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BM text: "Don't bother picking up the kids..."

stepmom31's picture

So in a nice email, DH and BM agreed on who would have the kids when this holidays. We're not getting them for Christmas or Old Year's/New Years because she asked to have them.

We're supposed to get them tonight until Christmas Eve. She texts DH, "Don't bother picking up the kids..." DH doesn't answer her. It's rude and if she's dictating to DH she can at least include a reason, right? And it isn't a question that requires answer. Why? Why? Why? Why do we have to deal with this shit? What makes this woman feel she CONTROLS the kids? Why must we have to beg her to be able to have the kids for times agreed upon?

Frankly, I'm beginning to understand more and more why he just doesn't want to rock the boat and fight for his kids. It's exhausting. If she wants them, she can have them. DH and I both have the cold and can use a rest. If DH isn't fighting to get them, I sure am not going to. But I really feel it for DH and I really hope that his stance of "not fighting" doesn't come back to bite him one day.


meneran's picture

How would you feel if she used every opportunity to dump the kids on you guys?
I have the exact oposite situation. I dont know what sux more.

stepmom31's picture

Oh, they do get dumped too. It works both ways... If she didn't want them, she would expect us to keep them. Frustrating either way you take it, because people make plans but it gives HER total control of the situation. Everything works according to HER calendar with no courtesy for anyone else.

meneran's picture

Well next time she wants to dump them on you, and its not agreed upon prior to that, say no, and that you have other plans...

BM in this case always gets a NO for an answer if its not agreed, and yet she tries the same card over and over again. And she loves to extend the drop off time..

stepmom31's picture

We'll say no if we absolutely can't, but usually it's nice to be able to get them, so we might give in.

stepmom31's picture

For real!

Let DH text her: "Don't bother collecting the check today..." and she'll take it as an excuse to take him directly to court!!

Fact is, she's already got her check which covers the next 2 weeks, and the kids have already gotten their Christmas presents from us, so I guess none of them NEED to see us, until she needs her next check or she decides she needs some time off from kids.