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Mcdonalds lawsuit!!!

purpledaisies's picture

This is just crazy why can't parents just say no!!!????


caya506's picture

"I am concerned about the health of my children and feel that McDonald's should be a very limited part of their diet and their childhood experience," Parham said in a statement.
Okay, so tell them NO when they ask for it you effin' dumba**. Are these people for real!?

jojo68's picture

Agreed...This is ridiculous. If parents who don't want their child eating McDonald's food..don't take them to McDonald''s that simple. I am still pissed about the person that sued McDonalds and got our supersize taken away...LOL

helena_brass's picture

I thought they took away the super size after the movie Super-size Me drew a lot of attention to it...

Seriously, people need to suck it up and say no. This is just getting ridiculous. Yes, clearly marketing is focused on kids--but that's what marketing tries to do: sell shit. That's their job; do yours as parents.

jojo68's picture

That had to do with it too but it was in response to the lawsuit over the woman who sued McDonalds for making her fat...the heathier menu choices and taking away the extra large size was supposed to help people make better choices when eating at McDonalds...bunch of BS. Still can go to Sonic and get my Route 44 diet coke with lime and cherry though Smile

mystiery's picture

I tried to comment on the article not sure if it went through lol.

Yeah well that is the problem these days, people are blaming it on this and that, its the foods fault, its evolutions fault.....who comes up with that crap. It IS THE PARENTS plain and simple. If you don't want your children to eat that mess then TELL THEM NO!!!!!!! Be an actual parent for once. Just because you refuse to actually teach your children manners or how to function as a proper human being does not mean you need to sue McDonalds for having a toy with their food. Seriously???? They are just looking for a hand out because they do not want the responsibility to parent their own children. That is the issue these days, parents are not doing their jobs and the product is fat, entitled, ill-behaved BRATS!!

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

Wow, I'm so glad I clicked on this post. I was feeling like a tool because I bought a Happy Meal in the Wal Mart McDonalds yesterday after I got done grocery shopping just because I really wanted a ChocoKat watch. I got it, too! Yaaaay!

A Happy Meal is the perfect portion size for me. Its what I always get when I go there, I just upgrade to a bigger drink unless I'm eating right there.

purpledaisies's picture

I know ladies, I can't say I'm shocked but still really??? Just say no! Be parents it's what you are supposed to do as parents. You will say the word no a lot DUH!

DoingItAgain's picture

Good grief. We should be allowed to sue every freaking grocery store for putting all the crap cereal at child eye level and every other tactic for getting us to buy stupid shit then, right? This is just rediculous.

If anyone has ever seen Super-Size Me, you'd understand how very very bad that food is for you and should have no problem telling yourself or your kid NO! But I guess that does require some 'good parenting'.