware of what a pig he is. Although, I caught my husband cleaning it up once. Yeah, that will teach him!
SS19 managed to start pissing
SS19 managed to start pissing on the wall not near the toilet right before his move out date which is why I told him if he used the bathroom he had to clean it and thats what upset him and caused him to text husband. Oh well he's gone and husband knows that his son should know better. I feel bad for his roommate.
First of all, thanks for your
First of all, thanks for your comment! haha it got my mind off all the other problems I have!
Ah, yes! It is disgusting! My dad has a friend that everytime any man went into the bathroom at the house he would say "you better not have peed on the floor or toilet cause if I go in there and you have, I'll tell everybody! So don't be a pig and clean up if you can't do it right!" hehe and he would actually tell everyone at the house if a guy had done it! Mind you, he was no dream man to his wife, he cheated, always hit on other women, etc...but at least he was clean! haga
I think I'm putting up a sign in our bathroom! Maybe the embarrasment of others seeing the sign will be enough to make them stop!
I've just splashed out on
I've just splashed out on some victorian cast iron radiators and the kids just see them as somewhere to dump wet towels.
I live with 3 boys and none
I live with 3 boys and none of them like to lift the seat when they pee. And they have poor aim. So when I used the bathroom I sit in their pee frequently. I told them all that if they continue to get their pee on me I will do the same to them. While they are sleeping. That solved the problem. Mostly.
My two sons, both grown and
My two sons, both grown and out now, were very neat in the bathroom. Not only did they lift the seat, but closed the lid when finished. They always hit the bowl (I potty trained them using little duck targets that I printed out), and were taught to wipe the rim each time with a bit of toilet paper. Simple training when they are children is all it takes. One of them when young, came into the bathroom while I was down on my hands and knees cleaning the toilet their father used, he was absolutely repulsed by the mess and what it took for me to clean it. That really drove it home for them.
Skids on the other hand? Absolutely disgusting. They'll even manage to plug up the toilet and walk away with their excrement flowing all over the floor. I do not step a single foot in their bathroom!!!!