Need step opinions: When the step parent is the crazy one :(
I originally found this site when I was looking for information on how to handle dealing with my XH and his fiancee and I have to thank you all for sharing your stories - hearing the blended family horror and success stories from the perspective of step parents has helped me understand some of what XH's fiancee must have experienced for the last couple of years and will experience (hopefully not the worst of it, but the feelings and hardships that go with taking on another person's child) in the future and in some ways has made me more sympathetic to her experience.
That said, I also found this site because, like most if not all blended family situations, ours has its fair share of difficulties. The difference is, most of the nastiness is coming from my DD's future stepmother in this case
While I cannot boast a perfect record as far as my own behavior is concerned, I have only had a couple of minor slip-ups since XH started seeing her (they are now engaged and have a baby together) and have made a very serious effort to be kind, to never say anything negative about either XH or her to my DD, to never react badly when my DD repeats something nasty she has said about me (which unfortunately happens frequently). It isn't easy, but it is important to me that my daughter understand that I respect her future stepmother's place in her life and I make sure that DD understands that this woman is a parental and authority figure in her father's home and that she needs to respect her and treat her as such. I have no interest in undermining her or making her life difficult or any of the common issues I've seen come up between the two halves of broken families here on Step Talk.
Unfortunately, this woman who my daughter's father intends to share the rest of his life with does not abide by the same code of common decency. She consistently says nasty things about me to my daughter (e.g., that her father and I never loved each other and only got married because of her, that I don't care about her because I let her take a bath sometimes rather than a shower - ridiculous and inappropriate things really) and has for the past couple of years. She throws away toys and clothes that I have bought for DD (DD brings a backpack back and forth with her so she can carry her school things and sometimes clothes that are being returned or a toy or book that she wants to take with her - she spends a week here, a week there, back and forth).
Last night I picked up DD at the scheduled time (we are both very good about sticking to the parenting schedule and showing up on time and all that) and I heard her (the side door is right next to their living room and she is loud lol) say, "(XH), she's here," then when he didn't respond, she yelled, "(XH)! Bitch!" As in, the b***h is here. Well within earshot of my daughter.
I try to take the things DD shares with me (I have taught myself not to ask questions about what XH's fiancee says because it just ends up being hurtful and not worth hearing) with a grain of salt because she is young and she doesn't always understand or relay things clearly, but some things are hard to miss. I mean, my DD has told me many times that fiancee "hates me" - clearly she is hearing that when she is with her father and that really saddens me. Not that she hates me - that's her right and doesn't bother me. It's the fact that she shares this with my child that I think is inappropriate. She is marrying my XH and I honestly wish them nothing but the best. I don't have any interest in him, I don't bother him about trivialities, I only speak to him when necessary about DD. I really don't make any attempt to be in their business or bother them or disrupt their relationship in any way.
I asked XH a few days ago at our exchange if he would be willing to switch one day with me in July so that DD can be in a dear friend's wedding - she asked awhile ago but I forgot to check the schedule and I apologized for that and told him if she couldn't it's fine and I understand I just need to let my friend know as soon as possible. He told me that the wedding fell during the same week as his baby's birthday so I said I totally understand if you are having her party that day just let me know when you decide.
Well he decided that DD should be in the wedding, which was very generous and I appreciated that very much. But then as DD and I were driving back to my house, she told me that fiancee told her, "Since you aren't coming to baby's birthday party, she won't be coming to yours," as if my daughter had made the decision to not be there for her baby sister It was just such a mean and vindictive thing to say. (On top of that, she was already refusing to come to DD's party, which is fine, but she used it as a reason to say something mean and nasty to a little kid and that's upsetting.)
In the past if she's said something particularly awful in front of DD, I have told XH and asked him to talk to her about being civil in front of her, but it hasn't ever helped so I stopped asking. I am so disappointed in him for not being a grown-up and expecting his future wife to be a grown-up in front of his daughter.
I guess I am just wondering, from a step parent perspective, if there is anything I can do (or not do) to make this situation any better or if I am just going to have to live with the fact that my DD is going to have a stepmother who behaves this way.
I really am a good mom - I take good care of DD, I provide for her myself without any kind of financial support from her dad or the government or anyone else, I work hard. I don't do drugs or drink or have a mental illness. I make sure she goes to school and does her homework and goes to activities and spends time with friends and family... Hell, I'm about 6 weeks away from probably being our next PTO president. I don't want my XH back and never have. I feel like the only thing I am doing wrong is existing.
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I nearly forgot the worst
I nearly forgot the worst part this morning
Future stepmother told DD that "when you are older, you have to decide where you are going to live." Ugh.
I could cry over this stuff weekly. I told my daughter that she absolutely does not have to make that decision.
This is part of what makes me
This is part of what makes me so sad. I believe that my XH really loves DD and I feel like his relationship with her is going to erode horribly over the years if this continues. I think he is so desperate to make his relationship work this time that he is willing to accept unacceptable behavior.
This was my best friend's
This was my best friend's opinion too. After we split up, she tried to maintain a friendship with him for awhile so she spent some time with him and with his now fiancee and apparently she is jealous and has some personal issues. I don't judge her for having her own issues - who doesn't. I do judge her for letting those issues effect my DD. And if she is jealous that I was married to her fiance and had a child with him that's just crazy. They are engaged and have a baby and there is nothing of his that I want other than DD. It's just so irrational.
I haven't kept good records up until now but I feel like the things she says get more damaging all the time and he refuses to do anything...
Yeah I don't really talk to
Yeah I don't really talk to her directly. She has texted me a few times (usually to apologize for something ridiculous she has done) but I don't really think I have any reason to talk directly to her. I don't even think it's really okay for me to talk directly to her unless it is absolutely necessary. I doubt she would like to hear from me lol.
I agree - that's actually one
I agree - that's actually one thing that never occurred to me. That he may have fueled this by speaking ill of me to win points with her. Sad really. I really try not to say too many negative things about him even to my SO and friends. I guess I just think that as the father of my daughter and my once-husband, that he is due a little more respect than that. Apparently he does not share this view.
As a custodial step dad with
As a custodial step dad with no other children I see all of the drama in our blended family coming from the SpermIdiot and SpermClan.
However, I detest idiots regardless of what parental prefix they carry (Bio/Step).
I do not think it is likely that there is anything that a Sparent can tell you that will make your situation better or easier for you and your DD. The FSM is an immature evil individual.
IMHO the only option you have to is take complete control of the situation and develop the tools that you can use to make her life so miserable (unfortunately that also means making your XH's life miserable) that she will do what you tell her to do when you tell her to do it.
First, if yo do not have a Court Order outlining custody and visitation .... get one .... NOW!
Second, if your income is lower than XH's, file for CS. I understand that you do not need the money but it is a big tool for leverage to get the SM under control and to motivate your XH to get his FDW under control and to minimize ther vitriolic influence over your (and his) daughter.
Third, get a recorder and record SMs comments and take video of her making these comments near your daughter. Get that information to court and a judge will skin her vitriolic ass alive and climb your XHs ass for allowing her behavior near your daughter.
Fourth, get a journal and keep a detailed log of every conversation you have with XH and FSM, anything your DD tells you or story that she tells about vitriolic crap that goes on at XHs hous, record all of the telephone calls betweeen you and XH (check your state to determine the laws), etc, etc, etc......
My wife tried to be nice with my SS-18's SpermIdiot and SpermClan for the first few years of our blended family adventure, to no avail. When she would be nice and accommodating they would push for more and get nastier and nastier. So, finally, we developed the strategy of using the CO and State and County supplemental rules for custody/visitation/support to smack them in submission. My wife quit talking to them and started telling them exactly what they would do and when they would do it. She would not allow them to deviate at all from the CO or other governing rules and when necessary she would drag them to court for a tongue lashing by the judge, more CS and to get penalties and interest added to the bills that they refused to reimburse us for (uncovered medical expenses).
I became dad to my SS-18 when he was 1yo. There is no reason why a Sparent can not be decent to their Skids and you should require that your DD's FSM be decent to your daughter. Unfortunately it is often the case that one side of a blended family or the other or even both sides will not be reasonable or work together. In those situations then the good side of the equation has to enforce what is right on the other.
I know this is not what you were hoping for but in situations where the blended family opposition is juvenile in behavior and will not grow up and focus on the best interests of the child(ren) then it is the only option for protecting the kid(s).
So, file for physical and legal custody even though you are in a 50/50 situation, nail your XH for CS, then tell him to get his vitriolic future bride under control or you will have no choice but to force him to.
All IMHO of course.
Good luck.
Thanks for your input Rags, I
Thanks for your input Rags, I really appreciate it. I do think I am going to take the oft-repeated advice of keeping a journal in case I ever need it. I can't bring myself to even consider asking for CS. We make very close to equal salaries and frankly I don't need or want his money.
I do think over the long term I could be doing my DD a disservice by not reacting to this stuff, and that pains me. I have been trying to take the high road and let things roll off of me, but sometimes I forget that my daughter may not be able to do the same and shouldn't be in a position to have to do so.
We definitely have everything in our divorce agreement as far as custody and all that so that' not an issue. I consider myself lucky that we really haven't had issues as far as anyone being irresponsible about pick-up/drop-off and paying for activities and those kinds of common issues.
Really the main issue is that I am very worried that over time these little needling actions by FSM will cause my daughter to have emotional issues or a bad relationship with her dad.
My DW and the SpermIdiot were
My DW and the SpermIdiot were never married. The CO for Custody/Visitation/Support clearly states that BioDad has to provide insurance and if he does not then he pays for the increased cost of covering the kid under either my policy or my wife's. He actually gets a better deal by not providing insurance for the kid himself. His CS was increased by $30/mo since the Skid was 1yo because I provide insurance. He once tried to get that part of his CS eliminated by adding the kid to his policy after nearly 10yrs but the judge said "no, you have not added him to your policy when you were the one responsible for insuring him so you can continue to pay for coverage under stepdad's policy."
The CO also states that he is liable for half of any medical expenses not covered by insurance. After 17yrs he owes us ~$6K in unpaid medical expenses (Co-pays for office visits, Rx's, ER visits, dental procedures, glasses, contacts, etc, etc, etc.....) My wife has not wanted to nail his ass to the wall for this stuff while SS was on visitation so we held off but we made sure to send him a statement of what he owes and copies of every receipt at least once or twice a year for the entire duration of the CO. We send it delivery confirmation and we have all of the records showing what we sent and when we sent it.
This keeps our claim active. We brought it forward to the judge the last time we were in court and the judge jumped his ass about not paying his share and informed him that due to his long and willful disregard for this element of the CO that penalties and interest would be assessed if he did not step up and pay up. He did not so we are about to take him to court again to get the money now that SS is no longer under the CO for visitation.
SpermIdiot and SpermGrandMa are irate since "we can't afford to support the younger three kids as it is and you are just cruel and mean". But .... tough shit and not our problem.
The judge told the SpermIdiot last time that he was well over $10K in total liability due penalties and interest on his lack of payment and that was almost 8yrs ago. So, we shall see how it goes.
My wife would rather just let it all go and be done with it but at this point I want my pound of SpermClan flesh so we have our attorney filing the suit.
Best regards,
First of all thank you for
First of all thank you for trying to work with the future step mom. That is SO rare, you have no idea. I am in kind of the situation that your FSM is in. I am dating someone XH but we are not engaged (yet). It's hard helping raise someone else kids, especial if you are always reminded that you are no their mom and have NO rights. Trust me there are feelings there and you WANT to love them and care for them.
And you do have to watch what you say around them. It's all in how you word it really. I told BF that I would never lie to his kids about anything. One day SS5 was going on and on about this new game system that he had at BM's house (and he knows that I love games) he was begging me to come over and play it with him but me and his mom don't get along. I told him "I don't think your mom likes me very much, so I probably shouldn't come over and play. But we have tons of games here that we can play together." I know I probably should have said anything but I was really sick of him asking and it's was half truth - she really doesn't like me at all. So it's easy to cave, but she still shouldn't say some of the things that she says to DD.
Also we try not to talk about 'adult' problems in front of the kids and if we do we use code words which eventually they will figure out but for now they are young enough. Plus SS3 is in repeat mode lately so you really have to watch what you say around him. The other day in the car I wasn't going where he wanted to go and he said plan as day "Son of a B****" I asked BF where he got that from and he said BM says that a lot. I try to sensor myself but that is not a phrase I use. I am the type of person that makes up words
But BOTH sides need to work together and really XH should be telling FSM to cool it too. If the two fo you can't get along then you shouldn't be near each other. I don't go near BM any more unless forced to.
Thank you for sharing your
Thank you for sharing your perspective, I appreciate it. I think in my case, FSM has quite a lot of authority and control in the house, so I don't think she is suffering from the "you have no rights" issue that many SPs here are dealing with which is good.
My DD has said stuff like that to me too - like, "You should come see _______," or "Come to my dad's house for ________," and I have to find ways to nicely tell her that I'm not welcome there. It's hard but I think there is value in kid's understanding that their divorced parents can't co-exist in the same way they used to.
I also appreciate the comment further up about how an ex will badmouth a woman to make the new woman feel better about the situation. That actually makes a sort of twisted sense to me. Although, I tell my SO that my XH is a more or less decent man who was completely wrong for me and leave it at that unless a huge blowout happens. Then I vent but I haven't sat there and rattled off every bad thing he ever did.
Thanks - I thought about
Thanks - I thought about asking for #s 2 and 3 originally but I was really trying to be civil. I think I've done us a great disservice in my attempts to be kind and generous about everything.
I woudl have a serious talk
I woudl have a serious talk with ex husband about the things you are hearing. Stress to him that it is hurting your daughter and makes her uncomfortable. Express concern that it will damage their relationship and she may not want to continue spending so much time there. Tell him you would like to work things out peacefully but if he cant get her under control you will have to pursue other options such as modifying the current custody schedule.
I agree. I would raise the
I agree. I would raise the issue with him that you heard her refer to you as 'bi tch'. You could just say to him "You know, maybe *fiancee* was having a bad day but was it really neccessary to call me a bi tch or say anything else nasty in front of our daughter?"
It gives him the message loud and clear that you heard it and you were not happy with it. You also soften it for him with the "maybe having a bad day" scenario. But he knows and you know this is only for appearances. Who knows, he may speak to her about it. Or not. The point is you have raised it with him and what he does hereon in is on his shoulders. And adding the 'no negatives' to your decree will give you some leeway in the future
Good luck.