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hope this makes everyone laugh....

step-mommy dearest's picture

I know that this is a website to vent on... about step kids and So's
but sometimes its nice to see something on here other then a bunch of bitching sparents...

so I thought you guys would get a kick out of an update on how potty training my puppy is going...
those of you who know a little bit about my background know how i got the puppy and that she is a gift from GOD to help me thru SO & I's breakup.

anyway Day 2:
I get off work at 8am. by 830 me and Kooper are curled up in bed. I leave at 945 to take a friend to work and leave Kooper in bed asleep/.
I return around 1030ish and curl back up with Kooper to sleep. we sleep (she sleeps and plays on and off) til about 2pm.
I get up and look around.. no accidents! YAY KOOPER! in bed for about 6 hrs and no accidents!
I get up out of bed and say "Kooper, lets go outside to go potty" she then jumps off a pillow that she is playing on and walked to the middle of the bed,.. then... PPPPSSSS!!! Wizzed right there!
I was so mad!

but i am glad to say that she has only had 2 accidents today!

hope that made everyone laugh or smile as much as it did my facebook friends when they saw it! Smile


step-mommy dearest's picture

today has been even better... only 1 accident so far.. and its 330!! Smile

Im proud of my little puppy