Perhaps a reminder to all of us...on trolling
Thought this quite informative link might help remind us to stay protected on these forums. I think many forums are susceptible-but given the nature of this board I think we are even more so some times. So-I will try to follow the advise of this link myself-and please read when you have a moment-it's VERY informative.
- overit2's blog
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I completely understand the
I completely understand the need for caution on any internet site, as do most of us. I do think it's one thing to take caution, however a very different thing to disregard someone's blog & call them out on something you believe to be made up.
What if it were you posting about feeling helpless when someone you love is hurting, & some stranger takes over your blog to infer that your feelings & your situation don't really exist? This is where we come to blog about the things we have nowhere else to discuss.
We come here to blog about our feelings & vent about our issues because we know there are others here who can relate & understand.
If you can't relate or understand someone else's situation, move on. No one forces you to read ANYthing here. That's the glorious thing about the internet. If you don't like what you're reading a simple click will make it disappear!
True storm-and the "forum
True storm-and the "forum defenders"....we get bit in the ass for stepping up. It's clear to me when something is bullshit and isn't. If you're around forums long enough you see it. THAT said-to each their own-and I will try to follow the advice I linked to. That does not mean that behind the scenes I won't report something suspicious however.
I hate when peoples sympathy and time, support is wasted on fabrications-particularly in some cases on sinister things -that to make stories up to invoke attention and sympathy becomes beyond deplorable-and my capacity to shut up about it goes out the window.
Agreed... I made the mistake
Agreed... I made the mistake of calling someone on a blatently fabricated post. It was sooooo obvious that an ignorant third grader would know better. But I still got blasted for being insensitive and rude. However, even more people than blasted me, PMd me to tell me that they agreed with MY observation, they just can't be bothered to deal with the backlash of the "followers" who get sucked in by these attention seeking whack jobs.
whatever.. I have no problem calling a spade a spade.
OK, so yes, obviously things
OK, so yes, obviously things haven't changed in the past year. Because what I posted in the midst of the cat fight about leaving here because it was like that and now giving it another chance and nothing has changed.............guess what......comment deleted already.
I guess what is the point of posting of there is some higher being with control issues deleting whatever they feel like because they just don't like, wouldn't life be easier if we could all just hit a delete button when someone said something we didn't like.
Thank you overit2 for the v
Thank you overit2 for the v useful information on trolls. I have come across at least one on this forum, and have not been a member very long.
One life-you're a member of a
One life-you're a member of a few days-kine of like Oi Vey..-perhaps another old lurker...not sure what you are referencing in terms of past. What I've posted helps ALL of us who have to deal with craziness on boards and support forums. There are nice people and not so nice people. At what time I was sucked into trolls worlds-i like to think I've gotten smarter with time
NO need to get upset-I'll stop commenting on threads I'm not comfortable with. The link I provided is nothing but incredibly helpful-if you find that offensive I'm sorry.
Not a lurker, just a ticked
Not a lurker, just a ticked off SM that thought I had it made in the shade because the SS was turning 18. Left here when "STEPERG" ruled the world and all I got was mean comments and crap - didn't need it, already had enough in real life, kind of defeated the purpose of venting.
I apologize as I got upset when my comment got deleted and people were being kind of crappy to eachother - just started to look like what it was back then. And right now, I really could use a place to vent so I don't track BM down and cut the break lines on her vehicle.
I will clean my own thread as
I will clean my own thread as needed. Trying to keep it on topic as I was reminded to do in others blog homes
So we can all practice what we preach-this isn't posted for anyone to start a war w/me in defense of what happened in another blog-It's a informative link on trolling-read it, or ignore it 
I read it and yeah, it all
I read it and yeah, it all makes sense. I just don't know what purpose anyone would have. Nothing better to do?
Maybe they get jollies off getting people fighting? Don't know - happens on a lot of forums though.
You know sour-it's
You know sour-it's funny-because in that link it talks about how the forum troll causes the problems in the first place-but then the issue becomes between forum members and defenders personal discussing it-while the troll sits back enjoying the fruit of their work.
SO YES-in MY thread on trolling-anything that incites more argument and discussion forum trolls will enjoy I'm jsut going to cleanup. It IS hard to stay quiet-especially if you've been sucked into it before.
I can't open it, but I guess
I can't open it, but I guess I get the gist. To me...trolls are pretty easy to pick out.
What I really hate is if I disagree with someone then I am accused of being a trolling BM. It annoys the heck out of me. I cut back a lot of my posting and trying to give advice (unless it was sunshine and butterflys) even though I think I have a lot to offer. It is just to hard to defend yourself, because you are marked a "trolling BM" if you don't agree with every SM in the WORLD everytime.
Yes. All of that.
Yes. All of that.
I think some of what happens
I think some of what happens here, which leads to many troll accusations goes something like this.
Someone posts about a difficult step situation; some members that have tried it all, have been hurt and unsupported that now just try and survive by any means they can, will post what relates to them and what they would do. Then someone like me comes along and posts that in some cases, there are ways of dealing with issues , without resorting to getting even or hateful; that we are the grownups and they are the kids. Both kinds of posts have a place.I write mine, because maybe the op is not at that stage that they have given up and just want to live through this. Maybe their situation is not as bad as some here have lived through. Maybe there are strategies that could help prevent total disaster. Other posters on the other hand are just about there and it helps them be ok in that place. For me, I don't come from rainbow land with the step thing. I can say that we "survived" 8 years of it without too much permanent damage. There is pain and some things we will never like about each other, but we have grown to care and like parts of each other enough to be able to enjoy some time together.
So if some posts seem to go against the grain, it really does not necessarily mean that trolling or harm is intended.
Willow, oh I know, I agree
Willow, oh I know, I agree with you also. I've also been accused of being a trolling pas'inator BM when I arrived and some members are just like that-if you disagree w/anyone you're a troll....I don't agree w/that stance either at all just fyi.
THAT said-convoluted stories that are similar in nature and attract similar attention-or sudden "lurkers from ages ago" or people that attack a sm each and every time w/no explanation of who they are...they are quite obvious to spot.
LOL-no worries No trolling
LOL-no worries
No trolling will be allowed on my troll awareness thread.
Thanks for posting that link.
Thanks for posting that link. I'm new here and somewhat naive about forums I guess. I just figured the "trolls" were people so unhappy with their lives they were lashing out. That's probably the case anyway...happy people just do NOT act like that. Anyway, it was informative...thanks!
I just want to clarify...I
I just want to clarify...I meant lashing out at other people on the forum, not venting about family, etc.
And instead of "happy", I should have said "well adjusted" or compassionate or normal-ish.