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She's back.....

kangaroo's picture

....and so it starts. We picked her up on Sat. and we were told how she was caught stealing and lieing at BMs. and after the year we had with her before she went to BMs for the summer, my BF had a talk with her about how he would not put up with that behavior do you understand? She very sweetly replies Yes daddy. Well my daughter the very next morning not even 24 hrs later descovered she stole from her. My daughter knocked on her door and asked she ofcourse lied. We then told my BF what was up and asked him to go talk to her and search her room. His reply- she couldn't have not the first day. I said could you just go search please? He did and yes found it, and guess what did nothing but tell her if she wanted something like what my D has come to him and he might buy it for her, and thats it. Then she comes out and asks can I go out and play? He said yes and off she skips happily. I say "what no concequence" His reply was I did not want to punish her on her first day back.UHG Now every time I say anything to her he loudly asks,"What did you say to her?" Just venting.


kangaroo's picture

She stole out of my Ds bathroom drawer, so now my D has to carry her stuff back and forth. I will be key locking her door and mine.

kangaroo's picture

No shes not she has her own life, school, she is a second degree black belt in instructor training, and many friends. she helps me around the house because she was raised right.

Ineed to ask what part of that blog gave you that impression?

kangaroo's picture

OK what would you do? She doesn't just steal from my D she steals from everyone everywhere and once again my D is not a child..

kangaroo's picture

Money is a BIG issue right now and I'm doing what I can for me and my D (she turned 18 in july and I have a son 22 in the military, and no matter how old my kids get they are my kids and would do anything to protect them. Trust me I watch this kid like a hawk when possible. Even my son the last time he visited on leave my BF asked him to watch her and I would not allow it because of her lies.

This is a place to vent about SOs and thier kids. I'm not stupid, you are if your gonna judge people without knowing their whole story and being placed in thier shoes, and not everything is your business.


kangaroo's picture

I was referring to you saying I wasn't protecting my D, and that she was in a prison.
and I see alot of venting about significant others or boy friend or biological dads etc. not just the skids.

kangaroo's picture

I know that and I've tried to help make him see this so he can help her but I keep hitting a block wall and its very frustrating and hard to watch. I know deep down he knows the truth and is hurting too, but I also know I can only do so much and now our what could have been is over, and it hurts.

kangaroo's picture

I did that last year ofcourse the BF didn't like it but he didn't stop me either or would sometime give it back saying I was being to tough on her etc.

kangaroo's picture

I have tried he is in a deep state of denial. I have even tried to research her behavior on line he wont, she sees a councler now and then but he doesn't tell her what he is in denial about.

sm27's picture

You should talk to him again and let him know that you need to present a unified front and he should follow through with the punishments he says he will dole out if she gets caught stealing. When she grows up, the police are not going to give her a pass because for example, "it was her first day at school". Why should she get a pass now "because it was her first day home?". Your H is guilty parenting, and it's only going to create conflict between your family. I'm sorry you're going through this, God knows I would have lost it.