A confession...
I ended things with my bf back in June because he had basically been telling me that nothing could change: his daughter was his first priority and he couldn't put our relationship first, BM would always have veto power, he didn't think there was anything wrong with the relationship with his mother, he had no plan to improve his financial situation/move out of his mother's house (long story but where I live BMs rule and this lazy BM who doesn't feel she has to work full time has drained this man via CS.
If you read some of my past blogs you can see I'd suffered for more than a year d/t the way he guilt parented and is like a marienette with all the women in his life (BM, SD, mother). When I ended things I'd just had it -- it was crystal clear I loved him and he loved me but we could not go on the way things are -- things could not work without something changing. I told him to take care of his stuff and that if something changed sometime down the road let me know, but for now, we each needed to focus on our own lives.
I spent a month free of agonizing over his stuff and this decision. I felt completely free. I have made some new friends (I moved to a new town a year and a half ago to be with BF)recently and I started spending more time with my gfs. I felt wonderful not having to hear the latest MIL/BM/SD story or living in limbo trying to force a square peg (our love/my love) into a round hole (this effed up situation).
Well, he sent me a text message telling me he started seeing a therapist and was making some positive changes, saw the error of his ways. I essentially just answered without more than a word or two. This went on for a few days and he begged me to hear him out...that things were getting ready to dramatically change for him and please, could I just meet him for a few minutes at a neutral location so he could tell me in person. I figured I'd at least hear hime out.
Well, he told me he realized he wanted to put us first, that he wanted to make me and our relationship the top priority. He said through counseling that he saw how in trying to prevent certain things from happening he was actually causing them to happen. He said he finally could see all the dysfunctional dynamics between him and the women in his life and how it negatively affected our relationship and that he was working to change things.
He decided to change his crazy custody situation from EOD (yes, every other effing day) to EOWE. He said he realized that SD had a home with her mom and that he's been trying to be a second mom but he's not. He said he was also going to go back to school to increase his earning potential and that he was going to move out of his mother's house which would cut this dynamic he has with his mother who treats him more like a spouse than a son.
I started spending time with him but told him I cannot make any sort of committment -- that I once was there but now I am not. I told him I needed to think of myself as a single person and not part of a couple and that any decisions I made needed to be based on me and my kids, not him.
He's been going to counseling weekly and I really think he's going to make the changes but he's still not there yet and I've been suffering through his stuff for so long. His life wasn't ready for the kind of relationship we both want/wanted and it still isn't. I am trying to be patient but I am having extreme difficulty. Something doesn't feel "right" inside of me...I am guessing because the situation still isn't right/ready for me/what we want.
I feel that a situation needs to be conducive for a relationship BEFORE you ever try to pursue one. He still has all sorts of stuff he needs to free himself of and cannot afford to live on his own right now...hopefully soon, but it makes it harder to have a relationship when I can't go over his house.
He is a great person and is so good to me and my kids. My kids adore him. He's give the shirt off his back to anyone...this is part of why the women in his life take advantage of him. If he'd never been married/had SD I know we'd be completely happy, but I cannot separate him out from his situation.
One additional thing...BM has diagnosed OCD and has not been doing well lately. SD also has some issues and has been picking up on all the stuff that her mom does/says/etc. I'm very hesitant about getting into this, esp. since SD is young and my kids are teens, almost on their way!
I keep hoping that as things change that my feelings with change and things will feel "right" again but I wonder if it is too late. He still hasn't totally broached the subject of changing the custody arrangement and won't be able to move out until at least late fall.
I have agonized with my decision for a year and for me to get to the point of really ending things something changed in me. I've been trying for so long to be ok with the effed up situation he's in and I think it may have just ruined something in me with regard to him.
Do you think it is possible my feelings could come back? I do love him but I am too old and have been through too much to suffer in a situation for love. No way. The situation has to be right.
I've told him everything I've said here...it's very hard to even just enjoy pleasurable things together when I have this eating at me. I so want to feel like this is right! But right now I don't! I wonder if we need to just be friends until things really change in his situation and inside of me. I didn't even get a chance to miss him...I was too relieved to finally not have to this about all the bullshit on his side.
I just can't go on much longer with this conflict. It breaks my heart because he's always telling me how he loves me etc. I told him to stop talking about the future because it just makes me feel more scared and afraid and I can't promise anything past the present moment. It's like I finally said "Screw this!" and then he finally woke up! We're totally out of sync.
Thanks for listening...
- AlexandraL's blog
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So the consensus is I should
So the consensus is I should not give him a chance now that he's improving things?
I think the time for us may have come and gone. I do still love him and want to feel "right" but I don't. I think it is just the result of trying to make an unbearable situation ok in my mind for SO long...and now that things are changing it's lost on me, at least right now.
Just curious...how old is
Just curious...how old is this guy? Your post was reading like he was 18 years old, and I was on his side for a minute until I read that you have teenage children! If he was 18 and a late bloomer, that may be amenable to therapy and effort, and a kick in the ass to get his life started. If this is a grown man who lives with his mother and has spent his adult life letting his ex wife walk all over him (and you), I say forget it. If he didn't realize he needed to change (for him most of all) by so late in life, I don't think once a week of counselling is going to help. I think you have been through enough. I think you should move on and find a real adult man to share your life with. Why wait for him to grow up? You say your heart isn't really into it with him. Listen to your heart and find someone better. Too late for him in many ways.
He's in his 30s and works at
He's in his 30s and works at a decent job and owns a home. He is renting out his home because he can't afford to live there post-divorce.
Alex- so sorry for all you
Alex- so sorry for all you have gone through.......
I really feel that sometimes.....well, timing is everything. If you've got the time, I have a story to tell you.
The man who turned out to be the love of my life (at age 27) was married. I didn't know that when we went on our first date. We were business associates, so I laughed it off and said it was just drinks with a friend. I swore I would NEVER have an affair with a married man. I told him when and if he was free, it would be a different story, that I wasn't going to break up a marriage.
Well, six months later, he left his wife. We started to date, and fell madly in love with each other. We were each other's best friend, lover and business competitor. But there was a catch. He had two children - children that he never wanted, but loved just the same. When his little boy threw his arms around him one visitation and begged daddy not to leave, it broke him. He went back to the wife, while professing how much he loved me. Heartbroken, I went on with my life.
A year later, he left her again. But still couldn't get over the guilt, would not introduce me to his family. We were dating, I told him to get some counselling. In the meantime, I went about my life. I met someone else during a period we were not seeing each other, and, foolishly, thought I was in love. Looking back, I was frustrated with my situation. Of course, when the new man had proposed, I went to the other and told him, as I had promised him that if there was ever anyone else, he would be the first to know. (At that point, I still had not been intimate with the new man). The morning after we first slept together, the old boyfriend phoned me. He wanted me back. He wanted to introduce me to his family. He finally wanted to move in with me. I told him it was too late (even though the previous night with the new man had been disasterous...)
I married the other man, despite having some reservations. Turns out he was a raging alcoholic. That marriage ended within six months. After a few weeks, I phoned boyfriend #1 as I had concert tickets that I had won and was looking for a friend to go with me. Well, he had just returned to his wife two months previously. I wished him well, and ........again went on with my life.
Boyfriend #1 and I ended up in a night course together a year later. He was once again, trying to extracate himself from his marriage. I thought I would wait for him forever. I was wrong. I met my current husband, became pregnant (we were both ecstatic), and married him. Two years into the marriage, I ran into the old boyfriend at a conference. He was finally free - only because his ex-wife had finally walked out of a loveless marriage and found someone else. That was great for him because it equalled no guilt. Of course, he told me over coffee, his dream was "to get me to leave that guy I married" and everything would be wonderful. For a couple of months, I was very confused and torn. As much as I love my husband, it never equalled what I had with this man. But I came to realize that it was never meant for us to be together. In our case, one of the reasons it didn't work is that we were both decent individuals that did not want to bail on our families. When I was free, he wasn't. And vice versa. Timing can be everything in a relationship.
Now, I shared this story with you to hopefully make you realize that
1) although this man may be wonderful and you love each other, if he does not have HIS life together, than a life as a couple is not going to work
2) constantly returning to a situation that you feel in your heart is not going to work out is hurting only yourself in the long run.
3) sometimes even though it is the right person......it is the wrong time, and you can't change that.
That last one was a hard lesson for me to learn. I don't normally share this much, but your story touched me, and I really hope that what I have said helps. I don't regret loving this man, but if I had the choice of never knowing the hurt that I went through......well, I know what choice I would make.
Listen to your head as well as your heart. I hope things work out the way you want them to.
Aw, thank you! Glad I
Read your bio - you sound like a great guy, and it's wonderful that you get to enjoy your grandchildren. Unfortunately, my step-daughter has chosed to use her 2 year old and newborn as weapons against me, and informed us, after I posted on my Facebook page after the younger was born 2 months ago that I was the "Proud Grandma of so-and-so born such-and-such" with a pic of the baby, that 1) I was NOT to refer to myself as Grandma in any circumstance, and 2) I was NOT to use any pics of her children on my Facebook at all (her father could print them out for his use, as after all, he is their grandfather, but I am not related), and 3) if she and hubby see I'm not abiding by these rules now and in the future, they will not be impressed.
So, my grandparent days are over
P.S. I've been through the Catholic annullment process - converted for hubby - and it has drastically changed in the past few years - sent you a friend request if you are interested in chatting about it, or other stuff