Night Time Advice
SS4 is almost five years old now and we are having some issues at night. He is getting up and getting into a lot of random things. One night it was taking literally everything out of the fridge and pouring it on his bedroom carpet. Another night it was going into the bathroom and spreading conditioner everywhere including messing with the kitty litter. Another night it was drawing all over the damn place. And one time he even got out of the house and up the road. :o We have since installed top door locks that he can't reach. I am frustrated and confused. Normally this is behavior seen in younger children around 2 or 3. Most of the advice on the internet advocates ways to keep them in their rooms with half doors, baby gates, safety door knobs, etc. but he is potty trained and for GODS SAKE he is almost five. FDH is frustrated as well. He has tried talking to him, tearing his ass up, taking away privelages, etc. He still doesn't communicate very well and I think that this may have something to do with it. I think he is developmentally a little behind and may be acting out on a 2 and 3 year old level. Same story as everyone else, BM is crazy and PASing the shit out of SS. I am worried that some hostility may be taken out on my daughter as BM loves to involve kids to hurt someone.
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Is he sleep walking or is he
Is he sleep walking or is he awake? Or is he half asleep?
Time for a visit to a Dr.
my BD5 is disabled and one of
my BD5 is disabled and one of the things she has is sensory-processing-disorder, which is very similar to adhd. another is developmentally delayed. to put it bluntly, she is at a 3-4yr old mental capacity, and she is 5. my advice is to speak to his pediatrician about your concerns and get a developmental eval.
till then, keep up with the locks and i do rrecommend a lock for your daughter. try to bear in mind that he cant communicate well, there may be something wrong that is out of his control. what we do, as my BD gets into everything (no impulse control), we just make sure things are not left out, we have (like u) installed top locks, and also door alarms. at night we have been lucky, if she gets up she goes str8 to our room, although i have on occassion woken up to find her playing at 3am.
good luck hun, and try to remember he is 4 ((HUGS))
Oh man, all too familiar. SD6
Oh man, all too familiar. SD6 has been doing this as long as I've known her, since she was 4 although SO says she has always been that way, it's a fight to get her to go to sleep and then when she does she get's up at screwed up hours and get's into everything. When she was allowed to be here I'd wake up all the time to my house trashed, drawers open, cupboards open, random shit pulled out, my closets pulled apart, running around screaming and carrying on, singing at the top of her lungs, going into my kids rooms and dragging stuff out, getting into their things, breaking their things, getting into the shampoo's, soaps etc in the bathroom, she has even attempted a few times to come into my room with me sleeping and get into my stuff! SO annoys me so much over this because he bloody well sleeps through it all! She just wakes the rest of the house up. I've told him before if she is ever here and because of the crap she does in the middle of the night he needs to go to bed at a reasonable hour and get up with his kid and keep an eye on her, I find it very disrespectful to me, my children and my home that we have to deal with this sort of bullshit. He always says he will but then he doesn't. Another reason why she isn't allowed in my home anymore, I told him if you can't control your kids then they aren't welcome in my home. He acts all sorry and says he won't let it happen again but it always does. A.L.W.A.Y.S! This past weekend he had her at my home, claimed it was an emergency and he had nowhere to take her and the same crap happened, she woke up at some screwed up hour and trashed my first floor along with her brother. SO claimed he didn't know how it happened and that he didn't notice but last night he admitted to me that he slept through it all.