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antidrama's picture

Tell me if anybody else thinks this is as F-ed up as I do...

BM has no land line (used to but got cut off because she couldn't/wouldn't pay the bill). She and SD use their cell phones. SD11 is not exactly the most responsible person in the world when it comes to taking care of her cell phone or remebering to bring it let alone charge it. It has been lost in the maze of MESS in BM's house countless times.

NOW BM has decided that she is going to "REFUSE" to pay her cell bill until she gets somethings "worked out" with her "CAREER" (that made me laugh REALLY hard). We're not really sure what that means...

What we DO know is that neither of them have the ability to place outgoing calls or texts. They CAN receive calls (but not texts). She thinks this is just fine because SD can still call 911. Fucked up or am I just being a worry freak about it?


stormabruin's picture

That's something to address with a lawyer. Your DH/bf needs to have a way to contact BM in case of an emergency.

What does working out her career have to do with her paying her cell phone bill??? My guess is one has nothing to do with the other. She just can't pay the bill. CS applies to household bills. If he's paying CS, she needs to pay her bills.

starfish's picture

same here:

"BM has no land line (used to but got cut off because she couldn't/wouldn't pay the bill)."

bm turned hers off, b/c bill collectors were the only calls she got...

me personally, wish skids phones would disappear... but ss10.5 calls ALL the frickin' time...

i wouldn't worry about it!

VAStepMom's picture

Its a mess.

Maybe consider getting SD a prepaid cell phone....paid by you, to used to call YOU?

Maybe the wrong parent has custody.... can she afford the kids?

beebusdriver93's picture

What did we do before phones!!!!!???????
I suggest getting the child a text only monthly plan if you need to be in touch...and who cares what the BM does

ThatGirl's picture

Our BM didn't have a house phone either. It was really bugging us because we couldn't ever get ahold of skids, and we worried about emergencies when she wasn't home with them. Court ordered her to get a phone and she did. Doesn't matter, she still won't answer it or return calls. Messages left for skids don't get relayed. But, at least we know they can call 911 if needed.

skylarksms's picture

In DH's CO, they both HAVE to supply either other with numbers that they can get ahold of each other. I think they have to let CSE know within a certain amount of time...

Couldawouldashoulda's picture

Most court orders do have a provision of having a landline with an answering machine. You might check yours?

antidrama's picture

I guess I see her point about being able to call 911 in emergency....BUT what happens if (more like when) she loses her keys to the house? Calling 911 isn't exactly appropriate.

I did confirm that she can RECEIVE both calls and texts but can't call out or reply to texts.

I'm just a "what if" person...

Thanks guys.

stormabruin's picture

Even that being the case, what if SD or BM need to contact you guys?

"What if's" are important to consider. They go both ways. She needs to have a phone people can contact her on & that she & SD can contact others on.