OT: Ghostly happenings
Last night, FDH came upstairs from our family room looking like he had seen a ghost! He told me that he's pretty sure we've got "something" in our house. I was like WHAT? He said that for about a week or so he keeps getting the sensation that the dog or SS3 is around him or doing something in the room, then he turns and there's no one there. I was trying not to scare myself so I didn't say anything...but I've been getting that SAME feeling. I'll swear that I see something move out of the corner of my eye and I'll look, expecting to see the dog or SS3 and neither are there. I've been thinking I'm just going crazy and seeing things in my late pregnancy but now that FDH said that I'm freaking out.
Two nights ago, I woke up slightly and thought I heard SS3 walk into the room. (He does this creepy thing where he kind of whispers to himself when he comes in our room while we're sleeping. He always goes to FDH's side of the bed and stands there for a minute before saying, "Daddy?") While waiting for him to tell FDH what he was up for, I fell back asleep. The next time I woke up, FDH was like glued to my side instead of sprawled out on his side. I thought that was weird because he's usually not a bed hog. Then I listened and heard SS3 breathing, so I figured I must have slept right through FDH letting SS3 crawl into bed with us. I would have bet a million bucks that SS3 was in bed next to FDH. By that time I realized I had to go to the bathroom..so I got up, went, and came back, and then FDH got up and went. I looked over and saw there was no SS!! I asked FDH if SS had been in bed with us and he was like, NO.....
One more incident, about a year ago, we found drawings on our wall in our basement. It looked like a kid drew it with a pink crayon so we were yelling at SS. He seemed clueless. He said, "That other kid did it!"...we just figured he was trying to get out of punishment. However, we've never EVER seen him draw people like this was drawn.
Now let me give a little background -- BM had an abortion before she was pregnant with SS. What if this ghostly presence is that child????!! Creepy! He/she'd be like about 4 years old...
- SteppingUp's blog
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Wow! Sounds like you might!
:jawdrop: Wow! Sounds like you might! The drawings is the creepiest part, plus lots of little kids can supposedly see spirits/ghosts and sounds like SS did. Maybe you should just ask him if he ever sees another child in the house. I would try not to get scared, even though I know it's hard not to. I've had some strange ghostly things happen in my life too, so I love hearing other people's stories. Keep us updated!
I'm such a boring
I'm such a boring skeptic.I've never had anything even remotely otherwordly happen to me and i'm one of those 'unless i see it for myself...' BUT this story made the little hairs on my arms stand up.CREEEEEEPy!!You should contact one of those ghost hunting shows!!
OHHHHH I love ghost hunting!
OHHHHH I love ghost hunting! I got the equipment and experience to go with! Need some ghost busters? LOL
Haha the funny part Crayon is
Haha the funny part Crayon is that I did have that thought last night...we rarely EVER let skids sleep with us...if we do it's literally for like 10 minutes until they calm down (from bad dream or whatever) then FDH brings htem back to bed. So while this was happening, I grumbled to myself "Sure...we barely have room as it is with my 9 month pregnant belly and all my pillows so I can sleep and you gotta let SS sleep with us too?" Haha!
Oh, that sounds a bit like
Oh, that sounds a bit like "The Shining"....
I'm a believer...we have
I'm a believer...we have "presences" in our home too. They've been around for several years now but are more active in the fall. The most active one is a 3 yr old little girl. Her parents, her brother & her were killed by a drunk driver. We inherited them when we moved into the home they had lived in when they were killed. What's really weird is when we moved, they moved with us. We have contacted several professionals who told us the reason they stay with us is because they feel comfortable with us....kind of creepy, but comforting at the same time. The little girl is adorable - yes, I have seen her and so have others who've been in my home. I've lived with this for three decades now and don't usually talk about it because most people think you're whacko if you see ghosts, but I assure you, I'm perfectly sane.
My mom lives in a renovated
My mom lives in a renovated church and sees many people coming and going. I am usually scared of things like this but when I've had things happen at her house, it's almost a comforting feeling -- they do not feel evil whatsoever. Just like someone's in the room with you. Nice people.
Time to move! Oh lord
Time to move!
Oh lord this would petrify me. Have you ever questioned SS about "the other kid"?
No, he has never mentioned
No, he has never mentioned the other kid since then! I think neither of us want to push it because we'd rather live in denial than have any further confirmation!
I am interested in the stuff
I am interested in the stuff but it freaks me out too much to actually do the photo/camera thing...the thought that things happen while we're sleeping is enough to make me not sleep for the next 60 or so years of my life
I don't think believers are
I don't think believers are crazy at all but I think the reason I refuse to believe is because what if I'm having "personal time"with my battery operated friend and my ghostly gramma stops by to see me???Ghosts don't knock
I think that's why I'll always say I'm a non believer bc if I believed,I'd never get naked again.
Katrinkie, it's not the
Katrinkie, it's not the ghosts you gotta watch out for - it's the living who are out to get you!
Crayon, I just LOVE ALL of
Crayon, I just LOVE ALL of those shows!!!!
Amen to that!
Amen to that!
The previous owners of our
The previous owners of our house were a young married couple - the wife was a psychologist and was murdered by a client - but not in this house. I experienced TV coming on by itself in middle of night - at full volume, my dogs were going berserk. Then what really scared me was when my eldest was around the age of 18 months, our kitchen window got smashed with tremendous force - BUT WITH NO OBJECT GOING THROUGH IT. The glass shards scattered a couple of metres from the window frame. There was no-one in the garden who could have thrown anything at the window and there was no brick or any object to be found in the kitchen. Just broken glass. This happened around the time my BS would have been eating an early dinner. Just so happened on that particular day, he wasn't in the kitchen sitting at his usual spot. Very very spooky.
I am a believer! When I was
I am a believer! When I was in the 5tth grade in the middle of the night I got sick very sick. I was fine when I went to bed. But I was so sick I was out of it and didn't wake up for 2 days.
Back ground the house we lived in was very old and the bathroom light was a pull chain so it just couldn't come on by itself. But I swear every night at the same time it would come on and since it was next to my room I couldn't sleep with it on. I would turn it off and no sooner would I get back in bed it would come back on, I then would yell I'm trying to sleep and it would go back off.
So back to that night my mom said that she hear this horrible scream from my room like I was being beat or something. So she went to check on me and I was at the wrong end of the bed. She said she went to move me and I was burning up and then she couldn't get me awake. So they rushed me to the hospital. Turns out I have a very bad ear infection and my lymph nodes were infected as well.
Now she still doesn;t understand where that scream came from that night as there was no way I could have done that! So yep I believe b/c whoever or what ever it was saved my life that night.
Crayon, is water witching the
Crayon, is water witching the same as grave dowsing? I can do that! I've spent hours in cemeteries dowsing marked and unmarked graves. It's so amazing and yet it freaks me out too - the lady who taught me said it was a gift to be able to do it but I dunno...
Thats creepy. call me weird
Thats creepy. call me weird but im not one to discount this stuff, kinda like agnostic with it all. when i was a kid we lived in a house where there had been a fire years ago and a man had died and me and my little bros and sis' had some weird experiences - course it could have just as easily just been an old house and the active imaginations of small children. Maybe, assuming this stuff is real, you being pregnant set off some weird energy thing? course if it is a ghost and it is a little kid and it just wants to draw on the walls and snuggle then i dont think youve really got anything to worry about.
I have another I forgot about
I have another I forgot about b/c it was so little but I swear it happened.
I was a sleep in our bed with dh next to me and I am woken up by my dd saying "mom" Real loud and fast like she really needed me right then. I jumped up as fast as I could and said what!! And woke dh up but dd was not there and she was asleep. That happened 2 times in this house now. Dh does believe me as I was totally asleep and jerked up real fast. But both times all kids were fine and asleep. Weird!
My grandma has always told me
My grandma has always told me about all the spirits she's seen. She used to scare me bad with it, even though she usually saw "good" spirits. I remember sleeping in bed with her and she'd wake me up and say "Helena, can you see the man standing at the end of the bed? He's massaging my feet. I think that's my father." I remember a few times she'd wake up screaming that she'd seen a demon standing over someone. My grandma also has an unnatural habit of sleeping in wakeful positions or even with her eyes open (my cousin and I were in the bed with my grandma and we though she was dead). Even though it scared US to do so, we usually slept with my grandmother when she watched us because she believed that she was "protecting" us (from evil spirits I presume). She's one of those women who keeps a shrine of candles burning next to pictures of loved ones and Jesus, and if a candle blows out it's a bad omen.
When I was really little and my mother and grandmother went to Spain to visit my great aunt, they all woke up in the middle of the night claiming to see my great grandmother walking throughout the apartment. They all saw the same figure. Apparently we'd been there a week or so and hadn't yet visited her grave. The next day we went to the cemetery and they all cried and apologized.
OH my SIL told me one time
OH my SIL told me one time she was working in the terminal patients ward(not sure correct term for that)and this old guy was on his last leg so much so that all his family was there telling him it's ok to go and he wheezed out that it wasn't his turn yet.Well before the night was out, two other people in the ward died then he died last.FREAKY Whenever she tells that story I always laugh and say well damnit there's a line for everything these days!
So i just talked to mom about
So i just talked to mom about this creepy blog and she told me a story about an experience she had.
When her and her husband bought their house it was the first time her husband had ever owned a home.his mother lived in another country and he kept trying to get her to come and see his first house because he was so proud.She kept saying i'll get there i'll get there! and he finally just let it go.
Well she ended up passing away a few years back before seeing the house.So he flew to bring some of her things to his house like pictures and stuff like that.The night he got home,he went to bed and it was just him and my mom there with their dog.they're all asleep when my mom wakes up smelling some sort of perfume in the air.she said she looked on the floor where the dog usually sleeps and he wasn't there.So she got up and walked into the living room(ranch style house) and the dog was standing there with his fur up growling at a picture on the wall of my moms husband's recently deceased mother.
My mom tried to call the dog back to the bedroom but he wouldn't come.He ended up sitting down in the middle of the living room whining and looking at this picture.My mom said she was so freaked out she went to wake her husband up and when he woke up the first thing he said was 'what's wrong?why you waking me up?why does it smell like my mother in here???!!' :O
by the time he got up the dog seemed back to normal but my mom said she didn't sleep for the rest of the night.
My mom SWEARS his mother came to see his house so she could be proud of him.I asked her if she had been out partying and wearing beer goggles.
How cool is that! I have had
How cool is that!
I have had one very creepy experience when I was in college and one recently.
My roommate of 2yrs and I moved out of our dorm room in to his family mansion. His greatgrandparents had built it in the 1920's. It was empty and no one had lived in it for years. It was held in family trust and his Uncle asked us if we would live in it because it was starting to get attention from HS kids and vagrants. It was located in a development that included a bank, c-store, large grocery store, several restaurants, etc..... The intent was for it to be developed as a gallery or gourmet restaurant but several of the sibs who were beneficiaries of the trust wanted to donate it the Church or turn it in to a shelter, etc.... so it was tied up for many years while they bickered about what to do with grandmas and grandpa’s house.
We moved in and the party started. We of course partied but even when we were not throwing a party someone was. We would hear voices out of the downstairs huge living/ballroom that sounded like a large group of people socializing including ballroom music, things would regularly move, thump, bump, footsteps, etc.....
My roommate and his family were all very devout Catholics. The importance of this will become clear shortly.
It was a blast but there were a few scary moments. The most notable was late one night when I came out of the bathroom. Across the second floor landing from the bathroom door was a small ornate door with a carved wooden cross on it. The door swung open slowly and a huge blood red cross grew out of the closet across the floor. lol!
I just about pissed my undies and I had just left the bathroom.
The carved wooden door was to a closet sized chapel where my roommate's great uncle (a Priest) used to do his devotional stuff when he was visiting his parents. The GGPs had had the chapel built when their son had decided to go to seminary and become a priest. The chapel included a stained glass window with a red cross in it. Outside of the window was a street light. When the door swung open the red cross was projected across the floor for more than 30 feet. I walked over to the chapel thinking that my roommate was F-in with me. No one was there, no fishing line attached to the door, no air vents in the chapel, nothing. I closed the door and tried to go back to bed.
The more recent incident was at Ft Mifflin PA. My wife, son and BIL and I were making our way back to our home in Middletown DE from downtown Philly after taking my BIL to tour Independence hall, etc.... I saw a brown park sign with an arrow and Ft Mifflin so I followed the signs out of curiosity. It turned out to be a pre revolutionary war coastal defense artillery fort that had significant action during the revolutionary war, the civil war and as a prison in later years. We stopped talked with the ranger and paid the fee and walked around for a couple of hours. The ranger had said that TAPS from Ghost Hunters had done an investigation at the fort. None of us had seen that episode.
We walked around the fort for a couple of hours. When we were approaching a small building that was used as the blacksmith shop I had very firm stabbing sensation on my lower back in the area of my right kidney. I spun around. My wife, son and BIL were no closer than 10ft from me and were either in front of me or to either side. No one was behind me. We walked in to the blacksmith shop and as we were there we all three noticed a wall of smith tools swaying gently back and forth.
The tool movement may have been from some boy scouts who were also touring the fort but the stab in the back was not caused by anyone. No one was there.
A few weeks later I saw the Ghost Hunters episode of their investigation at Ft Mifflin. They too had some stuff happen in proximity to the blacksmith shop.
Ft Mifflin was very cool.
I am neither a believer nor skeptic, I am a pragmatist. Both of my experiences were spooky but I am not convinced they were anything more than an air current moving the door or a nerve tick on my back.
Or, they could have been something far more interesting.
Crayon I love that too. The
Crayon I love that too. The best one was about a grandma who went it b/c she was feeling weird. She was an over bearing type person and was 'harassing' all the doc and nurses. Her grandson took her in but they couldn't find anything wrong with her. Then the grandson told the doc to just find somehting so they could leave. The doc had a weird feeling from the grandson and did a pee test on the gma. At that point her dh (gpa) came in and the the doc got the pee test back. He goes in and tells gma that she is just high!! And wanted to know what she had that day like what she ate and drank. She then said that they only thing out of the usual was some really good brownies that her grandson brought from college. Then you hear her screaming his name!! To funny.
My wife swears she was
My wife swears she was visited by her deceased BioDad. When she found out that she was pregnant with our son (my SS) there several days that were extremely emotional.
She would go in to near hysterics after arguments with her BF (the SpermIdiot), her mom and her dad (her StepDad).
The last evening of the extremely emotional days she was in bed late at night sobbing hysterically when she said she felt something. She looked up and in a rocking chair at the foot of her bed was a white glowing mist. She grew instantly calm. She said it did not look like a person just a misty mass.
She told me that as soon as she felt the instant calm she knew it was her father (biodad) and that everything would be all right.
Her BioDad was killed in a car accident when my MIL was less than 2mos pregnant with my wife before MIL knew she was pregnant with my wife.
The next day my wife went back to HS and to work at DQ. From that day on everyone said it was like someone flipped a switch and my wife went from being a flighty immature 16yo girl to a responsible, focused and high performing young woman at school, at work and at home. Several people have shared with me about the instant change that came over my wife when she was pregnant though I am the only one that she has shared the ghost story with other than her BFF. Several of her teachers shared their memories of the instant change with me during my wife's 10yr HS class reunion in 2004 as has her boss at DQ who we have to visit every time we visit my ILs. Her boss told me that he knew something was up because she went from a barely tolerable employee to his most responsible employee over night.
My wife is definitely a believer.
Ok I have a ghost story I
Ok I have a ghost story I normally don't share because people who have never experienced them tend to look at you like your mental.
My kids and I moved into this old historic house that had been converted into apartments, since my youngest still woke up all the time I put her in my room so she wouldn't wake up her sister causing me to have to deal with two kids on limited sleep. One night shortly after I went to bed I saw this dark image and thought someone was in our house, I was freaking out. The door was ajar some but no where near open enough for this size of a person to have gotten in and this door was heavy and squeaked, it was a solid door, since I slept with my cordless phone I turned the phone on and was going to call the police, the image immediately disappeared. I grabbed my daughter and got my oldest daughter and we slept in the living room that night, which was an addition. I knew the house had been a day care a few years prior to moving in, but the next morning I went next door to the lady who worked with the historical district and knew the history of all the houses, I did NOT tell her what I saw and never shared what I saw either. I knew she was interested in coming into my house because all the doors and woodwork was original, not painted and not replaced, it was beautiful and hers had been replaced and she was restoring her house. She let me know that my house had been an old folks home when it was built in the 1903 and the room (she didn't have this room) that became my bedroom had been a viewing room for people who passed. Freaked me out but I still didn't tell her. I became extremely interested in older homes and archetecture after that but I didn't tell her. I moved my youngest out of my room that day and put her in with her sister, she still didn't sleep through the night but didn't wake up nearly as frequent as she had when she was in that room, I often slept on the couch so both kids had their own room so we all got sleep. I called a friend who had had an interest in ghost hunting when we were younger, he advised against a quija board, We sat in the room with a candle (on a night my kids had visited my mom) and prayed for whoever it was and asked them to move into the light. I never saw anything after the original citing. I had never felt alone in that house even prior to that event it just felt creepy there. But after our prayer session and encouragement I still felt a presence but it was almost a loving warm presence. My friend told me a quija board would welcome evil and that that was the worse thing. He explained to me sometimes people feel things that are there but sometimes some people are so sensitive to that type of presence they see what others never will. I had always been told that I had psychic abilities by an aunt of mine but I just figured she was crazy. Anyhow, I kinda missed "my ghost" when we moved. I know we are telling stories (experiences) and I didn't mean to hijack your post but I believe you are feeling something and I can only pass along my friends warning about the quija board if you ever even think of trying to contact it.
Oh and through my neighbor I
Oh and through my neighbor I was able to see pictures of people in my house and how it was back in the day,how the furniture was I don't know how she came across these but they were cool, they were black and white and brittle with an orangish/yellow tint from age.
well it wouldn't be a
well it wouldn't be a surprise for a "lost" little one to come by now... there's a process for cleansing the energy in your house, burn any sticky negative energy out and send lost spirits on their way. (hmm. been using this for years but haven't thought of it in terms of sks before!) But it does bring more calm breathing room to a space. All it takes is a nonstick skillet, epsom salts, grain alcohol and... strong wrists... ?want more?
Hey listen I am not only a
Hey listen I am not only a preacher I am the founder of Pike county Paranormal. We are a ghost hunting group in Georgia we are working on producing a tv show for georgia public broadcasting. If you live in georgia or close by I can help. Our group can come and do an investigation and tell you what is there and why and as a preacher I can helpin getting it to leave. if. You or anyone in georgia needs paranormal help please email me at [email protected]
We are looking for a female members for an all womans ghost hunting group
I have a ghost/spirit story
I have a ghost/spirit story too. I saw my first ghost when I was about 13. I was home alone, as my whole family, had gone to my brothers game. The phone started ringing so I went to answer it, but all I got was a dial tone. But the phone was still ringing, so I ran downstairs to get the other extension. There at the bottom of the stairs was a little girl about 5 in really old clothes. She told me "be careful". It scared me so bad I fell down the stairs. I finally answered the phone and my brother was on there telling me that dad was at the hospital b/c his chest hurt. I later went to the local museum to see if I could find anything out about our house, it was really old. come to find out there in the museum was a picture of our house with this same little girl out front. she had died from illness when she was 6!!
About 13 yrs ago, right before my XH left me, we lived in an old house that used to be a migrant workers home. My 3 children were 3,15months and 6 months old. I had put them down for a nap while I got some work done. We were the only ones in the house. I heard kids upstairs giggling and bouncing a ball across my bedroom floor. I thought that they had gotten up. I crept up the stairs and checked on them and they were still sound asleep. (the 2 little ones were still in cribs and couldnt get out). I went by my bedroom door and saw the kids red ball come rolling out of my room! That scared the crap outta me. I went into see if the cat was in there but she wasnt. I started back down the stairs and heard kids giggling and playing again. I just took it as I had friendly ghost and told them to "keep it down while the kids are sleeping" and I never had a problem with nap time again.
My 2 girls had little "friends" that they talked to all the time in the closet area. But they told me that they "talked funny"
I've had ghost in most of the houses Ive lived in since I moved out of my parents house. only one house was EVIL and I moved out after 1 week. I refused to stay there any more than that.
You have an amazing
You have an amazing oppotunity to make contact with this energy, right now- ghosts are drawn, attracted to, babies and children. I wonder if this one has something to do with your pregnancy? I also love your idea about it possibly being related to the unborn little soul, SS's spirit brother.....talk to SS about it. Ask questions about the "other kid"....and PLEASE keep us posted. What a gift! Blessings on you and your family, (physical and spirit)!