OT-Christmas Tree Decorating
I have been looking at magazines (Better Homes and Gardens, etc) and they always have these PERFECTLY decorated trees. In some of these houses, there are children living there. Do you think in a back room they have a "secret" tree that has all of the construction paper Santas and clothespin Rudolph's that their kids made? LOL
I would LIKE to have a tree like that, but I have all of this stuff that the kids made when they were little, ceramic ornaments, stuff like that. D
o some of you do two trees?
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It's funny I can remember our
It's funny I can remember our tree when I was a kid with the nasty tinsel and garland hanging everywhere, the paper chains and popcorn chains that me and grandma would make as well as the tacky crap I would make in Sunday School hung haphazardly about the tree..... and it brings back such good memories! BUT I am not looking forward to my BHG tree becoming my childhood tree when my 11 month old is old enough to want to "help" decorate.. haha!!
I have friends who have the nice "living room" tree and then have a smaller seperate tree that is just for their daughter to put her own decorations on in her bedroom, I think that is cool and I plan to do that for our son.
I remember those trees too!
I remember those trees too! Do you know DH still wants to put tinsel on the tree? SDo they even MAKE tinsel anymore?
When DD was little, she had a tree that we decorated in Happy Meal toys. We saved them all year, the Madame Alexander dolls, the Muppets, all the cute ones-and then glued string to the top and hung them.
We have also done a tree for her that was all of the Kelly dolls from Barbie that she had, we just stuck them in the branches instead of gluing string on them.
THe kids don't see to care about having their own tree anymore, though.
Do they even MAKE tinsel
Do they even MAKE tinsel anymore?
Gawd I hope not for your sake!! LMAO!
Yes they do I seen some last
Yes they do I seen some last weekend! :sick:
AUGH!!! Well, I will use the
AUGH!!! Well, I will use the "it will mess up the vaccum" excuse. Kind of like the Christmas Story version of "you'll shoot your eye out!"
I remember the tinsel! I
I remember the tinsel! I refuse to have it on our trees! The main reason is b/c it gets all over the place and I hate having to clean it up plus our puppy would eat it and well you can imagine that one. I won't do real trees either for the same reason. I can't stand to clean up all the needles all over the place.
As a side not I'm so frustrated! I can't fine plain purple wrapping paper! GGRRR
I have a "magazine" Xmas
I have a "magazine" Xmas tree. Most of skids homemade ornaments went with BM in the divorce (YEAH!). SD has since made some and I have put them on the tree.... kind of down low towards the back.....but last year SD wanted a tree for her room and her own ornaments. I happily bought her one and then when we were doing the "magazine tree" and her crafts came out she was all nostalgic "I remember when I made this..." and I said "Well, if you would rather have it on your tree upstairs I would understand completely" - which is where her stuff goes now - and she thinks it was all her idea!
I love the beautiful trees in
I love the beautiful trees in mags too! DROOL! Well I only have one girl and she is the only one that really cares as I already asked all the boys and they just shrugged and walked off! SOOOO I decided I get my mag. tree!
My dd has her own tree and told her she out all the hand made ornaments on it if she wants. Her eyes light up like a huge christmas tree! Pun intended. LOL
Damn guys i typed out this
Damn guys i typed out this really long response to Overit and when i came back to post it,the blog was gone LoL.
It would have been really good Maux }:) }:) }:)
We have two trees. One is a
We have two trees. One is a large 6 footer in the living room. The other is a small tree about 2 feet tall.
When SS was growing up and I had no kids of my own, DH and I would always decorate the little tree with SS during visitation and keep it in his bedroom. I would not allow anyone else to decorate MY christmas tree. I tried to come up with slightly different themes every year (red & gold, angels, crystal ornaments, etc.). I loved MY tree.
SS is 18 now and it's the first time we haven't decorated the little tree with him. So, I decorated the tree with kiddy ornaments for my bios ages 2 & 4. The tree is in DH and my room so the kids wouldn't destroy it - although that didn't work and the tree is now empty and the ornaments are all over my bedroom floor.
Because of my young bios, MY tree has looked very different for the past few years with handmade ornaments and lots of bare spots from the bios helping decorate. This is the first time in 5 years that I have MY beautiful tree back!
you are too awesome
you are too awesome
Crayon- I have a friend that
Crayon- I have a friend that married a man that believed that way and they were raising their kids that way. One day she came up to me and said I left him!! She was the happiest I'd ever seen her. Then the first christmas after she was the happiest woman and she told me how wonderful it felt to celebrate and to have birthday parties. She went all out and had the time of her life. thanks for reminding me of my friend and how happy it made her.
Yeah he tried to get the kids
Yeah he tried to get the kids but she proved he abused her and the kids plus the kids were teens except the youngest. So the teens all testified against him.
yeah I know she told me about
yeah I know she told me about it and how it works. I would never survive! LOL
I want an upside down
I want an upside down Christmas tree. Then all the decorations hang down nicely.
I have one ornament my sister and I bought on the last day of school (NZ school year runs from Feb - mid Dec. Mid Dec being summer). It cost us about $1 of our 20c a week pocket money. (Hey it was in the 60s). It is this gold circle with a reindeer in the middle. When I came to live in the USA 6 yrs ago my mother gave it to me. And wouldn't you know it... DH has the exact same decoration but in blue!
I am too nostalgic to throw out the old stuff. Although the SSons decorations tend to find their way to the lower branches on the inside "so they don't fall off and get lost".
Dh was talking about an
Dh was talking about an upside down tree the other day but he hasn't figured out how he wants to do it yet. I think I'll let him if he figures it out. He wants to put a mirror on the floor so it will look like it is right side up when you look at it.
Wow... I am soooo not up with
Wow... I am soooo not up with the times. I used tinsel last year and the year before... my kids put all the ornaments on (but not all of those homemade ones because some of them are just pitiful... LOL)... I only have 1 tree because I am too freakin' lazy to put up and decorate the 1... forget 2 or 3!! ROFL
Oh, I would LOVE to have one of those magazine Christmas trees of perfection, but I am NOT that talented. If you want Christmas carols I can sing those for you, but forget the tree... an artist I am NOT!
And I decided this year to heck with the 6 1/2 foot tree... I am going and buying a table top tree and the kids can decorate it however they want.
Up until now I've had a
Up until now I've had a smaller tree and placed on table top-always decorated with kids stuff.....you know tacky k5 ornaments and such. This year I have a 6 ft one..and plan to do it the grown up way. It'll be fun trying to figure out how to apply the curled ribbon.
I will probably ask the kids for their help in decorating as usual and will have them choose a few of their favs...and I do want at least one of each w/their pic ornaments. But I will use more fancy ornaments this year as they are a little older.
I have no issue w/two trees personally-I may use the table top on in their playroom and they can load it with ALL the ornaments they want.
Our tree is already up so the boys and I will probably be working on that over the next couple of nights. It's always been our thing to work on together the three of us.
You know, I wouldn't agree
You know, I wouldn't agree that Christmas is all about kids, but I do remember it being waaaay more fun/more of an event when I was a kid. What happened?!?
Also, I've never heard of having multiple trees in one house, but I guess that makes sense if you have a really nice room and lots of adult guests coming over (and no cats!). Our trees always end up as very large, expensive cat toys. We keep getting them though because I love the smell of Douglas Firs.