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Ex Wife Still Has Future Husbands Last Name

Unhappy's picture

So here I am yet again, blogging about the psycho in my life. My BF's ex and him have been divorced for almost two years and she will not change her name back to her maiden name meaning that when my BF and I get married all three of us will have the same last name.

So here's the thing, both his daughter and my daughter are in the same class at school. Three days a week we have homework that we have to do. There is a monthly calendar where you check off the days that you have done the work on and behind that sheet there is another calendar where you color in everyday that you read to them. On the second page the ex has writted both my BF's and her name like they're still married. You know like Rachel and Bob Smith. It drives me nuts everytime I do their homework with them.

So I made a blank copy of the one that my daughter brought home so that way we have our own separate sheets a couple of weeks ago. Apparently she is not getting the clue because even though I don't fill anything out on her calendars, she is still sending it.

So what I am planning on doing is writting a letter and attaching it to her calendars to let her know that we have our own copy and she doesn't have to worry about sending it over to our house.

What so you guys think about all this?


stepmasochist's picture

Ignore it. Don't let the delusional twat get under your skin.

BM here still has DH's last name and I hate it too. She's been living with a guy for like 3 years now and even has a fourth kid with him. She uses his last name on Facebook, but she won't marry him for real and change her name 1) because that would be the decent thing to do instead of being a true skank her whole life and only shacking up with babydaddies and 2) because that might screw up the government aid she is fraudulently receiving by not claiming the latest babydaddy who miraculously has a decent job as a member of the household.

So ya, I'm a bit bitter about the whole sharing a last name with the ex-wife (who was only a wife for about a hot minute) too.

ThatGirl's picture

Sorry, but it sounds to me like you're being overly possessive. Whether or not she wants to return to her maiden name is none of your business. I didn't go back to my maiden name when I divorced 10 years ago. Why would I want to have a different last name than my children? I had a different last name from my mother when I was growing up, and it was a royal pain in the ass. Sounds to me like she's just trying to keep things simple.

aggravated1's picture

I can see where it would bother you, but is it worth it to let her KNOW that it's bothering you?

Wishes's picture

Unfortunately, it's pretty common for women who take their husbands name to keep it if they divorce. Personally, I wouldn't want to keep 'his' name, amicable parting or not. But some women obviously don't want to bother changing it back. Not much you can do really.

mom2five's picture

I can see why it bugs you. But I kept my ex-husband's name after we divorced. I just didn't want to deal with the hassle of having to change all my stuff over...and it was easier to have the same last name as our kids.

I kept his last name until I remarried.

Wishes's picture

Honestly, I think it speaks to her feeling insecure about her identity so in that regard, I'd feel sorry for her. Of course it should be said that I am of the opinion that the taking of the man's surname is antiquated and silly and strips you of your uniqueness. But that's JMO. Wink

ThatGirl's picture

^This is perfect!

And honestly, the OP isn't even married to the man yet and is concerned about the three of them having the same last name? I just can't imagine if my ExH had a GF that was demanding I change my name. I would laugh in her face and warn him to run fast and far. Possessiveness like that only gets worse.

Unhappy's picture

FYI - I have never asked her to change her name or even demanded my BF do so. I have never said that I'm worried about sharing the same last name as her. Do I think it's strange? Yes. And that's a pretty big assumption to say that somebody that you've never met was possesive. I'm actually pretty confident in who I am. I know that he's with me regardless of her last name.

I thought the point of this website was to be able to vent when you're frustrated. Even if it's something small.

ThatGirl's picture

Absolutely, this site is for venting, so vent away! We all do Smile

When you wrote My BF's ex and him have been divorced for almost two years and she will not change her name back to her maiden name, it made me think that she had been asked to do it and was refusing. The "will not" is was gave me that impression, sorry.

Then you continued on with that when my BF and I get married all three of us will have the same last name. which led me to believe that you were worried about sharing the same last name as her.

Sorry if I misread your post. Sometimes it's hard to get the gist of a post without being able to hear the tone and see the facial expressions.

Unhappy's picture


I appreciate the apology. I understand that things in writing can be completely misunderstood due to missing the tone of voice and facial expressions. I have been guilty of the same thing.

ThatGirl's picture

My sons are now grown and on their own, and skids range from 13 to 22. I've said that I don't want to marry until skids are grown and out. I don't want to be their step-mother, I want to be their dad's wife. Now that I'm thinking about it more, I actually don't even want the same last name as them, and might just keep my own (which is the same as my sons and their father).

RaeRae's picture

I'm in the same boat as you. However I would love to change my kids name to my maiden name. Their father is in and out of their lives as he pleases. They don't want his name. They all want my maiden name (or my husbands name).

RaeRae's picture

Ooohh yeah.... actually, I wouldn't mind Norton... Yeah, I know Edward seems like a nerd. But he's my secret crush!

RaeRae's picture

Did you see him on the news this morning? And yesterday morning? And I LOVE The Illusionist... I'd have a poster of him on my wall, but I don't think DH would like that much Smile

overit2's picture

OH my gosh so do I!!! Yes I saw him on the news also about the charity website. He's so hot...I'd do him in the exit/fire stairwell at work and keep it a secret forever LOL

Unhappy's picture

Thanks for all your feedback guys. I appreciate it. It still bugs me to see her write their names like they're still married.

Not to mention all the crap she has tried to pull to get him to go back to her. And she has been resourceful. I mean everything from being terminally ill, calling him bawling begging him not to let me move in, having her dad call him and ask my bf not to let me move in, stalking the two of us, calling his mother bawling about wanting to be with him, and pulling crap with my their daughter. I don't think it's being overly possesive. I think that it bugs me because I can't stnd her and this is just one more thing.

Wishes's picture

Sounds like it's more a question of someone needing some serious therapy, Rx or otherwise! Wow. You'd better think long and hard before you marry this man because unless he puts his foot down to her shennanigans now, he never will. Sorry to be so blunt but that's my opinion. I'd be running for the door re: marriage to someone w/an ex that behaves so crazy.

skylarksms's picture

BM gave into my H at the time by giving skids his last name even though they weren't married. I think BM thought that would help get him not to take DNA tests of them - and it worked!!

BM talked SD into giving HER baby the father's last name (even though BM was hellbent on getting those two broken up the whole time they were together) as a snub to my H since he was excited that the baby would have his last name.

SD and Baby Daddy lasted a whole 1 month after grandbaby was born before they broke up...but I hope that the baby having the father's last name will help with the hell HE is going to go through to be a part of his child's life!! I am sure that SD will learn from her evil BM on how to pay back the daddy!

Sorry - mini-vent over.

My only condolence (and H's, too) is that H and BM never got married so she never, ever had his last name. That would annoy me to no end and probably would have prompted me to keep my own last name when we got married...

Ssamantha's picture

BM still has DF's last name. But apparently she never legally changed it when they were married. She files her taxes and files for financial aid with her maiden name because that's the name the government has on file since she didn't legally change it...when he asked her why she's still uses it, she said it's her legal name and it doesn't matter that she never legally changed it and that once they got married, she could use the name.

TheBrightSide's picture

In time, things like these will bother you less. Yup, it irritated the hell out of me that BM kept DH's last name. I really don't think its because SD10 has this last name, for her it was more out of laziness.

Early on in our relationship I was insecure about her and about DH's marriage to her. I've grown. I'm over it now really.

Soooooo much used to irritate me. Now....meh. She's a lazy narcissist woman, who I actually thank is my BM. She's never done anything to me personally, nor have I done anything to her. I don't hate her, but I wouldn't want to be her friend.

Trust me. Have some self confidence. He picked you. Remember that. In a couple of years, this stuff won't matter to you.

majka's picture

Agreed... this is the way it is with the BM in my life and me... and it used to REALLY bother me that she still had his name before I was married... now, not at all, life goes on.

totalof4's picture

I see no big issue with her still having the last name since it matches the kids.. but its riduculous that she is signing it "Rachel and Bob Smith" like they are still married. She KNOWS you will see it and its likely that she is doing it to get a reaction.. DONT LET HER SEE THE REACTION!! It will bother her more that you say nothing than if you show your butt.

This does not mean that I didn't still do the HappyDance when our BM FINALLY got married and she changed her last name.. DH did too. Interestingly enough, she married a guy that gave her MY mothers maiden name! No relation that I'm aware of. but that was better than she and I both having Mrs. XXXXXX... bc that is the way she signed it. Not Ms. but Mrs. -

Just IGNORE it..

Unhappy's picture

In answer to A.Deville's question, they have been divorced for almost 2 years.

I know that I shouldn't let it bother me. That's why I'm hear, to just get it out. I think that she does sign it like that just to piss me off. That's why I have my own copy that I use. I can't control what she does and I know that. But I sure as hell can say that I don't want to see it. And that's what I do.

I am looking forward to the day when I actually marry my BF. The next time I see his ex I can tell her that since we share the same last name it's almost like we're sisters. My BF gets a kick out of that.

And she's not keeping the last name because of the kids. That would make since. One of the last fights that my BF and her just before the divorce, she told him that she just wasn't going to give it back. Why? I don't know. He thinks it's because she just wanted to be a witch.

She told him she was going to change it a couple of months ago. But I think that was just some more BS of trying to get him back. That if he thought things were really over, he just might change his mind.

jojo68's picture

I still have my ex husband's last name simply because it is such a hassle to change it. You have to change everything, driver's license, SS card, credit cards, ect. If he asked me to change it back to my maiden name I would no problem as long as he shared in the expense of changing since he did sign the divorce decree that clearly states that he agreed I was keeping the last name. I wouldn't stress over it...

StillSearching's picture

unhappy I think it is common for women who have children with their spouses and then divorce to keep their marriage name, not all but most. My BF has also been divorced for 2 years and his ex still has his last name and I don't think she will change it for reasons that it is a hassle, the kids, and even the fact that she works at an insurance company and her clients know her by that name. But in my case I divorced but had no children with my ex so I did change my last name. I wouldn't let it bother you, Smile it is something she can do something about or decide not to.

Unhappy's picture

Again, thank you all for all or your advise and perspectives. I know I shouldn't let it bug me, and I'll get over it. I can't stand that women and just needed to vent. I can only handle so much crazy before I need to say something about it to some one and I would rather it be you guys then her.

TheBrightSide's picture

Vent away to us. That's what we're here for.

I'd also like to see you change your name. From "unhappy" to something like..."hopeful".

RaeRae's picture

I couldn't wait to change my name after my divorce. I did so as soon as I got my divorce papers.

BM has not changed her name. So now when she attends school meetings, it's as if DH has 2 wives. Kinda awkward. However, I will continue to go to meetings, for anyone wondering why I'd go in the first place... I spend more time with skids than anyone, and I am the one most involved with their schooling and homework. Therefore, I believe I should be at the meetings.

She changed her name on facebook, gmail, aol, to her new husband's name. But isn't doing it legally. It bugs me, but whatever. I have him, the kids, AND the name. Her loss. If she wants to hang on by the thread by keeping his last name, then in my opinion, she's letting us know she wants something back which she will never have again.

iloveit's picture

Ugh that would bother the shit out of me...I'm sorry about that. I don't blame you and likewise I worry about the same. I hope that when I marry this guy she will change her name. I agree with some of the other ladies, I think she's doing that to annoy you which is so immature. I bet you she doesn't care about having the same name as the kids and she probably does it to get under your skin. I would never keep someone else's name, especially if it was a really painful parting of ways...I don't need to sign this man's name and be reminded every single day. No thanks.

Rags's picture

Courts will often not grant a petition for the BM to return to her maiden name if there are kids involved. Some Judges prefer that the mother and children have the same last name. If BM re-marries names can usually be changed fairly easily though.

When my XW and I divorced my XW petitioned to have her name changed back to her maiden name. The judge asked if we had any children or if she was pregnant. She got lippy and he told her that if she was pregnant that she would never get her maiden name back.

Fortunately we did not have children and since it had been 8+mos since we were intimate the only chance that she was pregnant by me was if it was the second Immaculate Conception.

starfish's picture

i deal with the same last name shit, too ~ so i feel your pain.

her writing both her and bf's name on the calendar is just her being a jealous ass cunt.

so NO it's not petty, but really don't let her know it bothers you. maybe just cross thru bf's name when ther calendar comes to your house. she's technically providing false info to the school, right?

stepmasochist's picture

This is going to be fun - guessing her real last name. Is it



Milomom's picture

Unhappy, I'll probably get flamed for my response/opinion, but here it is...

NO you are not being petty about the BM keeping her ex's last name.

I agree with many of the above posters to NOT let BM know that it bothers you (as you have stated you haven't) and just to vent to us here.

You are not alone and your concern is NOT petty - and being concerned about this does NOT make you insecure. Especially in your case, it seems that quite the opposite is true - the BM is the massively insecure one - writing "Rachel and Bob Smith" like that?!? C'mon ladies, PLEASE!!! That is classic passive-aggressiveness if I've ever seen it. She needs to GET OVER IT AND MOVE ON - they've been divorced for 2 years already!!!

OK, so here's the part where I'm sure I'll get flamed, but I'm secure enough to post anyway, being a longtime StepTalk member and always trying to be the "voice of reason" and as objective as I can be:

BM not changing her last name after a divorce happens for a multitude of reasons, but when the reason is simply it's just "easier" to keep the exH's last name...give me a break!! That's a BAD REASON = EXCUSE, not a rational one. Sounds like nothing but laziness and selfishness to me. Ladies, it takes some time, some effort, some paperwork, some patience, some frustration and some more patience - and voila', it's done!! Think about it, you did it after you got married, right? Changing your maiden name to your married name, I mean.

As for the LEGAL perspective, a marriage is a LEGAL contract. You change your last name when you MARRY him. Accordingly, when you get DIVORCED, generally, it should be LEGALLY REQUIRED that you change it back to your maiden name. You are no longer a "SMITH" when you are legally DIVORCED from your ex-H, John Smith. That's HIS name and you are DIVORCED.

Personally, I would have absolutely NO problem changing my surname to my maiden name if I were to divorce. I would take care of it right away as PART OF the divorce proceedings and the aftermath of the paperwork that results once the marriage is legally over. I would not want to have myself identified by my exH's last name - I would want to take back the name my PARENTS gave me and that I've had my entire life.

Now to deal with the reason of keeping the exH's last name "for the kids' sake" (TM). Generally, I also see this as completely ridiculous. C'mon ladies, this is the year 2010!! The age of technology - schools are using smartboards, computers, parent portals, etc... It is VERY EASY for the child's school to have their official records noted about the divorce & the names can be as follows:


Now, I'm not trying to be cold or heartless. If the kids are having an EXTREMELY hard time with this ONE TOPIC (Mommy's last name being different from theirs), then it should be handled with love and patience - maybe the kids need a little extra time to adjust to the divorce...I get that. But there has to be SOME BALANCE here!! You ALSO have to admit that, at least in THEORY, by keeping your last name the same AFTER a divorce will give the kids FALSE HOPES of their parents reconciling in the future, no? I just think this knife "cuts both ways", here. I think that kids can EVENTUALLY adjust to the different last name (Mommy) just as easily as they can eventually adapt to having 2 separate homes (Mommy's home & Daddy's home) and their parents eventually moving on with new loves/relationships. Yes, it's hard...BUT IT'S THE REALITY of the situation!! It is what it is!! Kids are more resilient than many people realize. It just takes time, love and BALANCE!

I just want to apologize to anyone that I may have offended with this response - NOT intending to insult anyone or be mean. I know there are certain situations where there might be EXCEPTIONS for why keeping an ex's last name may be necessary - I get that.

However, GENERALLY, OVERALL it should be REQUIRED that an exW amend her last name (either back to her maiden name or another surname approved by the court) to reflect that her MARRIED surname is no longer allowed to be used. Legally divorced = legally cannot use that man's last name any longer. It should even be made part of the final divorce decree.

Just my humble opinion...

Milomom's picture

Thanks RaeRae, just stating what, in my opinion, seems to make perfectly COMMON SENSE with this issue.

This topic has come up on StepTalk MANY the OP can't be the ONLY WOMAN that is ANNOYED by an exW keeping her SO/BF/FDH/DH's last name. Honestly, changing a last name is something so ridiculously easy to resolve that it's almost comical when these women don't. It shows who the truly INSECURE person is.

Any MATURE, level-headed, responsible, confident woman would have absolutely NO PROBLEM whatsoever with discontinuing the use of her married surname when she's NO LONGER MARRIED to that man.

Why wouldn't a woman be PROUD to resume her maiden name - the name she was BORN AND RAISED with?? Why look at changing her last name as "oh, it's such a pain in the neck". Wow, I mean, really??

I think that's the problem, though - the BM's/exW's that we deal with in our personal situations are EXACTLY the opposite of that description. They are spiteful, bitter, manipulative and immature - they still need to find ways to "zing" their exH and to inflict uncomfortableness/drama as they move forward with future with another woman living a HAPPY LIFE. Usually the result of one person MOVING ON with their lives, while the other person just flails about STUCK IN THE PAST.

RaeRae's picture

I agree. I went asap and got my maiden name back, as soon as I received my divorce decree. I talked with my kids, and let them know that this is what I had to do for myself. I'm respectful of my kids feelings, however I am not going to base my life on whether or not one of my kids is not going to like something I do.

When I got remarried, I waited a little longer to take my husband's name. I gave it much thought, talked to my kids about it, and did it. They want to change their names one day, either to my maiden name or to my husband's name. If ever possible, I will let them do it. But that's another story.

I believe when DH's ex wife ran out on him, she thought he would be there waiting for her to 'sew her wild oats'. And I believe that she still believe that when she is ready, he will make a way for 'their family' to get back together. Yes she's married, but she needed a roof over her head. And she was held in contempt. It was basically 'get married or get out, or go to jail'.

ThatGirl's picture

You can't be serious??

My maiden name was my childhood name, and my married name I've held my entire adult life. When I divorced, I had held that name for more years than I held my maiden name. Why on Earth would I want to go back to a name that I had never used as an adult, that isn't the same name as any of my family, that was actually an alias for a father I had never known? Why would I want to revert to that name as though all of those years spent married never happened? I wanted a divorce from my husband, not from the person I had become.

IMO, reverting to your maiden name after a marriage of a substantial amount of time seems immature and even spiteful. You can't claim a mulligan on your life. There are no do-overs. You will never be a virgin again. I will never be the person I was before I was married, nor would I want to be.

RaeRae's picture

I was married for 10 years to a mentally and emotionally abusive asshole, who I was absolutely terrified to leave (and piss off) because of his threats. I may not have been able to reclaim my virginity, but I was able to separate myself from him as much as I could, and become 'ME' again.

stepmasochist's picture

I wish BMs had to change their names especially if they are people of low-moral character that are constantly in trouble with the law.

I have to share a last name with a woman that has been in trouble for manufacturing/distributing methamphetimine, assaulting her own mother and countless arrests for theft by check. I work very closely with the police. It's not a common name and a huge embarrassment. Luckily, she's stayed out of trouble since I've taken the name. I even joked about it with the chief and assistant chief of police when they asked what my married name would be and I told them why I was hesitant to take my husband's name. They were sweet enough to point out less than stellar folks with their last names that can't be booted from the family by divorce. Smile

Milomom's picture

Stepmasochist, I agree 100% - especially in a situation like yours that presents itself. How embarrassing!!!

Your DH should be able to legally get a court order FORCING her to immediately cease and desist from using his surname EVER AGAIN!

What a loser your BM is.

Keep your chin up, though. You may share the same last name with that disgusting excuse for a woman, but YOU'RE THE WOMAN WHO DESERVES AND IS HONORED TO BE HIS WIFE and sharing his LIFE with him - not just pretending by using someone else's name.

hbell0428's picture

I hate the whole last name issue as well. My DH and his ex where married for 9 months MAYBE.....and she kept it for 6 years. Her excuse was she wanted to same last name as her daughter.....That is until she remarried and then didn't hesitate to change it again...... Now SD lives with us FT becuase her new husband doesn't like her......I think the whole situation sucks

vent away

hbell0428's picture

In my defense only - the way I meant "excuse" was that SHE just did it to piss me off; because we weren't married....... She really didn't care about having the same last name as her daughter at all! She got married had three more children and then gave her to us.........My mom still has ex's last name - who cares?!?!?!

I don't think it should be written like......Jim and Jane Smith.... though!! AT ALL

overit2's picture

See....sigh..ok this is long...but this only shows that we are ALL different in our approaches. Ladies, nobody is right or wrong-and it's not ok to judge why people do or don't change their names.

Look-we have enough BS to deal with w/the name change (I've blogged about this before). Boils down to the fact that as women-and because of society we are screwed no matter HOW we handle this-all because of a very patriarchal society.

First, why should we have to take their name instead of keeping our own? How come kids automatically get dads name instead of both? Why o WHY on earth do you cease to become a PERSON and individual? Nothing worse then seeing Mr. and Mrs. John Smith on a card...see? No mention of you are molded entirely into the mans identity. I kid not when I see that it makes me's like the woman doesn't exist anymore when it comes to correspondence. You just belong to him, property and filed under his name.

SO, if you marry and don't take your H name, you're a feminist freak, if you take it you're an old school traditional and doormat.

Then the kids come and you argue about hyphenating or the mans name only.

Then you divorce and you're seen as crazy and vindicte and holding onto your exh if you keep the name, you're seen as vindictive and mean if you go back to your maiden're called lazy, full of excuses, not thinking of the children no matter your approach.

THEN comes the job, should you keep it, or change and will that hurt you career, your credit history, blah blah blah...

THEN comes remarriage and present a million other scenarios.....To take his name, hyphenate w/your maiden, keep your maiden...

Then comes the kids feelings, good, bad or indifferent that has to be dealt with-AND we have to worry about society thinks, our family, our exh's, the new gf's, the new wives, the kids, the school, the jobs, the churches,

And bottom line everyone-men, women, parents, society will have an opinion on how right/wrong you are no matter WHAT action you take...for a decision that wasn't even ours to begin wit!!! It's sad, it makes me angry at society as a whole.

So-at least here which is a relatively safe place-why give eachother shit about how WE chose to handle this matter? Whether it's fellow posters, your sister, the ex-wife, whomever! It should be their choice to make...what little choice they have in the matter. And lets cut us and the ex's slack....everybody has their reasons...bad/good/indifferent-it should be respected because we're ALL different and it's a very, very PERSONAL matter. We can't win for trying! Sad

ddakan's picture

well, i didn't change my last name when i got divorced because it was my 3 kids names. then i hyphenated with my married name and my husband kinda goes w/e....then now i just use my new name.

but the BM still uses his name because she had it for 10 years before. and her kids have it. they can put it on her tombstone for all I care....better sooner than later!! her brain cells function intermittently and she can't hold a conversation with out repeating the word ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME!

Rags's picture


Kind of like the seagulls on Finding Nimo.

Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine Mine.

There is a scarry yet entertaining thought. All of the BMs (and my Skids SpermIdiot) in a flock all chasing what they think is the next $.


z3girl's picture

BM still has DH's last name and they've been divorced for 10 years now. I kind of understand her keeping it since she's had it for so long and they have a kid, although SD is now grown up and in college. I actually resent DH for comments he's made which is why I hyphenated my name, although I wish I hadn't even done that! If I took his name, I would have the same initials as BM and that annoys me, especially after we got engaged and when planning the wedding, at times he would say "I'm not excited because I've already done all this." Mind you, I never pushed for us to get married! And now that we're expecting our own child, he has said to me that he "has no nesting instinct this time, unlike when BM was pregnant with SD." He now wants me to have only his name for the baby's sake, but he makes me so mad at times that I'm most likely going to refuse. If he didn't throw in my face that he's already done everything, this wouldn't all be such a big deal!

RaeRae's picture

What a freakin asshole!

Sorry if that offends you, but geez... I wouldn't allow the jerk in the delivery room if I were you. And the kid could take my own freakin maiden name. My ex husband was not in the delivery room for my last 2 kids because he was an asshole.

Unhappy's picture

It's not the fact that I want crazy to change her last name back to her maiden name. I'm just tiered of her passive agressive BS. I could really care less. Does it bother me a little that she kept his last name? The answer is yes. I wouldn't have. But that's just me. I understand that everybody is different. And does this one thing bother me to the point where it's on my mind constantly? No. I'm human though, and things do bother me from time to time.

She didn't keep the last name because of the two kids that they have together. That I could understand as so many of you have pointed out.She did it to piss my BF off. That's pretty much what she told him when they broke up.

What irratates me about the whole thing is everytime I open up the homework for their daughter, she has both my BF and her name written like they're still married. I don't care who you are, this would probably bother you a little bit after all the crap she has pulled.

This doesn't have to be a huge debate as to her right to or right not to keep my BF's last name. I just wanted to vent about something that was bothering me at the moment. Did she do it for the right reason? No. Does it worry me that we'll both have the same last name by next year? No. I just wish she would stop her BS and move on. She wanted the divorce. She got the divorce. And now she wants to be back together with him. She has to deal with the consequences of her actions. Some things that are done can not be undone. It's called life. Live it, love it, and move the f#ck on.

Unhappy's picture

And on a side note, What is she continues to write their names like they're still married after we get married?

How would you handle that?

True mom's picture

I was torn on whether or not to change my name when I remarried for the reason of my kids. When my husband saw we were still getting mail addressing my old married name he lost it. And I told him I hadn't really felt what the right thing was to do. He said he never would have married me if he thought I wouldn't take his name. Men don't seem to see it from the woman's side when there are children involved. My children don't understand it, and it does cause issue's at times with school and medical. But I tell you what, I get the greatest kick when people call my current husband by my childrens last name. HA! Take that CAVE MAN!