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SS4 school update

youngmama1b1g's picture

So, I'll ruin it straight off the bat and tell you- he's not going. BM has opted instead to do homeschooling.

So, if you didnt read my previous post about the subject to sum up:
Back in May, BM told H in a text that she was going to enroll SS into school come fall. H said ok, just not some ghetto one.
About two weeks ago, I ask BM about the school situation- if she had found one, waiting lists, whatever...and found she had not even started to research schools and had no clue as to which school to attend other than a "charter" and somewhere half way between our places.
I made a complete list of all these places she could go to enroll SS4. Quality schools that because of state funding would have been free. MIL handed it to her on Monday when BM picked up on following Monday.
Sunday, she called H to talk about schooling options and said she was considering home schooling SS. Not only did my H tell her shes crazy for trying to homeschool because SS4s main problem is socialization with children his age. Not to mention the fact that BM is a highschool dropout. Well they talk and talk, and when I get my H to tell me all the facts, he just says the home schooling thing and says she was thinking of sending SS to where our BD goes. This other option of course would cost money, which my H says "well daycare and stuff is apart of the support you get, so youll have to pay for it". of course she says. So, I task myself with finding out information during the day since H is at work and I'm home the following day.
Today I finally got all the information together ater talking to our childcare provider, and then i read a text from my H saying simply "BM is gonna try that home school thing. It will be ok. I get to see him more anyways. Is he there yet"
SS usually doesnt get dropped off til tomorrow night, so in addition to trashing all of my preparation, crushing my expectations of school for this poor boy (I'm a preschool teacher-so yes this is THAT important to me), I also am given 0 warning to prepare for SS to be watched tomorrow.
So tempted to just walk away and let it done by H since he wanted to give me such a heads up....but then if I do, I'm the one dropping and picking up the kids tomorrow-well better get on H to figure out whats really going on. And then possibily right back to the phone...again.

I'm not sure which pisses me off more: BM being her usual lazy self or H taking advantage of me backing him up on all this retarded '50/50'


SisterNeko's picture

Ugh I feel for you. I am so waiting for our BM to say SS4 will be home schooled. He has social issues and all that stuff I keep telling BF the best thing for his is to be around other kids. BM has lied to us in the past and said she would sign him up for this and that and didn't. So now BF has had to take a more active roll in the boys education. He calls the school regularly. With 50/50 custody they have to talk to him and she can't sign him up for anything with out his permission. Some times you just have to do things the hard way and push. Even if it feels like you are trying to move a brick building.

But is sounds like fist you SO needs to want more for the child.