Stupid BM knows damn well that MIL decided not to have anything to do with us or our daughter, so what does she do? She calls our house and asks "is your mom there?" DH says "no..." She giggles and says "oh sorry, wrong number" then hangs up.
Stupid B*TCH! Thanks for rubbing it in that MIL chose to see only your daughter rather than her son and BOTH of her grandaughters.
- krazykate12's blog
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That's just utterly evil and
That's just utterly evil and immature.
I'd have to laugh at her
I'd have to laugh at her because obviously you guys are taking up space in her head.
That's spiteful of her! She
That's spiteful of her! She needs to grow up. How lame of her
Seriously...this is super
Seriously...this is super pathetic...what a loser! If you have to make fake phone calls to try to show that you are "in favor" with the ex-in laws, it's like having a giant pimple of insecurity and also choosing to carry a sign that says "look at my giant pimple!" I would actually just laugh this one off because she is obviously obsessing over you guys and is pathetic and insecure enough to actually do something most people grow out of when they are 13!
SD was an accident that DH
SD was an accident that DH never thought would happen (he was nieve enough to believe BM when she said she was on the pill).
luckily he doesn't let the kids see it.
DH had only been dating BM for 2 months and he had no interest in a long term relationship with her, she knew that she wasn't good enough for him so she stopped taking her birth control and didn't tell him. He felt obligated to stay with her and try to make it work (I just thank God he didn't feel obligated to marry her).
Then he found out I was single and he broke up with her less than 2 weeks later (he had been in love with me for 4 years at that point and wasn't about to risk losing me again, you would have to read my super long first blog for the full story, lol), and he only waited that long because I told him he had to honestly try to make it work because of their daughter.
He is defiantely embarrassed that she is the mother of his first child and even though he loves his daughter I am pretty sure he wishes he had wrapped it up. He is miserable every other weekend
Next time she does that
Next time she does that instead of telling her no, tell her "awww you were thinking about us again." then hang up.