I really need help with my step son
I found my soulmate in April 2010!! We met on Facebook actually but found out we'd been eachothers lives and didn't even know it!! We graduated from the same highschool the same year 2001! He was everything my heart and soul needed! I had been married before and had 2 children in that relationship and shortly after I found I was pregnant with my 2nd child I filed for divorce. Long story short that marriage didn't work Bc he was caught cheating, doing drugs, and running up credit cards in my name to watch porn online. Anyway it was years later and I had sworn to myself I'd never marry again. But on may 22 2010 I eloped with the man of my dreams! My kids just took to him like a duck to water! They love him and know he's a good dad for them seeing their real dad comes and goes when he pleases. Then I introduce to you his 6 year old son. My Son is 3 and daughter 5. Ever since day one ive noticed my step son is a little messed up. He acted like he never got attention, didn't want to be around other kids, kinda of withdrawn, or shoved up our butt. He was attached to his dads hip and refused to be any further. Well when he started becoming more comfortable he became attached to me in a way as if he was my own son. We started having problems with him verbally abusing and threatening my daughter. He would bully her so bad she kept coming to us and telling and my husband I felt was chalking it up to sibling rilvary and that my daughter was just a tattler all kids act up like that. I didn't know Bc I was an only child never had to deal with this before and her and my son would never fight like this :(. It upset me but I told my daughter to be string ignore him and still ALWAYS come to me if theres any problems. She agreed and always did come to me. Well onto of my step son bullying my daughter my two best friends caught the step son taking off my daughters clothes In a corner in her room! We confronted him about it and explained to him we do not do that and he seemed to understand. He still bullied her and I was just getting madder and madder that my husband wasn't taking this serious. Then my daughter came to me with this. This was Kaylas complete testimony
She was lying down when hunter came into her room she said he asked her if he could "hurt" her girl parts and she said no and rolled over he then shoved his foot into her girl stuff really hard she said, then he took his knee and shoved it really hard on her girl part then he proceded to make a fist and push in to her girl parts as well as his hand she said he scared her not to tell by hitting her in the chest sitting on it until she couldn't breath she said Luke (3year old)tried to pull him off her when hunter was sitting on her. She came to me after we had taken him home. THANK GOD she came to me! I was physically sick and upset. I took her to the dr the next day to have her checked and make sure she was ok. I talked to the dr about how he'd been acting. Kayla told the dr what he does and says to her. He's threatened to kill her and Lukas with a friend named Jacob to help. Told her he didn't want any of us to be his family he just wants his father. He made a comment, "hey wouldn't it be cool to slice up a baby." that comments was made while he was starring at my husband and mine newborn son. The dr said his behavior is not normal and to seek help Bc it seems he may be being abused or seeing someone abused. When I confronted his mother about his behavior her exact words were, "well he is a liar and I worry about him being around Allie (her 2yearold girl) she also stated her son had Been hanging out with a girl that was recently raped by her brother. His mom has yet to take him to get council. So in the mean time waiting to find out what's wrong with him I've chosen to keep my kids away from him period. I'm not risking him hurting them! I feel horrible for not stopping the bullying sooner
but since this happened just the mere thought of him coming over sickens me. I fear for my newborn safety I stay with my baby constantly I'm afraid to even go to the bathroom without him. I really do not like my step son and the longer this goes on and it's not fixes I start to feel I hate him. I honestly feel like if his parents don't fix his abusive behavior I'll have to end my marriage. I don't want that I love my husband SOOOO much and I feel bad for him Bc he's torn. He loves my kids SOOOO much and seems like he's on our side but that's his son. So I decided to send my kids away to gma and papa when step son is here so that he can have time with his dad hoping this will help him but it doesn't seem to help and our family being SOOOO split up just rips my heart out :.( help please
- Lovemykidz's blog
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WOW!! THis child is very
WOW!! THis child is very sick to the point no one is safe. Good thing you keep your children away from that evil demon.
I wouldn't allow that kid in the home overnight. He could burn the place down while you're sleeping. He's not to be trusted, ever.
PLEASE....never allow him alone with a pet...never never. Studies show these type children begin with animals then go on to people. Watch out and protect the animals.
Until he's in therapy and receiving medical attention, I wouldn't allow him anywhere near your home. NEver ever aroune your children.
There's an execution Thursday on a man that raped, bludgeoned,and killed an innocent 9 year old. He first started torturing animals and children as a kid....grew up to be a murdering SOB monster. Richard Bible is the filthy creeps name.
SOunds as if you have this kind of monster in your home. WATCH OUT!!
You met and were marry within
You met and were marry within a month. The BM is aware of the issue and is keeping him away from her youngest child. Did BM say how long this has been going on? Did you meet the SS prior to getting married? Did your husband give you any idea about his son's issues? Do you think he was aware of them and kept it from you? It seems strange that BM would be aware of the problem, but dad is clueless. Something seems off. I have a feeling knows all about his son. I would not have that kid in my home or around my kids ever. I wouldn't care how much help he got or if the marriage had to end. My concern would be for my kids and myself. His parents can worry about him. Teach your daughter that it is ok to fight and that she will not get in trouble for defending herself.
This kid is exhibiting the
This kid is exhibiting the traits that many serial killers show at a young age. There was a serial killer in Kansas known as BTK. He brutally killed two children and eight adults. Psychologists met with him before he was sentenced to life in prison and he revealed that he had tortured and killed quite a few animals as a kid.
BM and DH need to get this kid serious medical and psychological help before he comes back to your house. Your DH can visit with him and help him elsewhere.
Yes we married quickly but
Yes we married quickly but the kids had been together from the start and like I said at first he was shy and quiet and withdrawn. Didn't really wanna be around kids which I thought was odd but none the less I thought the shy part was expected due to us being together so fast. I love kids so much my thoughts were to just love him SOOOO much and show him that attention and love as I do my own. BM said only the things I listed and that she would take him to the dr. She didn't say how long she's noticed problems and actually her just "throwing him under the bus" when I confront her about the problems and her NEVER mentioning his problems at home sounds so supocious like she's hiding something. He does lie that kid lies about everything it's ridiculous but as a mother ud think she wouldn't be completely putting him downin front of him and my daughter. My husband said he had behavior problems but never mentioned that he was so violent and abusive and I think he feels like he has no control Bc BM threatens him by saying "if u don't do this for me blah blah, I'll keep your son from you" they have no formal legal agreement, she likes it that way Bc she can call the shots. We have 4 kids so no money to take her to court either. I have thought about Calling social services but what if they took him from her then gave him to us full time?! I think I'd die. Yes I do think my husband has known that his problems are real and bad I just don't know why he doesn't fix them :(. Everyone of you are thinking the exact things I am and it makes me feel a relief Bc I have so many people saying different things in the family such as "your ruining your family keeping them apart" or "it seems as though your just singling your ss out" per my husbands family they swear kids say and do crazy stuff but that's how they are! I'm like WTF I know my family was small growing up but I think I know the difference between right and wrong and what he is, is ALL WRONG! I'm just gonna keep them separated hopefully permanently Bc honestly I'm scared to death if I give him an inch he's gonna do something worse and my kids are my life and I will protect them always.
This child needs IMMEDIATE
This child needs IMMEDIATE help-there are inpatient psychiatric services for children with these kinds of issues. You absolutely cannot have him in your home or near your children. This is heart-breaking for all of you, but the safety of you and your family must be NUMBER 1.
I work with special education students and this calls for immediate intervention. Also, years ago, my ex's nephew was hospitalized because he attacked his mother with a pair of scissors. It was horrible. She was not seriously physically hurt, but mentally she was a mess. He was placed in the hospital for several weeks, and when he came home, she never slept. He was about 6 or 7 when he did this and he just turned 13. He seems to be ok. There was never an official diagnosis that I know of, but he was deprived of oxygen at birth, and there was talk about brain damage. My ex's family would not talk about it. The point is, kids can do horrific things at young ages and a lot of people don't want to accept that. I think there was a 4-year-old on my my nephew's ward at the time.
Your SS is a danger to himself, you, your family, and other kids. It is not possible to predict who he will go after next. His father or the BM or both need to get him admitted to a hospital or seen by a doctor NOW.
I know you are scared, and you have every right to be. Please do not allow this child into your home, and please insist that your DH get him treated immediately.
I have no idea what is actually wrong, but I strongly suspect sexual abuse, either direct or being seen by your SS. I would guess direct. He could also have some kind of psychotic disorder or chemical imbalance. This is extreme. These kids may not even be aware of what they are doing. My ex's nephew said he felt "foggy" and could not provide many details about what he did to his mom.
If you cannot get your DH to listen to you, you need to call social services. They will NOT put him in your home, and if they even mention that, you must insist that you do not want him there. You have to tell them everything that you said here.
My heart is with you.
Yes these issues are extreme.
Yes these issues are extreme. IMO, he needs to be hospitalized asap. My ss when he was 9 developed a detailed, logical plan to kill my son and came to me telling me he did not think he could stop himself. He also spent several months prior pretending to be psychotic, threatening to burn down the house, and playing with fire. This was 4 years ago and I still have a seriously hard time being around him. I've had about 18 months of that time were I didnt have to see him due to dh's military service-but he is back visiting eowe. And I am constantly on edge. My dh doesnt get it. He has not made those sorts of threats since then so dh feels it is done and over with;however he is still mean as a snake and can be aggressive-his sibs,my kids, are often his target. I do think he just wishes they didnt exist.
If he continues saying this stuff take him to the psych hospital-if your dh wont-then call the police and tell them you are scred for your kids. DCS would never place the kid with you due to the threats and the younger kids in the home-but they might force the parents to get him the help he so clearly needs
By the way, My ss was also very quiet and withdrawn at times when he was younger. At times he could seem perfectly normal-but other times he was just strangely detached-he does not seem to have the same emotions, conscience that others have.
Thank u for your comfort and
Thank u for your comfort and support. I have been so torn as to what to do and no one to talk to but my best friends and they both feel the same way. I just was looking for an outsiders view as well. I know he needs help and after hearing my husband talk to him and talking with me he says he will take control and take him to the dr to be evaluated immediately. He is standing behind me so far. I'm still standing my ground about protecting my other 3 kids. I'm scared and I hate to feel scared in my own home. I'm heart broken and Feel helpless. I'm gonna trust that my husband will take him and I'll keep u posted and thank u all again I wish I could hug u all!