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O/T situational depression and antidepressants

AlexandraL's picture

The past year and a half has been extremely stressful for me. I left a well-paying job, family, friends, my hometown to move to exbf's hometown to try and create a blended family, which was extremely stressful. In addition to our blended family failing, we broke up, which has been very difficult. I also lost my job after the new year and despite working my ass off to get another job and several close calls (between me and one other person...other candidate getting chosen) I am still unemployed. In addition to being homesick and worried about my future in all ways, my son had some health issues which thank God where ruled out as being serious but he went through a full work up. Needless to say it has been a stressful extended period for me. I am also homesick still, after nearly two years of being here and cannot move back as both my kids are teens and heavily involved with friends/sports, etc. here. I know it wouldn't be good for them to move but it's awful for me, esp. since this area has few opportunities career-wise for me.

I've exercise a lot, see a counselor usually every week, have been volunteering to meet new friends and to have something on my resume, regularly plan get togethers with the three women I've met here, spend time with my kids, try to get enough rest but I am still struggling and wondering whether I should take AD. I have had panic attacks during the night and often lately feel afraid what else will go wrong. I am normally a pretty positive person...if I didn't stay positive I think I would have lost it by now.

I am wondering if anyone has been through something similar and gotten temporary relief using ADs. It feels awful to feel so scared and unsetttled but I have been very anti AD but did get a script and am considering taking it. I really feel it is my situation that is causing me to feel so anxious/depressed but I have no idea when things will resolve. Thanks in advance.


caregiver1127's picture

I have taken anti-depressants and now that my FIL lives with us I sometimes take antianxiety meds - try the meds if they make you feel better than great - if they don't help then stop taking them. Good luck and I will be praying for you.

txcajunmom's picture

i am a very high-strung person. i have been taking anti-anxiety meds for a while, they work! they do make me a little sleepy so i try to only take them when i am having a really bad day but lately that's everyday!! you can only try, talk to your dr and see if he recommends them. if so, give it a shot, it cant hurt! good luck to you!

DaizyDuke's picture

I used to have terrible panic attacks (usually at night) for years. It actually got so bad that I started having avoidance tendancies (i.e. I stopped doing anything or being anywhere where I had a previous attack)I've found over the years the attacks seem to amp up when something stressful is going on in my life. I also exercise alot, and (used to) see a counselor but had to be on anti-depressants on and off for years, When I got pregnant I continued my medication (it was deemed safe by Dr.) but really didn't have any attacks. About 6 months ago, I had forgotten to take my meds for a few days and then just quit all together and I actually haven't had any panic attacks. I still get anxious sometimes (usually over stupid Skid/BM stuff!!)

I often wonder if my pregnancy and the birth of my son helped with the panic as I think I am so focused on him that my mind just doesn't have the "free time" to be concerned with worrisome things that cause the panic.

One thing a counselor told me that actually works wonders is when you get into an attack, think of something else (come up with a favorite place and a memory that is very detailed: i.e. you love the beach, the smell, sound, color of the ocean and the warm sand beneath your feet) when the attack starts, start envisioning your favorite place/memory and all the details. Your mind can only focus on one thing at a time, so if you are focusing on your good memory, the panic will stop. My advice if you do try a med is to stay away from Paxil. I was on that for years and it made me gain weight and it is very hard to ween off of. I would NEVER take it again!

Good luck, with everything.. hopefully things will start looking up for you!

Jsmom's picture

I have done them on and off since my 1st husband died. Thought I was through the grief until I moved in here. Now, off again thankfully. Zoloft worked well for me the first time, but they were too expensive on my insurance this last time. I ended up on Cymbalta. Loved that, but caused insomnia for me. That lasted a few weeks and dissipated. Stayed on them for a few months. Went off when my therapist said the issues I was having were not caused by me, but by SK's. Now working out helps and staying mostly disengaged.

I would try something. It may only be for a short time or not. But, it seems to kick start something in me for a few months and then I want off of them. They stop all the depressing thoughts and my panic attacks. I have a prescription for xanax for the panic attacks. Which I only take if needed, like when the dog died. But, otherwise, they are there if I need them.

Try something with the thought that you will take them as long as needed in order to feel better. They do work alng with the therapy and the work outs and walks. Good luck!

AlexandraL's picture

Thank you ladies. My doc prescribed Lexapro, which I took once before, years ago, and it did help. I guess I just don't like the idea of something messing with my brain chemistry but when I get those awful scared/panic feelings it's horrible, esp. waking up in a panic attack and trying to go back to sleep. I feel completely alone and scared.

I am still hesitant but I think I will start them.

Thank you all for being so kind...I was worried someone was going to harp on me, which is the last thing I need.

Did any of you have problems coming off them?

LizzieA's picture

I have dealt with an anxiety disorder in the past and I believe it is a physical thing. Sustained stress can trigger it as your reserves of feel-good chemicals get drained. I've taken anti-anxiety meds briefly and then got off them once I was more stable. No problem.

hismineandours's picture

I take Wellbutrin which I've taken now for about 3 years since my dh's deployment. I have tried to go off of it a couple of times,but I start feeling more depressed. I like wellbutrin a lot-it's weight neutral-I actually lost 8 lbs in the first month I took it-it does not have sexual side effects, and I feel like it is energizing. I truly dont care if I have to stay on it the rest of my life. It's not that I couldnt do without it, I definitely think I could-but I find myself coping with things just a little better on it so why bother to go off it?
By the way I am a psychotherapist and have worked closely with many psychiatrists. I know that many people are anti-meds although that's never quite made sense to me-if you had diabetes wouldnt you take insulin if needed? Why wouldnt one take an antidepressant if you are depressed? That being said, I would stay away from Xanax and other benzodiazepines because they are highly addictive and you will build up a tolerane to them quickly. I see alot of people in the ER who are having seizures from running out of their benzo's.
It sounds as if you have great coping skills and ultimately I think these are what will be of the greatest benefit to you-BUT if you need a little help getting over the hump then I think you should take it.
Also with your panic attacks-try deep breathing and telling yourself that you will be ok. Often these attacks scare people and they have thoughts such as "I feel like I'm dying" that only produce more anxiety. Your fight or flight system is going haywire in your brain at this point and your body produces physical symptoms that your brain misinterprets as a dangerous/emergency situation. The deep breathing is important because many people hyperventilate when having a panic attack which causes MORE physical sx in the body that your brain misinterprets as an emergency. Also if you can focus on your breath going in and out-it will distract you from worrying abuot the panic attack which will ultimately decrease anxiety.
Sorry I got long winded there.