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My DH...

zenjetset's picture

Please write a good, great, wonderful thing about dh or dw.
Then write a bad,indifferent, difficult, annoying about dh or dw.

Me first...

My dh is really supportive, very understanding, and is just a total and complete sweetheart. I am lucky!!!

My dh still makes mistakes when it involves bm and skids. He tries too hard to be everyones everything. I hate reminding him "he is not bm husband anymore" but she is as much to blame as he is for this. I resent him sometimes as much as I love him. Which by the way...makes for incredible sex!!!


zenjetset's picture

Awe!!! with faults, warts and all love conquers all. Even bm, in laws, skids, work, life overall it's better when someone shares the ups and downs with us.
Cheers 425...I lived inseattle for 10 years! You were my first friend here on st!

zenjetset's picture

Ditto! You can't not love the man for that! After all mostly what we bitch about is dh being kind, caring and unattached to bm, but some not most ate threatened by this. I love my dh and I think most of us here do, otherwise we would not be here.

Anon2009's picture

My DH:

loves me
is a great & loving dad
puts up with my Asperger's and OCD

My DH:

didn't stick up for me and his kids to BM from the beginning
let BM walk all over him
gave money on top of $1500 a month to BM. I wouldn't have had a problem with that if the $$$ went to the kids instead of BM's child-abuser boyfriends.

MamaBecky's picture

DH Pro's - we have similar interests/hobby's so we enjoy alot of our time together, he is very attentive towards me, he makes beautiful children, he gives me an amazing extended family, he has a great butt...LOL, and he is unique in the way he thinks..certainly not a follower which I love about him.

The Con's - He is selfish and has an "its all about me" attitude often, lack of motivation due to lack of confidence, doesn't do anything for anyone (except me) without getting something in return. Really my husband is not a nice guy to most ppl except myself and his kids. He puts his hobbies and interests well above much more important things & responsibilities.

pastepmomof3's picture

PROs: My DH is smart, funny, handsome, and makes beautiful children.

CONs: My DH has a very laid back approach to parenting, which really isn't a con until there's an issue, such as visitation or dealing with the BMs.

StepMomJane's picture

Great post!!! Love this!

Worked hard in school for many years and is GREAT at his complex & crazy job
Snuggles in the morning
Always smells good (I can't say this for most men!!)
Appreciates me
Will go out of his way to make sure I'm happy
Fills my gas tank up because he knows I hate doing it
Handsome Smile

Doesn't forgive easily
Calls me out when I'm drunk (I pretend I'm not constantly...)
Eats loudly when he's hungry

rottierunner's picture

totally hot.....big strong jawline
still whistles or pinches when I am getting out of shower
hard working

Says "pull my finger" .....
Type A x 10
Always wants to be the good guy - needs tto be liked
a little emotionally retarded

I am going to show him will make him happy that I am posting something positive ......

Great Idea!!

wriggsy's picture

My dear, sweet DH:

Loves me...despite my many faults
Is tender, caring, loving, and doesn't have issues showing me all of that, too!
Hardworker...has an outside job, even though he could probably get an "inside" job, he stays outside because it pays more...just so he can be a good provider (hello...we live in Southeast's HOT like 16 months out of the year! hee hee)
He listens to me...and I LOVE to ramble!
He really is a good communicator...most of the time!
He makes me laugh all the time!
Honesty is his policy
He is a GREAT lover

He lets himself be railroaded by his kids...mostly his daughter
He tends to be a "lover not a fighter". Seems like that would be a good thing, but not when kids and exW tries to run the show!
Although he likes a clean house, he tends to have "tunnel vision"..meaning he won't see a pair of socks laying on the floor in the living room FOR DAYS!!
He gets kinda grumpy if he doesn't get to play golf every once in a while.

You know what..I have to thank "zenjetset" for helping me remember all the wonderful reasons why I fell in love with my dearest. The skids may be hell on earth, but he makes it worth it!!!

winehead's picture

Great topic.

Smart, smart, smart and a smartass too
Makes me laugh
Great musician
Tells me I'm beautiful all the time
Good cook
Likes holding hands

Craves way too much attention and approval from his kids; "no" is not in h is vocabulary
Insecure and shy around other people, including my own family, so he gets all defensive
Believes that the trash fairy takes out the trash

Really, I'm pretty lucky.

hismineandours's picture

Pros-nice butt, very unselfish in the bedroom,loves me very much, does things for me I dont like to do-(runs the kids places, goes to the store, makes phone calls,etc), likes to help people, loves my two children as his own

cons-HORRID memory (due to adhd and a tbi), too focused on material items and horrible with money, does not handle his anger well-although he never seems to stay mad at me for more than 30 seconds

skylarksms's picture

Hard working
Great sense of humor
Used to be a chef and is an AWESOME cook
Wonderful conversationalist, once you get him started
Highly intelligent
Nice hard body from all his hard work!

Mistrustful (thanks, BM)
Tends to be too controlling (I also blame this on BM as SHE was the controlling one in that relationship!)
Doesn't stand up to BM as much as I'd like - tends to want to keep the peace.