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Is this year over yet?

dreamingofhappiness's picture

I am so ready to have this year come to an end. It has been a horrible year for me and my family. In June I lost my mother... a few weeks after that my Aunts Mother-In-Law passed away... September I have MAJOR back surgery done, Thanksgiving... My Brother-in-Law (who is 41) had a heart attack... (he had a stint put in and now has pneumonia, and is malnourished.... but slowly recovering) and now I found out last night that On Saturday, my sister (who is 39) had a heart attack... She has had Lupus since she was in her early 20's, and she has scar tissue or something on her lungs...

I am so tired of stressing, I am so tired of crying, I am so tired of having to deal with my husbands ex wife. I am so tired of not being able to see my step children, I am tired of it all.... I just want this to be over with. I have had enough. I really wish the new year brings the correct actions to certain people. I really hope the new year will not be a traumatic and this one... and I pray I will be able to see more of my step children...


Emerald's picture

I pray with you! I will burn a candle for you and send you Gods golden light of love for the new year to be full of happiness for you!!

dreamingofhappiness's picture

Thank you Emerald.... I really appreciate all the help and prayers.... I really appreciate the candle and Gods Golden Light Of Love.... YOu have no idea how much it means to me....