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BM's plan to get FDH to carry SS on his insurance was foiled!

SteppingUp's picture

Two weeks ago FDH received a letter from the Child Support Agency that he would be required to have SS3 on his insurance. He just got a new job and we were excited to be able to put our son on his insurance because it's really cheap for +1 plan. My son is on my insurance right now but we'd save about $100 a month by having him on FDH's. BM works for a health insurance company so we couldn't figure out why the state suddenly wants FDH to put SS on his's not like his is any cheaper than hers. We double checked the stipulation and it clearly says that BM will carry SS on her health coverage plan unless she is no longer able to do so due to unemployment. FDH asked BM if she knew anything about it and she claimed she had no idea why they would do that and said it must be something about his new job and taht his premium must be cheaper than hers. We know that BM is still employed so FDH called CSA to figure out what the deal was.

Turns out, they sent BM NUMEROUS letters asking her to verify that SS was covered by her insurance. All she had to do was copy his insurance card and sign the paper and send it back. Of course, on this piece of paper it says that if she does not respond it will default to FDH.

That's what happened. The state didn't hear from BM so they don't make any effort to get in touch with her, they just MAKE FDH pay for it even though in their stipulation it says that would only happen if BM is unemployed.

At first I thought, Nahhh...BM didn't do that on purpose. It doesn't make sense. She has to have her daughter, SD6 on her insurance anyway, so it wouldn't make it any difference to take SS off of it because she'd still pay the family premium. I mentioned that to FDH and he said, "Actually...I seem to remember that SD6 was on her dad's insurance for some reason. BM gets FREE insurance for herself, and then it's a cost to add family members."

AHA! So BM most likely DID do this on purpose so she would save $100/month. Luckily, FDH has a copy of SS's insurance card and he is sending it to Child Support and they said they'd cancel the letter to his employer.

The thing that really bothers FDH is that the state always MAKES the guy do everything. They never, ever MAKE the BM do anything. If the stipulation says that, and she is NOT unemployed, why can't they MAKE her prove insurance? Why do they just say, "Oh okay the BM didn't respond...let's FORCE the dad to pay!" So true....


Auteur's picture

Yep you can't trust these psycho money grubbing BMs one iota!!!

When all three skids were on GG's insurance, the Behemoth DEMANDED the insurance company information and cards; which we gave to her anyway automatically. She took those kids to the doctor for every little hangnail and sniffle. Made sure the doc ordered MRIs etc. when it was on GG's dime (and yes she stiffed us out of her payment plus tricked GG into paying 200% of the oldest skids orthodonture)

Now when the skids went on her insurance (which is free to her), she NEVER gave us an insurance card for when they were at our house. I gave up asking GG to get it from her b/c he would never approach or confront her on anything. And she got a big whopping CS increase "in exchange for" putting the skids on her insurance (which cost her NOTHING; unlike when they were on GG's insurance)

SteppingUp's picture

I told FDH that if we do end up having to put SS on our insurance we're going to see if we can apply for less child support payment....considering her CS payment was calculated with that in mind, that she would carry him. GRRR.

SteppingUp's picture

Yes, it costs extra but it is pretty cheap to have a +1 on his insurance....but much more expensive for the "family" plan. So that means both me and our son would remain on my insurance.

Totalybogus's picture

Well then I don't blame you for insisting she keep the insurance. It would be different if you already had a family plan and adding an additional child would cost nothing.