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Christmas report

brutallyhonest's picture

With no word or reply to phone calls from sd17.5 on whether she was going to MIL's with us to open presents Christmas day, DH and I headed off to do Christmas morning with my family. At noon I called MIL to let her know we were stopping to pick up the dog (FIL loves our dog so we usually bring him over with us) and would be over in a few minutes. She said to have DH check his messages as  sd17.5 had called and said she had food poisoning and couldn't come over. She wanted someone to drop off her gifts. I thanked MIL for message relay and said I would let DH handle it. News to us she was ever considering coming since she never called back. 

DH checks his messages. He had one missed call at 10:10 Christmas morning. The message was a very quick, " dad it is sd17.5 call me back". 

Since sd17.5 had clearly decided to blow DH off until the last minute Christmas morning and per MIL's message was too sick to come. We proceeded on our way with no return call to sd17.5. We arrive at MIL to the news that SD has changed her mind and now felt well enough to attend and would have bm drive her over.  Whatever. At this point we are all convinced this is more about her worry over getting her loot than being "sick". After postponing the opening of presents for an hour while awaiting SD, she finally graces us with her presence. Wearing the lowest cut slutty shirt possible. Nipples nearly showing it was that low.  Yippee!

She proceeds to tear through her gifts. No thank you's and clearly not pleased with the quality or quantity of her loot. 
No gifts for anyone from SD in the family. Not even a card for DH or MIL. Then she loaded up a plate of food and inhaled it. Really impressive for someone very recently suffering from food poisoning. 

At this point all the family can do is stare at her awful behavior. There are no other grandkids and only BIL and SIL in addition to FIL and MIL. 

DH and I decide we have had all the fun we could handle for the day and announce we were heading home. We drop SD back off at bm's. Whole road trip conducted in silence. 

After dropping SD off, DH launched into a rant about how tired he is of sd's bulls$&t and her slutty outfits on the 2-3 times per year we see her. It is so obvious it is all about her and her presents. Not about anyone else. He can't do anything about it and hopes we can make it to 18 without a major incident. 

So while I didn't get the SD-free Christmas that I hoped for, at least SD showed her true colors to DH and his entire family(again). Rather than me having to fume privately about sd's behavior and attire, I got to enjoy DH going off on an SD vent and we were on the same page! It took so many years for his daddy goggles to come off but it finally happened. 

Now if we can just survive the next 5 months to 18!


NewBeginning's picture

Wow..what a wonderful child!

Trust me - it won't end at 18. I have a SD turning 20 and she is the biggest attention-getting trite I've ever met in my life. Sorry to break the news to ya but it just doesn't stop. She's worse now than she ever has been. Mainly due to getting older and not getting the attention she got as a young teenager. She craves it more than ever.

Be prepared!

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

Nothing warms the hearts of friends and family during the holidays like a nipple slip.

A well timed wardrobe malfunction can be the gift that keeps on giving, especially for grandparents.

Maybe she'll be in rehab next year and unable to attend.

ddakan's picture

congrats on the tit show. my sd showed up with nothing for any of us and grabbed up her loot and raced back home on her merry way! she is 21. we've done every kind of monetary gift in the world to get her off our back, but she still keeps coming back for mo money!!! i've had to cut her offfffff totally.

my ss17 totally hates me and won't visit anymore, but he sure likes that free money on christmas and birthday.

they love to make me the villian and i made it easier by becoming the bitch they've always accused me of being. i just don't frikin care anymore. 10 years down the drain and they are more selfish than the day i met them, and i didn't know it was humanly possible to be THAT self-centered.