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My kid told her kid his mommy was mean, ugly, and she takes peoples money!

Lord help me..'s picture

That was after Skid put my son (same age) in a non provoked head lock at wouldnt let go. So...
Hubby gets a phone call at work yesterday about it. And now shes blastin the biz all over Facebook about how she doesnt AIR OUT HER DIRTY LAUNDRY to people and that we(I mainly) were horrible parents to talk to our kids about stuff like that...My son is extremely bright. He is 5 and his IQ was tested in the 120 superior bracket. Her son is delayed about 2 years. I do not talk about her drama to my children, they see it for themselves. Im sorry hun but YOU ARENT very attractive, YOU HAVE a piss poor attitude about everything, AND YOU DID lie on court documentation which added to YOUR monthly support. We are currently in the process of modifying the order. Unfortunately it takes as long as 6 months to finalize (according to our paralegal). SMH shes such a joke. It seems like everything she says is somewhat a reflection of what she does. It takes the term "Point one finger, four more are pointed back at you!" literally!

And then the kid....Oh lord..

He tells his mom our business minute by minute, word for word. Im so freakin sick of it. I feel like my privacy is robbed. Yet when he gets in trouble at MY house, he goes crying like a baby to her telling her we are mean to him. I have NEVER raised my voice, I have never even put him on a time out. Dad does all that stuff. It seems that my kids are sick of his whining and starting to dish back at him!


Lord help me..'s picture

lol..I definitely stress honesty to both Skids and Bkids. Unfortunately this time it was the brutally honest truth. I did have a talk with my son and asked him if he would like it if anyone said anything bad about me and ofcourse he said no. So I think he got the point and he knows that if he has an issue with skid we can have a family meeting about it instead of saying anything mean to him.

Lord help me..'s picture

Exactly!!! I just think its funny that she criticizes my parenting when she uses a television as a babysitter for her son.

oneoffour's picture

One time my s/sons had a pre-teen whine at their mother about how mean I am. She shot off a rare email to her ex/my DH about how I have to stop speaking to her sons and I have no right blah blah blah. WhatEVER!

He told her if she had a real problem with them being with us then she can take him back to court and see what the judge says. Maybe next time she would like to speak to him rather than assuming ehr sons were so freaking perfect and never did a thing wrong. My rules are his rules (one of the reasons I married him because we are on the same page about acceptable behaviour)and if she doesn't like it, too bad.

LHM, the next time you do something turn to your s/son and say "Now don't forget to tell mommy I did this/that/the other. I am sure she wants to know. in fact how about i write you a list so you won't forget anything?" Little snot.

Lord help me..'s picture

GOOD DH!!! Its hard to find em like that.

"LHM, the next time you do something turn to your s/son and say "Now don't forget to tell mommy I did this/that/the other. I am sure she wants to know. in fact how about i write you a list so you won't forget anything?" Little snot."

LOVE IT!!! Lmao

Rags's picture

Out of the mouth of babes! Biggrin

Facts are not good or bad, they are just facts. Funny how BM does not like the facts, expecially when her son and your child are aware of them.

I love your KID!

Best regards,

skylarksms's picture

Kids are not stupid, even when they are young. They know about things that are causing drama in the household.

I thought I was SO CAREFUL about discussing BM around the skids or my bio. Until the other day, when my DS20 said to me (after I did mentioned something about BM), "Mom, I don't know her but I feel like I have the right to hate her, don't I? After everything she's done?"

This from a kid who doesn't even get along with NN (H). DS was about 10 when we started going to get the skids for visitation. He saw BM come storming out into the yard screaming her fool head off at us and cussing. He's been with when it was our weekend for skid visitations and no skids are around when we go to pick them up. He's no dummy. He remembers.

He's heard conversations the skids have with BM when they were over.

BM: ...
SD: Dad got me a necklace for Xmas
BM: ...
SD: NO! It's NICE!
BM: ...
SD: I'm DAD's daughter, TOO, not just yours.

I've brought my DS up to think for himself and question authority. He's a smart kid. He had no need for me to spell things out for him.