The beginnings of PAS?
We didn't have the stepkids on Father's Day weekend, as it wasn't our scheduled weekend. According to DF's stipulation, it does say he is permitted to have his son on Father's Day, however, he informed BM that he and I were out of town (6 hours away) all weekend and he wasn't going to be able to take the skids. We were going to see the skids on the Monday night after Father's Day, so it didn't seem like a big deal.
I KNEW she was going to say something nasty to the kids! I even told DF that she would but he (once again) didn't think so.
I picked up the skids on Monday at daycare so I could take them to a store to pick out some balloons and cupcakes for DF. SD5 immediately exclaims "Why didn't Daddy WANT us yesterday?" I said, "Of course he wanted you, but he was out of town. Mommy was supposed to tell you that." And SD5 said BM kept telling her that Daddy didn't WANT them. I informed her that she should never think that Daddy doesn't WANT them and should never believe that if she's ever told it again.
Why crush a 5 year old child to make them think their parent doesn't want them? I don't understand this!
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We had a family event for my
We had a family event for my side of the family. We would have taken the kids with us but BM said it was "her" weekend...just a reason for the skids not to be a part of "my" family though.
Yes, he wasn't happy about it, but we knew we'd see them the day after.
The question from original OP
The question from original OP was about the mothers behavior and the what she was telling the children. Not if the dad was there or not. They offered to take the kids on the trip but BM refused since it was "her weekend". Down talking and making the kids they aren't wanted by their Dad is a form of PAS. period.
A Dad having missed one day named "father's day" for card companies to make money and people to piss and moan about surely doesn't qualify as alienating himself or being and absent father.
Then a simple "NO, I do not
Then a simple "NO, I do not think this was PAS" from atop your soap box would have sufficed without all your "I would have's" thrown in there.
I have never seen someone so onesided with themselves on this site before. it never ceases to amaze me to read your posts. How you honestly believe that you have every right answer for almost every situation.. to yell from the roof tops with. All the while with a tone of looking down on others including the OP's.
BlendedFam - The alienation
BlendedFam - The alienation was when the BM told the 5 year old - that Daddy did not want them.
The point is not to make children feel bad or hate theIr other parent.
The reasoning for the Dad not being there is not the biggest issue at hand. No parent should be making their kid feel bad about the other parent. If BM had an issue with what Dad did - then BM should tell her issue and feelings to DAD - NOT TO THE INNOCENT CHILD.
Hey, Mermaid, aren't you the
Hey, Mermaid, aren't you the poster from a few weeks ago who thought we were all terrible, horrible people and you were leaving and not coming back? Awww, you must have missed us.
Well, you enjoy your little
Well, you enjoy your little fantasy world. Tell the fairies and Nessie I said hello.
It's not a fantasy world
It's not a fantasy world darling. It's my life. I worked hard to have it the way it is.
I have found that when one
I have found that when one comes onto a board like this, and preaches about their "perfection", most of the time that is far from the truth. Kind of like thou dost protest too much? But whatever works for you, honey.
Mermaid, weren't you supposed
Mermaid, weren't you supposed to leave? I don't think you will find much help here because I know you have the ideal step situation (from what you said).
And he did call - I forgot to
And he did call - I forgot to mention that. BM never picked up the phone and didn't call back.
It was PAS when the BM TOLD
It was PAS when the BM TOLD the kids what she told them. Do you not get that? Are you so intent on standing up for the poor, beleagured, mistreated stepchildren and BM's of the world that you don't even think before you jump in with a response? Is there some script or something you read from for this crap?
LMAO maux!
}:) LMAO maux!
LOL but crying at the same
LOL but crying at the same time because a lot of bios think that step children are entitled to treat anyone adult or child like crap.
Wow, so it wouldn't be PAS
Wow, so it wouldn't be PAS for my DH to tell the kids BM doesn't have custody because she did drugs and didn't WANT them?
It has to be the truth. Anyone who does drugs has to know losing your kids is a possible consequence of such bad choices.
You NEVER tell a kid the other parent doesn't WANT them, even if it's true. NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVERRRRR is that appropriate!
But it's true. So of course
But it's true. So of course it wouldn't be PAS - according to you. Why don't we run tell the skids that's why they can't live with mommy. Mommy did drugs because she didn't want them.
Yes, PAS is PAS, whether daddy has obligations to his new family or mommy's a junkie. Like I said - you never tell a kid their parent doesn't want them.
Oh and btw Miss
Oh and btw Miss I-can't-help-but-respond-even-if-I'm-not-dignifying-that-with-a-response,
That was a response. It's like a compulsion for you.
I think your projecting your
I think your projecting your situation onto this one. The BM wouldn't let the father take the kid because it wasn't his weekend. There is no reason he should have had to blow the entire weekend because it was Fathers Day. No where does it say he neglects the child or doesn't take him on his time or that a child has to be with their father on Fathers day. What the BM did was out of line and should not have been said to the child. I don't know why you are glossing over what she did in order to attack this father. Maybe he could have handled it different or re arranged things but he didn't and that still doesn't excuse the BMs behavior. She set out to hurt her X which I'm sure she did but she hurt her own child in doing so.
No really. The absolute total
No really. The absolute total truth was "it was my weekend to have you and because I am still bitter about the divorce I chose to keep you this weekend so I can hurt your father ".
Totally accurate statement.
Right, that would be the
Right, that would be the truth. But these bitter BM's always have to twist it in their favor.
why they were out of town is
why they were out of town is irrelevant. They informed BM, BM was out of line to say he didn't "want" them. That's BS..
EXACTLY - now you get it.
EXACTLY - now you get it. Mom could have told them to ask the dad why he was not there........ Let him explain.
But don't make the kid feel unwanted. That affects the kid more greatly! It will stay on the child's mind.
AND after all the kid is more important then the decision the dad made or the anger the mom felt from the effect of it.
I always hate to read that
I always hate to read that people cannot conduct themselves in a mature manner. It irks me that BM's or sometimes BDs will tell children such awful things. In the mind of a 5y/o she will only ever hear, "daddy doesn't want me".....nothing else. The BM should've just said that daddy had something else he had to do, but he would've been there if he could. Period, OR had the BD tell the children himself.... poor little girl!
BlendedFam you are out of
BlendedFam you are out of line here. It is PAS anytime, you say something negative to the child about the other parent. It sounds like her husband tried to do everything to make everyone happy and that wasn't able to work because of the BM. Not everything is so black and white as you think it should be. Don't be so hostile.
Geez you just dont get
Geez you just dont get it....... WE ARE SAYING THINK OF THE CHILD FIRST.....
Why say something to crush your child for the father's sake. Do you realize the kid is more important than that?
I guess you just would not care. If the father was immature - you would just hurt the child - and sit back smiling saying hey i told the truth. Now the dad has to deal with it......
Sad, just sad. It is better to have the child of sane mind and feeling loved then crushing them for your own small revenge. Grow up!
Yeah because 5 year olds dont
Yeah because 5 year olds dont go to school and do father's day projects. Are you serious? Just because they are 5 doesnt mean they live under a rock.
Um, don't know where you're
Um, don't know where you're from, but around here most school's are out during Father's Day (unlike exalted golden uterus day) so no, as a kid I never did a school father's day project and DH's kids have never done a school father's day project either.
They had plans to go out of
They had plans to go out of town. BM wouldn't let them have the kid because she wanted to control the situation. BM is the one being unreasonable and should NEVER have said what she did to a child even if it was true, which I'm sure it wasn't. Life doesn't stop because of a BM wanting to dictate what the other parent does or doesn't do. Anyone who is defending the BM in this situation clearly hasn't dealt with the bad side of being a step parent.
I'm so sick of hearing about
I'm so sick of hearing about BMs trying to control peoples lives especially when they use their own children as the missles of hate. These grown women are so wrapped up in themselves and the fact their relationship failed they fail to see the damage they cause not only to their intended target (their ex) but their own children.
He gave her an opening but it
He gave her an opening but it still doesn't excuse what she said to a child. Thats far worse than him not seeing the child on Fathers day.
Wow.. What is this about?
Wow.. What is this about? I've read every post, and why is the OP being lashed out on? Is blendedfam the BM in the OPs family??? That's what it sounds like to me! I in NO way saw thru the OPs post that the dad chose to not have his children. The BM, sry it it offends ppl or not, was WRONG. The BM had a choice! A choice to allow the father of her children to see the kids! The bio-dad tried calling, and BM didn't answer. So instead of BM saying "oh ur dad wanted to see you, but I said NO", she said "your daddy doesn't want you" Are you friggin kidding me?! Where in that OP is the dad at fault?!
I can see from both sides
I can see from both sides here.Mothers day and Fathers day are sacred days to children who actually care about their parents.The parents should make every effort to be around on those days especially if it's stipulated in the agreement they are to have the kids on those days.I travel every now and then for work and so does my DH but we are ALWAYS conscious of being available for birthdays,mothers day,fathers day,and other holidays.
I imagine Bm was pretty frustrated with the change of plans and stupidly took it out on her 5yr old by telling the child a variation of "daddy didn't want you today". (really shitty of her to do by the way I don't care how pissed she was)There are better ways of dealing with your own frustration over the non custodial parent changing the agreed upon schedule to satisfy their life demands. never take your bitterness out on your child.
But on the flip side,the dad knows fathers day is important to his kids,he should have been around to celebrate it with them.The day after just isn't as special to children.
I think both parties are wrong. BM should learn to keep her poison to herself instead of dousing her children with it. The dad should learn to adhere to the agreed upon schedule for important days like father's day so this doesn't have to happen.
I agree with Blended Family
I agree with Blended Family on the point that DH is not realizing his active part in hurting his kids by going away for Frs. Day. Yeah the BM was pissed -- who won't be? It was written in the order for him to take kid on Frs. Day and he didn't. The written document should be followed and going away for the weekend was not cool. Sorry rest of ya, its called being accountable for your actions. And for some reason, divorced parents don't think it applies to them but just their ex. Surely this leds to them being a Disney Dad/Mom (they know they are screwing up but hope fun/toys/no discipline will make up for what they should have done for the child)
For Father's Day and Mother's
For Father's Day and Mother's Day weekends our order states that each parent gets the entire weekend respectively regardless of how the rest of the weekends are lined out.
Perhaps, if the opportunity arises the order in your case could be changed to reflect that. It works out well for us.
And yes, I would look at those comments as possibly the beginning of PAS. Document them.
our agreement is structured
our agreement is structured the same way.we get them for the entire weekend. same thing goes for DH's birthday and BM's birthday.
Blendedfam, why are you on
Blendedfam, why are you on this site? Even when you try to "help" posters, its always some smart ass remark, where your laying out your thoughts in such a degrading manner... Everytime someone posts, your against them, including me. And ,no, I'm not dumb, obviously ur not the BM in that scenario, but ur acting like one. When everyone but one poster is against ur response, that should say something.. Your negative to nearly every poster, and maybe that's what you rub us the wrong way
So she shouldn't be on here
So she shouldn't be on here because she is not bitter and loves her skids she shouldn't be on here but she has a different opinion then you? REALLY?????? No wonder you are all in the situations you are in. LOL. HAHAA
Its not about the differing
Its not about the differing opinions its that She finds ways to disagree with everyone. She offers no help and I can't understand why she is here either. She seems to only want to be little or blame the posters for their vents and feelings.
No it is because she tries to
No it is because she tries to see the other side of things. And then everyone calls her a BM like that is an insult. First of all Welcome to America the land of the free. She can do whatever she wants. Do you own this site? NO! Do you own the internet? NO! So there for she can be whereever she pleases.
Didn't say I owned the site
Didn't say I owned the site or that she couldn't post what she wanted. I was just explaining why people feel the way they do.
Back to the topic. I still stand by the fact that the BM the OP posted about should not have said what she did to her child. She probably just intended on hurting the father but she ended up hurting her own child too. Neither party did well by the child
oh, please, you contribute
oh, please, you contribute NOTHING. You let BlendedFam take all the heat, and then you jump in with a "me too." This last post of yours was a 5 year old's equivalent of a "na na na na boo boo." Amusing, you are.
just to clarify, aggravated
just to clarify, aggravated is talking about mermaid, which I agree with. Mermaid can't see past her sitch, and just follows whatever Blended says. At least Blended states how she really feels, knowing she'll get heat for it. Maybe because she'll get heat for it, who knows?
i bet the op wasn't counting
i bet the op wasn't counting on her blog turning into a back and forth on "why should or shouldn't blended fam be here?"
come on people focus on the topic
I am more than a little
I am more than a little bothered by the idea that somehow Father's Day and Mother's Day has now become a holiday about the kids. Seems to me these days were intended to honor the parents.
How did it become some sort of bad/neglectful parenting to reschedule the celebration of the day because one party wasn't willing to be flexible with time?????
I have a question: Why was BM
I have a question:
Why was BM so unwilling to allow their dad to switch weekends? As far as I'm concerned, PAS starts with a BM with a nasty attitude and an unwillingness to stop being selfish. Why couldn't she allow SM and Dad to take SKids away for the weekend, especially knowing it's Father's Day weekend? I'm sure it would not have killed her. And, if she wanted to be TOTALLY truthful, she could have said;
"Daddy wanted you this weekend, but I said no. He has plans, but will see you on Monday."
And, as lots of people have commented, I'm sure a 5 year old doesn't know it's Father's Day unless they're told.
Whoever previously gave the
Whoever previously gave the Wikipedia definition of PAS did not include the entire definition, Here is the rest:
How one parent may misuse the powers of socialization to turn a child against a once loved parent.
And that is exactly what the BM was doing by her UNNECESSARY statement to the 5y/o.
Don't know why this turned into a bashing session but the OP was originally asking if this was a sign of PAS and apparently the majority agree that it is!
Um first of all. I dont have
Um first of all. I dont have any bio kids. So now I do not PAS my unborn children and tell them horrible things about their father. HAHA.
I'm sorry, but what does it
I'm sorry, but what does it matter that she's the GF?? What does a little flippin piece of paper have to do with anything???
Yes, I am a GF. Don't know
Yes, I am a GF. Don't know if you realized but it doesn't take a piece of paper to make a commitment :jawdrop:!!! In today's world, just as many people get married and breakup as those who only "date" and breakup.
I agree with this SBS. You
I agree with this SBS. You have to be clear and precise when communicating with children about these things otherwise you open yourself up to whatever the other parent wants to tell them. sad that we all have to be so guarded but that's the way it is.
SBS! You rock!
SBS! You rock!
Wow. Just wow. The man was
Wow. Just wow. The man was told he could not have his child, made other plans, the BM told the child a hateful, hurtful thing and HE shouldn't be celebrated? Sorry, I feel you are so off base with this you have actually left the field.
"however, he informed BM that
"however, he informed BM that he and I were out of town (6 hours away) all weekend and he wasn't going to be able to take the skids."
HE informed HER he wasn't going to be able to take the skids.SHE didn't inform HIM that he couldn't have them.
unless i missed that in another post.
Submitted by SteppingUp on
Submitted by SteppingUp on Wed, 06/23/2010 - 1:01pm.
We had a family event for my side of the family. We would have taken the kids with us but BM said it was "her" weekend...just a reason for the skids not to be a part of "my" family though.
Yes, he wasn't happy about it, but we knew we'd see them the day after.
this was like 3-4 posts down by OP.
thank you! I stand
Sorry for dad that he had other plans and Bm wouldn't switch weekends.
we are so busy making each other's life tough to get revenge for supposed slights that we forget to bend to each other and we bend our children til they break. both ADULTS in the situation had so many better options. BM could have switched weekends,dad could have come home from his trip a bit early to be with his kids on fathers day,bm could have kept her big mouth shut and given the kids the real answer about why dad wasn't there,etc...the list of "coulda done" goes on and on.
People need to learn the value of compromise,give and take.
We NEVER get the stepkids on
We NEVER get the stepkids on Father's Day. NEVER. Court order or not, doesn't happen. Can't even tell you how many thousands of dollars we have spent trying to enforce the court order, and we still don't get them. The youngest is almost 14, and the only one of visitation age now, and we no longer make any plans of any kind around her. As Crayon has said, this kid has drank the Kool-Aid, and she likes it. We know we have tried to do the right thing, and Bm ahs to live with herself for the things she has done, and to a certain extent, the stepkids also. I don't hold them blameless, they know the difference between right and wrong. It did not have to be this way, but we have tried to find our peace with it.
double post
double post
SBS~it's hard to ask someone
SBS~it's hard to ask someone advice when they are constantly berating in their replies. I am sure she may have some good points but it's the presentation of and delivery of that advice that is lacking.
"They may not be able to see
"They may not be able to see their children on a designated date. Oh, it's ok for the BM to screw with the set schedule every time she gets a whim but if a dad does it OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH watch out; it means they DESERVE a statement such as "your dad didn't WANT you""
---- Exactly. And you would know this is exactly what happens by reading my other posts
Thanks for your support, crayon.
BM refused to let DH take her
BM refused to let DH take her with him, she refused to let DH talk to her on Father's Day. She is intentionally trying to hurt the ex and what she did is WRONG.
Schedules change all the time. If it were any other day, and DH needed to switch a day here or a day there, would BM have done the same thing? He made up for it, what damn difference does it make that it was one day later?!
A 5 year old child does not fully understand what Father's Day is really about, and I doubt she even noticed what day it was. Father's/Mother's Day is about the parents!! BM had no cause to tell the child that daddy didn't "want" her, that is simply unacceptable.
OMG, that was the funniest
OMG, that was the funniest thing I have heard all day!! I just spit Coke on my computer screen! LOLOL!
Well, I didn't want to get
Well, I didn't want to get into the pissing match that's going on here, but I think a bunch of you are confused, that's all.
The OP said that: he informed BM that he and I were out of town (6 hours away) all weekend and he wasn't going to be able to take the skids. This leads to the assumption that Dad made the choice to not spend the holiday with the kids.
But then: We would have taken the kids with us but BM said it was "her" weekend...just a reason for the skids not to be a part of "my" family though. This statement makes us think that the BM kept the kids away from Dad for the holiday.
Conflicting statements. That's why everyone's arguing on this.
That's all I'm saying. Mum's the word!
I think I can hear crickets
I think I can hear crickets chirping
kumbaya...or however it's
kumbaya...or however it's spelled. kumbaya *swaying with peacepipe*
Okay I am finally writing a
Okay I am finally writing a response because I did not honestly know this would get so heated.
I do understand that blendedfam was trying to see the other side. We are all step parents here who come here so that we have support for our side, which in many cases IS the "other side"...the side that is unspoken for, unappreciated, etc. Isn't that what we always say? Now we can't be judgemental when someone is trying to get us to see the "other" other side. I always appreciate looking at things from a different angle and those of you who have posted on my blogs in a way that gave me a differing side, I've always thanked people for that perspective.
HOWEVER, I do feel there was some major miscommunication here and that yes, I was attacked from the get-go, maybe not by the "point" trying to be made, but certainly in the aggressive tone. I understand many of you have a "history" with each other which I think complicates this as this topic became more and more heated today.
On to the subject at hand: I do see how some are saying that DF opened up this door by not being in town for Father's Day. Here's a little background that many (or all) of you didn't know: DF's son is 2 years old. DF's "daughter" -- SD5 who made the claim that he didn't WANT her -- is not actually his daughter. He's been raising her since she was an infant. SD5's real/biological father had her ALL DAY on Father's Day, as per HIS stipulation. So the fact that she was told that "Daddy" (my DF) didn't WANT her was completely out of line even more because he didn't even "get" to have her, as he's NOT HER REAL FATHER and SD5 is in his custody completely voluntarily, to keep SS2 and SD5 together. As far as a 5 year old (who is not in school yet) knowing whether it was Father's Day? Yes, she knew about it...they did a project at day care on Friday, but certainly had to have been reminded of it by the time Sunday rolled around. As far as stepson2 knowing which EXACT day it was? No way.
The other problem I have with BM is that she KNEW about this ahead of time, we asked her if we could take the skids or just SS2 atleast. She was completely entitled to say no, since it was her weekend. Let's not forget that it was a bit ridiculous that she will let babysitters take her kids all the time and will pawn them off on anyone - us included - so she can have her free time. Yet she wouldn't allow DF to take his son out of town for the weekend when we could have switched weekends with her, then she even used it against him. AND wouldn't answer the phone when he called (multiple times) to talk to his son on Father's Day. Yes, he went out of town when he could have stayed in town to spend Father's Day with his son. I see that now maybe we would have avoided this if we had stayed in town...but the point is we tried to make the best accommodations for everyone involved, by taking the kids. They would have had a blast with my family, swimming and playing with my other neices and nephews. But BM was not honest with us about her feelings that she thought DF should have been here this weekend, and she could have made a comment to DF instead of bottling it up and trying to use it against DF and in turn hurting her own children.
No matter whether it's PAS or not (I said in my title "THE BEGINNING OF PAS???" WITH QUESTION MARKS!)BM didn't have a right to say to SD5 that Daddy didn't want her. The entire reason for my post was about why would someone tell her kid that? Why not just tell the truth about where dad was, and like someone mentioned, have the skids call him to ask him about it?
I agree also that PAS gets thrown around all the time. It's an "easy" label, which is why I was hesitant to use it in my title even....but alas, I did.
And I honestly can't beleive that someone who doesn't know our situation and who doesn't read my blogs and doesn't know my DF would EVER say that he doesn't deserve to be celebrated on Father's Day because he wasn't in town? He has taken responsibility for a daughter that isn't even his...that's not someone to be celebrated?
I want to thank those of you who seem to have agreed/disagreed while remaining mature adults. Buttercookie, dguiwh2334, HennyPen...thank you for your support.
So Dh isn't even her real
So Dh isn't even her real father and she spent father's day with her real dad? does the other dad take the 2yr old as well like your DH takes the 5 yr old? I'm sorry but Dh should step off trying to be the 5 yr old's dad especially if her real father is in the picture still. he should focus on his child and forget about what BM said to the 5 yr old..yeah it was shitty but it truly isn't DH's problem anymore bc the real baby daddy was with her anyway.
Yes, DF isn't her real
Yes, DF isn't her real father. Her real father picks her up for holidays to open presents at his mom's and get in the holiday family picture, then he drops her back off with BM. His visitation is one Saturday a month, and this month he took her on Sunday instead for Father's Day.
I know what you are saying and have at times agreed with you - that he should "let go" of SD5. Being on the inside of the situation is a little more difficult, especially when you feel you are providing a stable environment for a child that you truly love - even if it is not blood related. Basically, DF was a step parent who turned into a parent because her "real" dad wasn't in the picture for three years. Two years ago bio dad came back in for his court-allotted visitation. Should DF have broken this off at that time? I don't know. We don't know where our future is with her, all we know is that we truly love her and will continue to be loving adults in her life.
you have my sympathy, this
you have my sympathy, this has to be such a rock/hardplace type situation. but really,i know he loves the child but he has to start thinking of what's best for his family and his child too right? if bm is going to start alienating that little girl from your DH by saying stupid ignorant remarks like that to hurt her and Dh what choice does he have other than to start creating distance between him and the child. he can't control what bm tells her so maybe it would hurt her less if she didn't see Dh as much? i know pulling away is probably the wrong thing to do from a psychological standpoint but i just can't see any other way to take away the power BM is wielding with this child. what happens when the other child gets big enough to be alienated as well? is there any way to try for full custody since BM already has a child to care for?
I commend DF for being a
I commend DF for being a father figure to a child that isn't his and for whom he has no obligation to take care of.
My youngest sister has a different father than the rest of my siblings, and her father ran away before she was even born. My father graciously allowed youngest sister to come along with me and my siblings for all EOWE visits. He had no obligation to take care of her. But he was trying to do something good for another child, mostly because she was our sister but also because my dad is a good man.
And for what it's worth, I do think BM's comments were the beginning of PAS. It starts with little white lies that get bigger and bigger over time. I hope you are able to nip it in the bud before it becomes a serious problem for your SD.
Also, it is possible that BM
Also, it is possible that BM is being a bitch because she feels justified? justified bc technically she doesn't have to let your DH see the 5yr old at all if she doesn't want to.I'm going to assume he doesn't pay support for the 5 yr old (please correct me if my assumption isn't accurate) really she is in her mind doing your DH a 'favor' by letting him stay in the 5yr old's life. maybe she felt like he was pissing on her "kindness" by not being around for father's day? i'm not taking up for her,i'm just trying to figure out what would possess her to say a hurtful thing to a small child like that.
You hit the nail on the head:
You hit the nail on the head: BM always looks at the situation as HER doing US a favor by "allowing" her daughter to be in his life. She uses SD5 often as a bargaining tool and any time something gets brought up about money or anything she will say, "Then maybe you shouldn't take SD5 anymore." I think she's gearing up to take her "away" from us, and I truly believe it's her jealousy of how well I get along with SD5. BM has issues with SD5, and she and I have absolutely no problems!
And of course DF gets down sometimes feeling underappreciated for taking SD5 all the time.
No, he does not pay CS and there is no court order. However, if you read previous blogs of mine, we have been hoping to gain custody (or possibly have her bio dad sign over rights, which we 95% believe he would gladly do to get out of paying CS) some day of SD5 as well. We know it's a long shot...that's where the "hoping" comes in!
It's definitely a hard place to be and it's hard to have the answers...both when looking in from the outside AND when you are actually in the situation as we are.
Cool and Calm it isn't even
Cool and Calm it isn't even his kid and the kid stayed with it's REAL dad. How could her husband take a kid when he was with someone else? What would staying home from a vacation accomplished when he couldn't have the child anyway because the child was visiting it's father?
The fact is the BM told the
The fact is the BM told the kid a lie and wouldn't let the father take the kids for the weekend. She should have done a visitation switch or something if it was that important to her. The father was seeing the kid the day after. It wasn't a major holiday and could have been celebrated on a day besides Sunday since it was the mothers weekend.
I'll stop making excuses when
I'll stop making excuses when you stop trying to deflect from the fact the BM said something aweful to the child. The BM is more in the wrong here and you know it. There is no reason a child should be told they aren't wanted. I think you just like to argue. Well I'm done debating anything with you because you won't see anything besides what you want to see and then you blame people for doing exactly what you are doing.
Your upset over #4 as I can
Your upset over #4 as I can tell by your postings. The dad moved on and got a new life. Most BMs can't understand this. The dad didn't have the child for this weekend. The mother wouldn't allow it. The dad had plans for the weekend and was going to celebrate on Monday. There is no need to celebrate Fathers day on Sunday. A lot of parents don't. They celebrate when they can because of work, other obligations etc. yes even families that have no step do this. The Mother was in the wrong 100%. In the future I think the dad needs to have it spelled out in his decree he gets the entire weekend for fathers day and the mother gets the same for Mothers day. Mine was that way and it worked fine. We just resumed the visitation schedule after that. The BM in this situation was heck bent on making the father look bad she wouldn't allow the kid to go with and then she decided to put the icing on the cake to hurt the father and ended up hurting the kid. Sick behavior.
Cool and Calm - You do bring
Cool and Calm -
You do bring up a good point that of course I would hate to admit but am willing to...yes, we would think less of BM if she didn't take the kids on Mother's Day.
We can all think it's horrible that he didn't have his son on Father's Day and yes, he would have had the opportunity to take him, had he been in town. I did not force him to go out of town with me...he was not obligated. NOWHERE did I say it was more important for him to go out of town with ME, so I'm not sure where that came from. When we first agreed to go to my family's function (my grandma and grandpa were back in my hometown for one weeke only, they live across the US and travel "home" just one time a year), we didn't think it would be a problem to switch weekends with BM and take the kids, since it was Father's Day weekend and we often switch to accommodate other events. She seemed to be intentionally making this harder than it needed to be and it was out of character given that she usually pawns off the kids. After the weekend was over and we heard the comments to SD5, it seems like it was all very manipulative.
And yes, Father's Day means alot to me and to DF and we would have stayed had there not been other circumstances and it not sounding like a big deal at first to BM. However, his son does not know the difference between Sunday and Monday....
I don't think Stepping up
I don't think Stepping up made it as big a drama as WE here on step talk made it. Reading a vent or situation in a bolg is far less emotional then when you are living it.
I can't resist adding my
I can't resist adding my comment--in response to CaC, yes it does matter what BM says in this case. Her remarks were wrong and calculated to cause distress in the child. Think about this--if you had a child and the father really abandoned him/her, would you say "he didn't WANT you." No, a loving mother does everything not to let the errant parent's behavior make the child feel rejected. BM is totally childish and cruel and setting the kid up for a lifetime of mental issues.
BM not switching weekends was more controlling horse doodoo, but whether plans should have been changed or not, her remarks were out of line.
PS sorry to see more bashers rearing up again. When does it ever stop on here? You better be careful because you will get blocked, esp when personal insults get hurled.
Isnt' that what the OP did?
Isnt' that what the OP did? Explain to a small child that it wasn't the case that her dad didn't want to see her? I think her response and reaction when speaking to her SD was completely apprpriate. I swear, are some people reading something in an alternate freaking universe???
Thank you, aggravated1 I've
Thank you, aggravated1
I've found myself through the course of these comments wondering the same! HAHAHA!
I wasn't talking about you,
I wasn't talking about you, more the ones who call people bitter and old. That is personal and uncalled for, IMHO.
Actually, I do think the BM
Actually, I do think the BM is "bashing" BF to kids, which is CRAP.
Lowly, step parent that I am (no bios, either)
I know that no matter how f***** up BM's actions are, I cannot speak frankly or reveal my true feelings to SD10.
What kind of parent tells a kid that "Dad didn't want you on Father's Day" ?
The kind of parent that is USING the children to bludgeon the Father to fullfilll her own agenda. If BM was really that concerned she should have addressed BF (away from the children)
Did BM think about how the kids would feel ? No.
Is what BM said in the best interest of the kids ? No.