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Beware... I have noticed that a lot of ppl have signed up for stalk in the last 24hrs

ms.blessed.n.distressed's picture

AND most of them seem to think like our psycho BMs. :? I've heard a few say some crazy nonsense about how its ok for BM to call SMs DH every day and for them to talk for 15mins each day when SM is NOT around. I've heard some say that skid that calls SM lazy and bad mouths her to her FACE, that SM doesn't have a right to say nor punish, SM should only give words of encouragement and leave disapline up to DH AND BM. :O I've seen about 5+ users that have very different views than what a SM should/would. Now I'm NOT saying ALL new users are like this at all!! All I'm saying is I've seen a lot of regular stalk ppl that are worried/think BM is spying, SKids are spying, BM has spies on here and I just wanted to warn you all that I've seen some strange behavior from some new members. Also we have those cyberidiots that were stalking us and some of them threatened to get accounts. So this is a warning not only to the regular steptalk members but ALSO the new LEGIT steptalk members as well, to be cautious. I will not give out the members names that I think have hidden agendas due to me not having actual evidence and I don't want them to start crap with me. But I'm sure you all will be able to tell as soon as you see one of their comments.

Hopefully I do not get flagged for this. But its worth it to warn my fellow stalk friends. Wink


GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

Bring it on. We are stepparents. We major in crazy with a minor in BM mischief.

MotherGothel's picture

}:) Yeah we do!!! With my situation with BM1, I have experience with Sociopathic ones too!! LOL Anyways, would the BMs rather we vent here, or tell their rugrats what we really think? Like NormaJean said, BRING IT ON!!!!!! Blum 3

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

Bring it on. We are stepparents. We major in crazy with a minor in BM mischief.

ms.blessed.n.distressed's picture

Kay you are hilarious. I may be wrong... But are you the one who always gets flagged for "language"? If not, sorry. If you are, I just wanted to say how I love that you keep it real and how you don't put on some phony act by kissing everyone's ass and use whatever kind of language they find suitable. Lol. They can all Fuck off. No ones above the first amendment. Freedom of speech bitches!! Lmao! }:)

doll faced sm's picture

Flag them. Admin won't know there's a problem unless the guilty poster(s) get flagged. Things like saying people (in this case practically everyone on this board) are acting childish, aren't decent women, etc., etc. is offensive. Flag.

doll faced sm's picture

I totally get you and agree. I'm typing with one hand, so trying to make my point with as few words as possible, but obviously it didn't work.

ms.blessed.n.distressed's picture

Dollface what do u mean? Maybe I took what u said wrong in the whole "in this case everyone on this board is childish" ??

doll faced sm's picture

Someone on this board (we'll call her t1) made a reply to someone else on this board (we'll call her p1) that p1 was basically being childish. Well, if p1 was being childish, then that means the vast majority of posters to this message board are also being childish. I felt the comment made by T1 was judgmental and inappropriate, so I flagged T1.

ETA: You can see the exchange in this thread: please help me with my jealously!!

dreamingofhappiness's picture

I found this site by fluke... I was searching for help, I found STEP FAMILIES SOS (What a joke that site is) I was stalked there by BM and then I was accused of stalking her... I came here and I have hidden my true identity because I am brutal when it comes to Her and the situation I am in.

I have gotten some EXCELLENT advice, have made great friends, I have also been able to give my own insight in what I am dealing with to a number of people on here. I vent. and my venting is not always polite. But I am venting. And I am allowed to voice my OPINION! I am entitled to my opinion.

I am so tired of constantly being a microscope with everything that I say and do. If those idiots decide to quote me, criticize me, degrade me etc... Bring it on. I promise you that my situation is no difference from half the "BLENDED" family situations out here. I use my words wisely most of the time, when you see me cussing and swearing then I have a good reason to vent...

Anonymous_stepmom's picture

Yeah, I've noticed. There is one in particular grinding the gears of myself and others and they are there to do just that so I don't bother responding to them because I refuse to give them the satisfaction. I find it funny they attempt to come off as if they are so smart but they are in fact anything but.....

herewegoagain's picture

In case someone gives info to BM and she shares w/skid, share this:

1. BM divorced DH and married new beau on the same day
2. It is known where BM is from that while DH worked, she came for her grandfather's funeral and instead ran around in MIL's car with another guy partying
3.While BM trashes your father for not giving her more money, and lied to CS he had never paid, she hid your stepfather and he had two cases of CS he wasn't paying
4. BM used your father's ssn for gym memberships, credit cards after she was already living with her boyfriend
5. After being married to SF BM would call or come by our house flirting and saying sexual things to my husband
6. When your father lived oit of the country, BM would tell him he vould see you and then not answer the phone or go out of town so he couldn't see you

Now BM don't forget to show your kid this!