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heartbreaking news for the holiday.

thenewwife's picture

Soon I will no longer have a stepson, and my fh will never see his child again. He made the decision and won't back off and has already talked to BM about it. He's giving up, and terminating his rights.. I honestly don't even know what to think or if we can make it through this. Sad


stepsonhatesme's picture

Oh I'm so sorry Sad . As far as I know (going thru it now) you H can't sign off all his rights unless she has someone willing to adopt your SS. My advice is not to give up....this is EXACTLT what BM wants!! I understand that this is hard on your SS but its probably b/c of her PASing. I would think that CPS would get tired of all her bogus claims...I know that my local CPS got real tired if my XH calling all the time (when my kids were a lot younger).
I just hope everything works out.....Good Luck....and

thenewwife's picture

Thank you, legally they are already taking care of things I guess I have just been sort of out of the loop. It is because of her, but I don't know I disagree with him I guess, I have known this kid since he was born and while the situation has been irritating and exhausting I'm not sure I really want him to let go.

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

How did he manage to terminate his rights? I have heard of awarding sole / full custody w/ option of summer visits and possible weekends, here and there before.

What led him up to this major decision?

thenewwife's picture

They are in the process now, basically going back and forth with a lawyer. In our state there doesn't need to be an adoptive parent if both parents agree it's best for the child, and there's a mess of legal work but I guess it can be done.

Honestly he says that he thinks its best for his kid (last time we had him we had to take him to dfs and have someone check him head to toe for odd bruises so she couldn't try an abuse charge again) but I think he's exhausted we have been in and out of court with her, he has had 3 abuse allegations and between here and where his parents live we have had the police called 15 times. He says he worries about how it's going to affect his son in the long run, but I think that not having a dad is going to be detrimental to this kids life

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

Oh. You do not ever have to "defend" anything to me as I completely understand. You might catch some crap from a few BM's that like to get on this site though and rip up these topics.(no judgements from me)

My DH was "almost" there as well but just caved back in to guilt, again. (read my new blog)

In our state there has to be a willing adoptive parent.

good luck and try to start healing from the trauma.

SusiQ's picture

Been there - done that - When it came time for SD to get her driver's license and BM didn't want everyone in their small town to know that SF wasn't really her father, the hired a lawyer. SD had been PASd for years and DH probably hasn't spoken to or seen her in 8 plus years. Every time he's try to enforce visitation, she was never available and when he'd go to the police - they'd blow him off - small town police with heads filled with BM lies.
He signed the paperwork because he knew that even at this point, he was never going to be dad to SD. That was the role that SF was in. It was hard and it took him a long time to sign the paper work but in the end, he did it.
SD was 16 when this happened and DH inisited on a face to face conversation with her before he agreed to anything. If your SS is young, I would seriously tell your DH to reconsider signing the paperwork. Let her take him to court over it or slam her with your own court case but if he's young, then no way.

thenewwife's picture

It can be done, I understand where your coming from though. We do have a lawyer and will be looking at the paperwork VERY closly because she has a habit of being a decietful bitch.

aggravated1's picture

In my state, it can be done. My exes nephew terminated his rights to his daughter, and there was no step-parent in the picture. I am friends with his ex-wife, and it was a done deal. He has no criminal history, nada. It can be done, I just think it's difficult.

mom2five's picture

Something is just not right about this. Why give up his child? Why not just give her custody? He doesn't have to exercise his visitation. Why make a permanent decision based on a temporary situation.

Are you sure you are getting the whole story from your FH. Typically, people who try to give up all rights to their kids do so to avoid paying child support. What possible benefit other than not paying child support is there to your FH or to his son? If he feels like all the drama is too much, he can back off for weeks, months, even years until the child is old enough to understand what his mother is doing. The courts aren't going to force him to exercise his visitation rights.

stepsonhatesme's picture

That is exactly why my XH signed off all his parental rights----just so he wouldn't have to pay child support. "Men " like that aren't even really men...They are the lowest form of life imaginable.