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in the middle

jltucker's picture

for step parents- help me understand- I am the mother of 2 grown kids still at home 19 and 21. One is attending college and has a job, etc. the other quit school and subsequently his job- without excusing his shortcomings- I am sick of the constant stress being in the middle of husband and kids fighting. Is there a time that spouses (step parents)step back and realize we are trying the best we can and their constant berating is not helping but hurting the situation. my kids are not BAD as a personal attack to inconvenience you.


dakotamom's picture

i agree. i let it slip this weekend on ss15 when he said my dog wasn't the brightest dog out there - ss15 had been bugging me all day so i said "yea well i dont think you're the brightest kid out there" i meant it and i dont take it back.
i try to keep my comments to myself and to think them but not say them - but listenign to him all weekend putting down my cleaning, cooking, and then my dog - sorry but she's my kid and i reacted.
all weekend Dh says nothing about the snyde little comments - but teh second i say something i can hear DH with his heavy sigh.

Unfreakingreal's picture

Oh how I would love to tell SS18 that he stinks like a monkey, walks like a caveman, and thinks like a doorknob. I would LOVE it.

dakotamom's picture

we wouldnt get the sentence finished and they'd be up our ass.
double standard sucks. the kid can talk all the shit they want - but the second we stand up for ourselves we get in trouble - well at least personally speaking,

Unfreakingreal's picture

This is a tough one. I have an adult child living at home. 22 in the military, has a job, if you can call working 1 day a week a job, is in serious debt, pays no rent, and is struggling to figure his way out of the mess he's created of his life. I also have a SS18 that lives with us. My BS22 is hardly ever home. He is desperately looking for work, is trying to move out and he does his best to stay out of our way because he knows I want him OUT. DH doesn't really say much about it and I guess it's best he doesn't because it wouldn't sit well with me.

However, SS18 irks the shit outta me. He is lazy, does the bare minimum in school, sleeps all hours, drags his feet when he walks, drinks a gallon of iced tea a day, brings his friends over and feeds them all the food in the fridge and I am just sick of him. Day after day I repeatedly ask when is he getting a damn job, he stares at me as if I have 3 heads. He drives his dads car for no reason, just to joy ride, has run up the gasoline bill by 25%, and is just getting on my nerves. The bottom line is this..We will put up with our own kids shit and won't put up with someone else's kids shit, simply because those kids aren't ours.

Your DH is probably sick of your kids as you would be sick of HIS kids if you weren't their BM.

Just my opinion...

jltucker's picture

i appreciate your opinion- and I understand the frustration he feels because I feel it too. it just seems to overwhelm me-- when the kids screw up it stresses me out and then I get to hear about them screwing up 10 more times-

By the way- he doesnt have kids of his own for me to deal with- but I do have his mother living w us---

dakotamom's picture

if in 3 years both of my skids are STILL living with us - i will be up my DH's ass every day to get them out of the house. I would bring everything bad they do to light - i will bring up how they do not help - i will do everything to get DH to step up to the plate and get them either out of the house or helping with the bills.
do your kids contribute to the house??? food, rent, clean - or is it just like when they were growing up?
those kids had DH for their 18 years of their life - it's my turn. as it is skids and i obviously can't get along.
i've had a really bad month between remodeling stress, skids coming over bitching that there's no food and everything's a mess, to shit at work, and now ss15 thinking he's goign to move in full time but still go to present school causing $200 minimum in gas. please take my harsh tone as a lady at the end of her rope!

jltucker's picture

OK that sounds just like him- maybe there is something to it- let me ask though- is it ever productive to be all over my a**, because automatically defenses come full bore and for the most part all I can hear you saying is- you suck, your kids suck, etc

dakotamom's picture

i know that i cannot be all over Dh's ass ALL the time - i have to pick my battles wisely or i'll start to sound like the teacher from Charlie Brown - wah wah wah wah wah.
here's a suggestion - Dh asked me one time how i would handle the situation...this made me stop and really think - it's easy as hell to point out all the bad about something but not as easy as how to fix or ammend to make all happy.
i like your DH do not have kids, i dont want kids, so i didn't know what to do when DH asked me what I would do....

jltucker's picture

I would LOVE iT if he picked battles other than my kids(again the defensiveness) but i really appreciate the idea of him figuring out what to do- Until you are there its easy to say- i would do this I would do that- I have pointed this out to his mother and him. He (SO)was raised by his grandmother.

anyway- thanks for your ear and thoughts

jltucker's picture

hoping to get some understanding from husbands point of view. sorry if stepping on anybodys toes

jltucker's picture

Both kids ae expected to have jobs, go to school, etc- I dont know what my sons problem isI know the economy sucks, unemployment here is cazy, etc-basically he screwed up, blew his mouth and quit his job. Anyway the picking up, friends over, etc is all very true- they do pick up but still have to remind them like they were 12 Friends tend to hang out alot- all of those TRUE! and GUILTY! as far as the money I am the main financial support of the family-and his mother. My daughter that works- she does pay her own way(not rent though)my son did as well before. I guess sometimes I have to remind myself they are adults not kids and he sees them only as adults?

dakotamom's picture

My DH has all these memories when he claims his kids were sweet and innocent - since i came into the picture when they were beginning teen years - i do not have these young memories. i just know them as lazy teenagers that have never had to do a thing. they stick their hand out and my Dh and his parents can't fill their grubby little hands up soon enough.

Unfreakingreal's picture

I think because she's on the flip side of the coin. Her DH is the STEPDAD to her Bio's. At the end of the day we are all trying to cope with our situations, that's probably why she's here.

Unfreakingreal's picture

Well be thankful you don't have SKIDS that you need to deal with. THAT is a godsend in it's own right! Smile
As a mother of boys I know how hard it is for those little "FOCKERS" to get their act together and out from under our skirts. I just hope your kids don't start resenting you because of having DH on their ass all the time. It's such a tough predicament we are in, I sympathize with you.
My 2 adult Bio's (my 25 y/o moved out) despise SS18. They resent him because they had to work since they were 16 and Prince Caveman gets to sit around, eat ice cream & play video games on weekends because my moron of a DH won't make him get a job. Which is probably why he won't even dare say crap about my sons, he'll get an earful if he does.

JustAnotherSM's picture

Ok, I'm one of those Sparents who constantly nags the skid and has higher expectations than either of his Bioparents have for him. And when skid is living in my home I do feel it necessary to be a consistently strict parent. But with that being said...

As my SS approached his late teen years, it became very obvious to me that my input was not valued by SS, BM or even DH. I recognized that I was basically powerless to do anything to help SS and that by continuing with my agenda I was only doing harm to my relationships with both SS and DH. So I chose to disengage. For me it was an all or nothing decision. I can't be expected to love the skid if I can't also discipline and help guide him into being a responsible person. So now I have no relationship with SS.

I can also tell you that my frustration with DH being a lax parent (i.e. less strict than me) had a strange affect and instead of dealing with DH I actually increased my nagging campaign against SS. (Wow - total AHA moment for me right there!)

SUZIWORD's picture

I am really not sure what to tell you b/c I don't think it changes ever until they move out and then it can still be a problem. This is a thorn in my side for me. My son (19) lives with us and he works two jobs (now) and goes to the community college full time (dean's list). Okay, so sometimes he doesn't take out the trash or didn't put up his clothes in his room, me personally I really don't care. Shut the door. I do want him to pick up after himself like in the kitchen, etc., I am not his maid, but okay we all leave glasses in the sink for "mom" to put up! And just today, my DH called complaining he left a pizza box by the trash! Okay......

Unfreakingreal's picture

Your DH needs to get the stick out of his ass and leave your kid alone. Congratulations, you are clearly doing a superb job with your boy. God bless. If the pizza box bugs him so much tell DH to take it to the damn garbage.

simifan's picture

Why is it okay for your adult child to live at home without working or going to school? Step or bio you can bet I'd ride his ass.

stpmom2b's picture

Some people have different outlooks on this. When my brother graduates college, I can totally see him hanging out on my parents' couch for a couple years before he gets his act together. Not that it's right, but I would hope that if you know that it bothers your husband, you guys could meet together and talk about a compromise and a move out date

jltucker's picture

you guys have been awesome and very insightful- and YES the mother in law is a handful!!! I've never been on one of these forums before and quite honestly felt totally alone in my situation.

Rags's picture

My wife just got the point that you describe with my SS and I. She climbed my ass for being on SS's ass constantly for his poor decisions and pathetic crap and she climbed SS-18's ass for being a lazy POS.

She was right on both accounts. I do ride his ass constantly and he is LAZY, Lazy, lazy.

I have been dad to my SS-18 since he was 1yo and yes, his crappy decisions do effect me and my marriage so I think I do have a right as a SParent to discipline when my spouse refuses to ... regardless of the age of the kid(s). If they are of adult age and in the family home or living on the family dime they do what I or my spouse tell them to do when I or my spouse tell them to do it or they move on.

Fortunately for me, in general, my wife agrees with me on this.

I won't abandon the Skid to a refrigerator box under and over pass but I also will not support endless bad decisions or ridiculous crap on his part.

To me it is not about "trying the best" that you, we, they can. As Yoda said "there is no try, there is only do". Adult age Kids as with any kid need the same consequences for try that they get for failing and they need to be rewarded for doing, to an age appropriate level of course. The ultimate reward for them is being self sufficient and in making their own decisions. The reward for the parent is a viable adult child who is a member of standing in the community and in getting to focus on the marriage without the distraction of children.

Anything else just facilitates manipulations by someone in the equation.

Rather than being in the middle it would be more effective if you (and my wife) sat down with the DH and worked out an adult kid plan and implement and enforce it together consistently. In reality there is no middle. The goal of any parent, step or bio, is to raise the (S)kid(s) to viable adulthood. In this effort the couple has to be a team when holding the kid accountable for performing and a team in implementing consequences for the kid when they fail to perform just as they reward the kid as a team when the kid performs well.

IMHO of course.

mommylove's picture

My opinion? I made it clear to my H that ALL "children", step and bio, need to be out of my house within 3 months after turning 18 and graduating high school (i.e. end of "summer vacation") unless they are a full-time college student or employed full-time and contributing to the household expenses and paying for all of their own personal expenses (i.e. clothing, transportation, etc.)

In addition to this, they will still be treated like my "child" as long as they live in my home, which means no guests over without permission first, curfews, household chores, etc.

Of course this doesn't sound like a very "fun" place to live for a new "adult" and it's not mean to be - the point is to give them a lot incentive to find some independence quickly!

My H says that I'm just saying all this because it's his kids who are the older lazy underachievers right now, and that I'll change my tune when my children are older, but I don't think so. My H & I (& SK's BMs) obviously have vastly different parenting styles, as I have been raising my boys with these goals in mind from the beginning and teaching them responsibility, accountability and independence with discipline now so that they will be better prepared when the time comes. This is how I was raised and I did have the SF who rode all of the kids butts all of the time (step and bio), as well as the "guilty daddy" I visited eow and yet my mom still managed to raise 5 children who never "boomeranged" after they left home and are now all independent and successful adults who are parents themselves, so I have a great example to follow! (Funny thing is, H had this same type of example with his upbringing, parents and sibilings too, yet somehow this valuable lesson escaped him?! I guess this speaks to the power of NCP "guilt"!)

Frankly I would rather help my boys pay some of the expenses to live on campus in college or with roommates in apartment when they grow up so I can have my home and my life back as an individual versus simply being a "Mommy", rather than deal with adult children in my home who are so comfortable they don't ever want to leave! I love you and I'll look forward to our visits, but you gotta go!