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Just a thought....

Helpless0987's picture

All these things have gone thru my head this morning while having coffee

Why is it the only time they want to use the garbage is when it's full, and rather than change it they pile more shit like it's a tower- if it's empty they place their garbage next to the can on a clean counter top? - I just don't get it.

How many times a day can my ass fall into the toilet? I mean if u live with all boys what is the correct procedure? Should I be putting the seat up when I'm Done - WTF maybe I've Had this all Backwards my whole life

If you cook diner no one eats, if your to tired to cook everyones hungry all of the sudden.

What compels teenagers to collect dirty dishes in their bedrooms ?

If I started whining and stomping my feet would I get my own way too? And if not is this a double standard

How is it acceptable for your children to be slobs and unacceptable for our home to be a mess?

Was it a waste of money to purchase a hamper or is this a case of terrible aim- somehow dirty laundry lands to the left of the hamper on to the floor-

Maybe if I just messed everything up on my day off rather than clean it would be less for the kids to do!


thefunmommy's picture

LOL I love this. I've had the same thoughts, though mine go more along the line of
Why did we buy this if they're not going to use it?
Why spend so much on them for Christmas if they're just going to play with the baby's toys and ignore their own?
Do they have vision issues? We bought them hampers but due to clothes ALL over the floor, and nowhere near it, I wonder if they can even see it?
Why can't I throw this away if the only time they play with it is when it's about to be thrown away?
Why is it my job to cook every meal for everyone, AND clean the dishes from them all eating it? Pick one.
If no one will help me clean, I'll just clean up after myself and everything else can remain untouched.

No idea what I'll do about the teenage dish collection. I have a feeling I'm screwed, DH's parents told me stories of the entire kitchen being empty of dishes and finding ALL of them in DH's room... and half of them looked like science experiments.

overitall's picture

LOL - Love it,
I thought I was the only going through the contradictions...& (I never get answers when I question)

imjustthemaid's picture

Too funny! I agree with all of that plus:

Why does SD not do laundry for weeks, then wants to do it when I am about to!

Why does everyone want to shower just as I am about to get in-then no one gets hot water!!

Why does SD call to be picked up just as I pull into the driveway?

Why do the kids always want to have friends over on the day that I just went food shopping?

buttercookie's picture

OMG so with you on the garbage thing, The counter Next to the can would be loaded. No one wanted to press the button with there foot to open it and put garbage in its place for fear they may have to actually take it out. The other thing is the cereal boxes in the cabinet with less than a bowl full that will never get eaten. I guess its easier to put it back into the cabinet then to throw and empty box away. This also goes for the one sip of OJ in the carton.

Helpless0987's picture

Lol @ buttercookie- that cereal thing just Happend to me about 5 min ago- drives me nuts!!!

twopines's picture

If I fill up 4 ice cube trays in the morning, I guarantee there will be only one little cube in each tray by dinnertime. But, you know, no one knows how that happened, LOL!!

Helpless0987's picture

And let me just add another thought-- how is it that the dishes that do make it to the kitchen are always next to the sink- and the ones that make it to the sink are disposable forks, cups and plates - as if I'm really gonna re-use and wash those things