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Keeping my cool.

unbelieveable's picture

Due to personal issues within my family that were completely devastating and unexpected...we did not get to move. We had to give up our apartment to rent out. Ugh. Of course. But anyway...

I ended up moving out for about 3 months...spent some time off and on with the girls on the weekends and boyfriend. No longer calling him fiance...Dh...none of that. Whatever. As I've mentioned - we've been together almost 5 years now...I'm comfortable. So about 3 weeks ago I started going back and forth between his house and mine.

I mentioned a few months ago his parents decided to quit paying their bills to the house when they found out we were trap him. Make him broke and pay off the bills...after he paid for them...(we're not here for free already) they then sold their only vehicle. Of course he is not going to leave them here with no vehicle since his brothers aren't anywhere near us...he feels obligated. Ridiculous. - After they sold their car...(stashed their money from the damn car and bought dumb sh*t) making themselves broke again...our new explorer blew up. It's a $2000 job to fix so we only have my beater car right now. Which his parents are now using as well...not putting any gas in it and putting miles on it. We are supposed to get the explorer back within the next few months.

The girls have been really really good (knock on wood). We've been having really good weekends and my boyfriend and I have been working together really well (knock again) to keep things stable. He's on my side - I'm on his. And this is working. And the kids see it and they know not to push it. Their awesome mother has left her baby daddy AGAIN...somehow just got herself a house and another NEW boyfriend that is going to the kids events and doc appointments already? Seriously? But...I'm medicated now...and these kids are already mentally screwed up from her craziness and moving them 12 times...if we ever win the damn lottery they are coming to live with us after we build a house...(hey, a girl can dream right?)

Boyfriend's sister in laws are both preggers....due any second now...literally...both of them. One who is like my big sister has asked me to participate in her birthing...uh. Her sisters and mom all live in Florida. This is only happening if she's yelling for me. hahaha. And her hubby won't be happy but well - he was raised by the same mother my man was raised by so he's lacking in support and millions of other qualities their mother and father did not possess.

I'll keep posting to get my vents out. My mind is blank. I have been taking Celexa which has taken a huge edge off. It's like I ignore everything and I have no fear when it comes to telling his mother she is insane. And I just know she is is the lowest of the low and I am getting my confidence back. Who is she? I'm better than that. Love it. My next step is new birth control. I quit taking my pills and I am waiting on Mirena - protection for 5 years...perfect. I'm childless and I plan on keeping it that way unless I want to feel crazier. Anyone else have it? I'd like to know any side effects, etc?


Rubber Ducky's picture

I can only give my opinion for the last part, and I would love to read other opinions. -- I decided to try the Mirena about two years ago, and I have regretted it ever since. (To be fair, you will always hear horror stories of any birth control choice.) The day that I started using it was probably the closest I have ever been to passing out. I started shaking, getting chills, and I really think that I almost blacked out. It was really weird, because I don't remember it actually hurting at all. My doctor told me that it was worse for people that have not had children before, and then they asked me if I had taken the Advil (or whatever drug was requested) before the appointment.... I hadn't, because they NEGLECTED to mention that part to me! If you do it, please take something before!!!

Since that point, I have had several similar experiences, including once while driving to work. I keep planning to try something else just to have this removed, but haven't done so yet. My sister also scared me by saying that the removal was so much worse and that she couldn't drive herself home after the appointment.

Personally, I was a huge fan of the Depo shot. I think I was on it for 8 years or so... I loved it and only switched because the doctors scared me by talking about extended usage causing other issues. I think I would be willing to risk those issues at this point...

Delilah's picture

I am childless and had the mirena fitted due to medical condition, had it fitted under anaesthetic as it is painful to fit. So beware about that, its worse when it dont have children.

I had intermittent bleeding for at least a year,it was light though however I did put weight on with it. For me it had its positives ...regulating bleeding, protecting me but the negatives were the weight gain!

unbelieveable's picture

I've been on the pill for 9 years...and just recently started having issues with depression - making my anxiety worse...and then I started putting weight on - so I kept switching trying new things for an update...I have no health insurance so I am paying $90 a month for the pill!!! It's cheaper for me just to drop the money for the Mirena and leave it there for 5 years! I've been off my pill for 2 months now and my skin is amazing! It's all cleared up and I've been losing weight a little at a time!!

doll faced sm's picture

I had Mirena for 3 years. It *HURTS* to have implanted . . . and I had a kid by then already. The only other downside for me was that it made sex w/ my DH painful. I'm, um, "shallow," I guess you could say whereas DH is "blessed." He could sometimes even feel it poking him during the deed.

On the up side, though, I was one of those lucky women whose period stopped as a result. Not totally, I guess, I'd have one once every 6 to 9 months. When I would normally have gotten my period, my boobs would get about half a cup size bigger, which was nice for me b/c I'm a boob fan.

But yeah . . . initial pain. That first week was hell. I had cramps on par w/ the pitocin induced labor cramps I had w/ my first baby. I know you said you're childfree, so I'm not sure how to really describe this to you. Just imagine the worst period cramps you've ever had and multiply that by about 100.