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Proud of Myself - Just Doing Me

StepDeux's picture

I am proud of myself today. Usually I am super helpful to SO and go out of my way to help him related to his kid. Somtimes I feel like he should be doing more and taking more responsibility for knowing information, etc.

Today, I have put my foot down and am actually doing my own thing instead of making SO's life easier and making my day longer. Rather than dealing with the 2.5-3 hr. drama of going to get SD, I am going to the spa. }:)

Don't get me wrong, SO does A LOT for me and for my kids, but I'm always the one to arrange it. I always ask him and don't just assume that he's just going to help, and I really try to make sure I inconvenience him as little as possible. I wouldn't expect him to cancel something he's doing for himself to pick up my kids. I would work it out.

On the flipside, I usually feel bad and am such a softie that I just suck it up and don't complain even when it's inconvenienet or messes up something I want to do for myself. Well, no more Mrs. Nice Guy. SO can handle it. It's his daughter, afterall. }:)

I can hear it in his voice that he would really love to ask for my help, but I've already told him that's not going to happen. }:)
