"I NEED SD the first weekend in August, you can have her the weekend before or the weekend after"
"I NEED SD for the first weekend in August. You may have her the weekend before or the weekend after. Let me know what you decide ASAP." This is the text DH received Saturday night. LMAO. Bitch.
TWO Issues here. 1. That particular weekend is DH's weekend with the way the calendar works out this year. 2. The first week in August is DH's FULL UNINTERRUPTED week with SD. Funny how BM DEMANDS the first weekend. Not a question of switching weekends or anything. Just a simple Demand. DH has tried for 9 years to work with BM when it comes to DHs one uninterrupted week with SD every August. and EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. BM screws up our family plans. She either says okay you can have the first week then the day of pick up she doesnt show and says he has to change. OR we will choose a week other than the first week and she will DEMAND that DH only take "SD for his court assigned designated week." She either fucks with his week, doesnt give it to him..or DEMANDS that he take the first week(only after he asks for the first week and she has a power trip and says no..then decides he must take SD the first week!!!!!)
STUPID STUPID STUPID. She knows damn well that the first week in August is his with SD. The only week out of the YEAR. It's his time. She knows this and she is trying to get under his skin. She must be getting serious with her BF because she is starting to slowly screw with DH's head.
YAY!!!! Another amazing summer ahead.
ugh :sick:
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Don't accept. Aren't you
Don't accept. Aren't you under a court order? USE IT that's what it's for!
Yes, my DH has a court
Yes, my DH has a court ordered parenting plan. Problem is this; If DH does NOT agree, BM takes it anyway. She just refuses to show up with SD for the drop off. Thats why I'm so very irritated.
And my DH is in the process of trying to get custody modified(due to other, more extreme incidents)
Save and print every text to
Save and print every text to and from her. Same goes for emails. This will let the judge know that you tried to meet her in the middle, but she refused to compromise.
We do DH usually sends all
We do
DH usually sends all the texts to our email from his phone. He also has other crazier texts typed up in a court document. He goes to some office who copies the texts from his phone and puts the text in to a nice court document 
Also, most of the time, DH doesn't respond to her texts, he writes her a response letter. Two copies. one for him and the other for her and when he picks up SD he has BMs parents sign the copies for records
Oh, of course. BM NEVER
Oh, of course. BM NEVER "allows" DH to switch unless BM gets something in return. In a normal coparenting relationship, this wouldn't be an issue. It's just that BM tries to frustrate almost every single weekend and she ruins every single week in the summer. This is nothing new for BM. Even after my DH has been very flexible with her
respond in a certified letter
respond in a certified letter & cc your attorney. Let her know in it you will be filing contempt charges if SD is not available that week & weekend
File contemt each and every
File contemt each and every time. If I may ask, why does he only get 1 week? That's not even what my state considers the bare minimum. Ask for more time through the summer, like maybe half of it. Then if he only get 4 weeks that's still a lot better then 1. Wow! One week and she can't leave you alone. Amazing.
We live in Washington State
We live in Washington State and aparently, it's a "woman's state" Most fathers in this state have every other weekend, 1 or 2 two hour weekly visits and one full week in the summer. The court order was put in to place in 2005 and our laws and recommendations have changed quite a bit, so when DH goes back to court in the months to come, hopefully he will get full custody or at least half the time.