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I just got a FB notification that BM commented on my birthday post on SS's wall

stormabruin's picture

My post to SS was:

Happy Grown-Up Birthday tomorrow! Wishing you a path for a life that you LOVE! Smile

Just about 15 minutes ago, BM posted the following comment:
BM: Thanks Stormabruin, now could u tell that husband of yours to pay his child support please!!!!!!!!!

My face is hot, my hands are shaking & my heart is racing. I WANT to reply, but am not going to do it. IF I did, it would come out something like this:

Hey BM, the birthday wish was for my step-son, not you. No need to thank me. I have record that child support is paid in full you stupid cow. With that said, being that I have no responsibilities to you or your child support, you can suck my fat dick. Now, just lay back & slurp it all in like the nasty gutter whore I know you are.

She irks me to no end.


Jsmom's picture

I would say tha it is paid in full and you have the receipts to prove it. Then tell her to get a damn job...

There is no way I would sit back and say nothing. I am never allowed to say anything to BM but, you can be damn sure I would comment on that one. Stupid....

stormabruin's picture

DH has never & would never tell me I'm not allowed to say anything to her. I haven't talked to him since she posted, but when he finds out, he'll be the first to say, "Tell her...".

If it were between my FB & hers, I would...well, I probably wouldn't give her the satisfaction of a reply there either.

I believe there is a time & place for everything. One of the ugliest things about FB is the amount of dirty laundry that is scattered from page-to-page. I can't bring myself to acknowledge or justify her childish poisonous comments & won't add to it on SS's wall for him & all of his friends to have to look at.

What's so remarkable about the whole thing is that because it didn't show up the day she wanted it, she's going to make DH out to be some deadbeat. Even with 2 layoffs, he has yet to miss or even be late (in a normal person's mind) on one.single.payment. In the 6 years he's been ordered to pay. We have copies of 2 letters DH submitted to CSE to close their CS cases & drop arrears to keep her deadbeat-ass out of jail over the 4 years he had the kids after she took off.

Funny thing, though...she has yet to acknowledge that lil tidbit anywhere on FB.

stormabruin's picture

Not that we'll ever be back in court again, but I do a printscreen on anything she does like that & keep it in my own secret file. Lord knows it'll come in handy one day, when the kids come around with questions...

stormabruin's picture

I'm sure he doesn't appreciate it, but he won't say anything to her because she'll be offended & hurt & she'll cry. :sick:

It will fall right in with this other barrage she started. SS spent a night at BM's mom's (nanny's) house & this is what came of it:

SS: Just woke up 30 mins ago time for breakfast Smile
BM: Did you have fun at Nanny's last night? I love you and miss you xoxoxo
Sam: Rofl
Devan: Lol
Sam: Dynn x.x

SS: Shut The Hell Up

Devan: ROFL!!!!!!!!!
Sam: Mama's Boii!!!!!! Awwwwwl rifk
Devan: Shutup sam you is to
Sam: Df nahh
Ben: You Idiots.. Sam not funny, at all. -__-
Devan: Ikr Rofl
Samantha: Smh

Now, had it been me posting on my child's wall & had the incredibly lousy idea to leave such a comment, as soon as I saw the friends making fun, I'd have deleted my comment that created it all. You know BM got a notification for every single comment that came after hers, so why wouldn't she fix it???

She leaves it there for SS to deal with. If he deletes it, she'll be hurt & pissed & cry because she'll feel rejected by her son. She's such a POS.

Unfreakingreal's picture

I do better than that. Whenever BM posts any of her stupid "Hi my big sexy baby, mommy loves you!" I go into his account & delete it. He hates that she writes that nonsense on his wall. He's 18 dumbass get a grip!

karenemoy's picture

Unfriend the BM, I unfriended BM because it made me sick everytime she posted something. The last straw was when she posted that drug addict SS21 was the greatest kid in the world. She was acting like he was coming home from war, rather than 4th tour of REHAB IN UNDER A YEAR.

I do not give a shit whats goes on in her life - she is vile.

Why give her another forum to stir up shit.

stormabruin's picture

I'm not her friend. I am friends with SS, & she is friends with SS. I posted a birthday wish on HIS wall, & BM commented on it.

Unfreakingreal's picture

So block her. That way she can't ever see what you write and you can't see what she writes either.

Unfreakingreal's picture

Go to privacy settings, go to customize, there is a button that says BLOCK LIST. Add her name to it. You'll never see her stupid face or her dumbass remarks again.

Unfreakingreal's picture

LOL! I blocked every member of my DH's family. Cousins, nieces, nephews, sisters, EVERYONE. I despise them and didn't want to see any of their crap nor did I want them seeing any of mine either.

stormabruin's picture

K, so I blocked her & I can't see other comments she's made, but I still see that one. It's all in bold letters, like, "LOOK AT ME!" LOL!

jojo68's picture

Don't let it get under your skin...that is her whole reason for her being is to play childish games. Actually I deal with my son's SM who acts like this and ignoring her is the the absolute best way to deal with it. She thrived when I let her get under my skin and played back now since I ignore her she doesn't mess with me near as bad. One time I sent my son's father a first day of school picture (because my son looked very nice) a few years back and she commented "you look ok but you should tell your mother to hem your jeans" She is a real gem very much like the BM's I read about on here...I can only imagine the hell the SM went through that her exhusband married.

purpledaisies's picture

I would say anything expect that the payments are paid in full. The only reason I would do that is b/c she is airing that all over FB for a LOT of people to see. I would HAVE to make it clear that the CS is PAID! Also that there is proof of this. IF it went so far as needing to post the proof I would too. However that is as far as I would take it. The PROOF that her claim is not real and only to stir crap.

The main reason is b/c if you are silent a lot of people including ss might think it is an admission of guilt. I know that we are not to worry about what others think but come on this is a LOT of family and friends on there!

But you see this way it will also make her look like the bitch she is anyway. I wouldn't respond to anything but CS comment and anything else that she posts will just be a reflection of her classiness. lol

jojo68's picture

Maybe you should post back and say that she needs to check with district clerks office or mail (however she receives her CS) and post a picture of a document that shows proof of payment for the whole world to see especially show him that his father is paying his CS. Let us know what you do and what happens!

stormabruin's picture

My thing with any reply, though, is that it's on SS's FB. I don't want to add fuel to any FB war...especially about shit that's NO one's business, like CS.

BM is a manipulator, & I know that anything I post will result in more drama. Perhaps some will see silence as an admission of guilt. In my opinion, for someone to assume such is ignorant. Frankly, it's none of their business, so they can assume whatever they want to.

If BM really wanted this to be about CS, she'd have contacted DH by phone to find out where the money is. This isn't about CS. It's about marking her territory & trying to push me out.

Let her friends see it. Let SS's friends see it, & let them assume what they will. They'll come to realize she's a liar, just like everybody does in time, & anyone worth the oxygen they suck will realize that her mouth spews raw sewage any time it's open.

What really gets to me is the hypocracy. She's accusing DH of being a deadbeat, yet she's the one who TWICE begged DH to drop the arrears to keep HER deadbeat ass out of jail.

MrsFitMama's picture

Silence is a killer... like another person suggestions... just put "Classy...sorry SS" That says it best and she will feel embarrassed that she looked like a total ass.

Stepmom_Lori's picture

The woman is an asshole. How embarrassing for your poor SS. I can understand you wanting to blast her for that comment but it would only make it worse for your SS.

Can you delete your comment and make hers go away with it? It's probably best for it to be gone as not to embarrass SS further.

BTW...If it was your own fb page I'd say go with the nasty gutter whore comment Wink

Unfreakingreal's picture

I'd post a jpeg of the most recent payments to date statement showing the 6 year total which I'm sure adds up to a load of cash. And tag her in the photo.

Mothers Milk's picture

This probably one where you look classier by saying nothing. Getting into a pissing contest on your step son's wall on his Bday is not the right venue. I agree with those that suggested blocking her.

stormabruin's picture

I've blocked her. I can still see that particular comment, but it's the only one, & it's still it's shouting at me to look. LOL!

She left DH a message on his cell that same afternoon. She was very stern & kept saying, "I've been trying to work with you on this but if you keep giving me trouble, I'm justgonna have to do whatever I have to do...". I know she meant taking him to court, but she never did just say it. It was 4 or 5 times she repeated, "I'm just gonna have to do whatever I have to do". It was amusing to hear her turn everything on him, like he's just trying to get away with something. "If you keep giving me trouble..."---what, because it took the mailman a whole week to deliver the envelope???

I told him he should call her back & tell her to go ahead & do whatever it was she had to do. Let her take him to court & go before a judge & bitch & blame DH because it took a week for it to show up. ENCOURAGE her to do it! There are people who are months & years behing on their CS. LET her waste a judges time with her big fat alligator tears crying about how she's the victim in all of this & how DH is holding out to control her...a whole week! I'd pay money to hear a judge tell her to get a J.O.B!

Well, I called yesterday to check the status on the money order. Sure enough, she got it & cashed it yesterday. Funny thing message on the cell to apologize for falsely accusing him of skipping out on payment. No message even to let him know she'd received it.

I can imagine the crow is tough to swallow. Perhaps it'll slide down easier with a big fat slice of humble pie...