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Ready For A Laugh?

Auteur's picture

GG thinks that the reason I vented about steplife is because I'm jealous of the life the Behemoth has with hubby number 2. They have photos of being out on the town together. He described her in that photo as "looking pretty and attractive" etc. It's fairly clear that because of our financial status (aka the Behemoth draining half his pay for the next 13 more years) we don't have the money to live it up like the Behemoth and hubby do. He also compared his "cheating" on the Behemoth when she withheld sex for months at a time to my venting on the internet. ???!!!! Whiskey Tango Foxtrot??!!! He "regrets" handling the fallout of his marriage the way he did and wants us to do "more as a couple." Including going on facebook with couple pictures!! (Editor's note: are you f'n serious??) Frankly I have long lost relatives on my FB page that I don't want him hooking up with as "everything I say will be used against me" i.e. GG is one of those men that uses everything you say/all knowledge about your past, twists it into contortions to prove his point that you are garbage. Yeah I've stopped confiding in him a LOOONG time ago. The LESS he knows the BETTER! I don't have a sordid past but he'll twist it in to one by cracky!

He also decided he's not going to "chew out" the counselor but will talk with her reasonably and wants me to come along. . . . Say WHAAAAATT??!! Um, I'm not going to do the leg work for him anymore because invariably he does a 180 and blames everything on me. I told him that this counselor may be old school and think (like he REALLY does) that stepparents should have no say in this. You should have seen me tap dance a mile a minute to get out of THAT one!!

He also received his annual "review" for Venus De Milo's disability education and the progress or lack of such. I think they are scheduled on the same day and I'm sure if the Behemoth drags in Venus, GG will be bedazzled with his princess daughter. The last time he went to one of these kangaroo sessions, his idea of "Venus should be held back due to her grades" was overridden. The Disability board simply stated that because Behemoth is the "custodial parent" that she has the final say (NOT to hold Venus back a grade due to social reasons but to instead deem her as learning disabled). So much for "joint legal custody" in the state of NY, but I digress.

How does he get off thinking that I should come and "help" him once again, after he bashed me left and right and is constantly saying that I should not have any say in anything to do with HIS KIDS??! Screw that!


mommy_of_4's picture

I can relate. I am a fulltime homemaker and have 5 kids (bkids 5,6,8,10 and skid 13) fulltime...other then when they go to school. He thinks I should be here with his daughter all the time but critisizes all the decisions I make. even when i do what he has said. My DH uses everything I say and do against me when we fight. And we fight quite a bit all thanks to SD13. I have mental illness and he slams me when we fight but yet he thinks I'm so crazy that he leaves his kids with me all the time. I say kids because up until november it was 2 skids. SD16 got pregnant and moved in with baby daddy to play house.

newmom01's picture

yep that sounds familiar, did you read my blog? They want us to pick up the kids, cook for them, clean up after them, but we cant have any say in disipline or anything else ...what am I a babysitter, maid, or taxi driver? They are always getting into trouble at school talking back, or hitting other students! Fine you want them over all the time you deal with them! I rather go catch a movie or get my hair and nails done anyway. (really thats just anger talking) I would like to have a relationship with them but I need for them to see me as an equal parent not just a big friend to play with that cant tell them what to do or just go ask dad if I say no about something

skylarksms's picture

Isn't it SO obvious??? How much of idiots do they take us for?!

Since NN has (somehow) decided that I am on my way out the door, he has bought a bouquet of flowers AND the other night he ran me a bubble bath with candles all over, etc.

He's only EVER bought me an entire bouquet ONCE - about 6 years ago. Otherwise it would be one rose or one carnation. And he used to always run me bubble baths on the weekends but that went out about 4-5 years ago, too.

Too bad that those two things weren't on my list of ultimatums I gave to him! I gave him 4 and said pick any of them and WORK ON IT.

I guess he cares about our relationship ...but not THAT much.

[I think I need a nap. I am being quite negative today...]

Auteur's picture

You have every right to be negative. And as far as GG being afraid I might leave him; he better GODDAMN well be afraid the way he treated me last Thursday!!!!

Auteur's picture

It's one of the ESSENTIALS for SKID SKUM removal!!

Steam Mop
Hand Steamer

Thanks for the avatar idea, Maux!

Auteur's picture

yeah he's losing no sleep. although he said he was meandering and pondering it.

I don't see it. He snores like a bandsaw and has NO trouble sleeping.

On the other hand, he literally called my hair ugly, pointing out all flaws, my face ugly (trying to point out nonexistent flaws other than a couple flat moles i have) my teeth (he knows this is a sore point with me so he really rubbed it in; he knows that the Behemoth had braces and that he has naturally perfect teeth so he had to get his shot in there)

AND he called me fat, pointing out the fact that I had gained some weight over the last eight years.


Yeah, I'm quietly plodding along with my exit plan and when he least expects it POOF!!! I'll be gone.