Are you living in BMs house?
Just a question:
Is anybody living in the same house BM and DH shared before you were in the picture? How do you feel about it? I have been living in the same house DH shared with BM for over 5 yrs now~I have made it my own~changed EVERYTHING! He was living in it alone for 4 yrs before I moved in...but sometimes it makes me sick to think she walked the same floors... :sick:
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Oh, I am. And probably will
Oh, I am. And probably will be for a while.
AFter 5 plus years here, I hardly think about it anymore, though. I have repainted, redecorated (his ex was a big fan of Dollar Tree) and it doesn't even look like the same house. But, do I want a house that DH and I picked out together, rather than live in the one he selected with the Crypt Keeper? Hellz Yeah!
I feel the same way!! I have
I feel the same way!! I have by all means made it my just sucks when I think "THEY" picked it out
together even if it like 10 yrs ago...and then the kids and all their stinkin memories..YUCK! I too will be here for a
I got rid of everything that
I got rid of everything that was hers, and DH didn't really care, because this woman has no taste at all. I mean, NONE.
You could try having sex on every possible surface, that might erase the memories- When SK's say, "I remember when mom and dad sat at the table for dinner", you can think "More than sitting down for dinner happened on THAT table! " LOL
no way. we live in MY house
no way. we live in MY house
One of my goals was to have my own home by the age of 25.I did it and I love my house.Wouldn't get rid of it for a million dollars so Dh lives with me 
Oh heck no. I would HATE
Oh heck no. I would HATE that.
I did and hated it but I
I did and hated it but I tolerated it for a long time - except when I got pregnant with DS, I was so upset that I'd be bringing my LO home to her house - I almost flipped my lid. Yes pregnancy hormones! I hred a contractor and basically had the entire house remodeled. DH didn't want to sell the house due to some odd connection with how him still owning it screwed BM over for her part of the equity.
A year ago we moved into a new house we had built and rented out the old one. Well DH's connection to the old house is done, he's talking about selling it which would be awesome!!! Our renter wants to buy it from us so it would kind of be a done deal!
Wow, you guys are brave!! I
Wow, you guys are brave!! I think it's great that you can make it work living in the same house the bm used to live in. Personally, that would be a deal breaker for me I would not be able to successfully have a relationship in that house but that's just me. I wish I could just say screw it and it would be fine but I can't even stand the sound of that bitch's name I hate her so much. If I had to hang around in the house she lived in for 18 years...yeah I would be living by myself in an apartment for sure! I have a lot of respect for you for being able to do it!!
Well, I don't since we aren't
Well, I don't since we aren't married. And when he comes to my home it's a home I bought on my own after my divorce, a few years back. So NO combined memories at my house. He also sold his house-so neither of us has to put up w/that crap luckily. That HAS to be a tough one, not sure I could stomach it.
god no; couldnt stand
god no; couldnt stand house left over skank vibes to deal with.
"Skank vibes" hahahaha, I
"Skank vibes" hahahaha, I LOVE it! And you're right, that is exactly what that is!
No way. 1. H refused to buy
No way.
1. H refused to buy a house with BM so there IS no house (all the better to piss off BM when H and I bought our house together. She'd probably be more furious if she found out it is PAID OFF too!!)
2. I would rather live in an apartment than in a place that H and BM shared