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OMG!!! OMG!!! What to do?? Desperate for insight!!

wonderwhy's picture

So, I have been having drama with the 20 SD for the past month, with money her wanting money from DH all time and when he says no, I get blamed and I am the bad person. So now this little girl pulls a stunt. My BS is a year older than SD and they talk and are quite close. SD moved closer to us to go to school (it is about 25 min from us). She used to live about an hour away. DH works where she used to live with her BM). A few times since she has moved out here towards us, she has DH go to BM house to get things for her so she can pick them up at our house or have DH drop them off at her house. So here's the kicker...she was talking to my BS and telling him how DH has been going over BM house. My BS told her he didn't want to hear anymore and doesn't want to be caught in the middle. So today when DH gets home my BS is fuming, and tells me that he doesn't want to talk to him right now, so I told him that my BS is upset with him, so DH calls BS and asked him what he did, and BS that SD told him that he has been going over BM house on several different ocassions. I was right there listening to the conversation so I asked about it, have you really been going over there. DH gets mad at me for asking and he tells me that he went over there 2 times to pick up things that SD needed and brought them to her. SD is trying to make it more than it is, or is she????? Who or what should I believe. I have had so much DRAMA with this little girl. I am beyond furious. Your telling my BS this because? Can anyone help me out here??? I am soooo ready to leave DH because of all the SD and BM drama. :?


sonja's picture

Oh yikes. question 1 for yourself.. do you trust your DH.. 100%?
question 2, ask yourself if SD is always stirring everything up?

Looks like she knows just how to get to you (mentally) and how it would get to you (literally). Make sure you and DH are on the same page, and after that you should be able to let all this slide.

I read these posts about older skids, and I begin to dread when my sd grows up and no longer 'innocent'. HA!

dlysoulmate's picture

It sounds to me like your SD is causing trouble. Mind you, I would not be happy with my DH if he went to visit BM to get anything for the skid, but still, it seems to me she is wanting to cause doubts in everyone's mind to hurt your relationship. The problem? She will succeed unless your DH sees it.

EyesOfaStranger's picture

EXACTLLY what snikersgal said!! My DH sure as hell wouldn't be going over to BMs for any reason! SD is a grown woman she can do for herself! And shes just using your BS to get to you... Your DH should not go over there-- no matter what! That's just ridiculous. And BS should recognize she is using him to hurt you and cause drama in your marriage. So two easy ways to solve this: DH never goes to BMs again. BS doesn't talk to SD anymore. Period. IMO of course Wink

purpledaisies's picture

Here is my take first he has NO business going over to the bm's period! If SD wants something she is a BIG girl she can get it herself! No ands, ifs, or butts! If your dh can't or won't see that then bye bye! It has nothing to do with trust but respect! If don't give a rats behind what she thinks she needs he will not be going over!

That is the issue that needs to be addressed if he is not willing to do that from now on you have a problem.