I'm giving this marriage 5 more months and if things aren't significantly better with these skids, I'm done!
I have had it with feeling like crap, being treated like crap, being depressed, having anxiety, being sick, being angry, etc. I'm done. I'm tired of being emotionally abused on literally a daily basis, and when I'm not being emotionally abused I am remembering all the crap they have done. I go grocery shopping only to be pissed off by the time I'm done because when I get home I know all they're going to do is complain about the food I buy. I buy healthy food, they want to eat crappy unhealthy stuff that makes you fat -- so needless to say I hear about it non-stop. So while I'm shopping I can already hear them bitching -- so grocery shopping pisses me off. There are certain foods I simply cannot buy because they are such f'ing pigs that I can't keep it in the house because they've got to make sure they have their fair share so they will pig out on it and it will be gone in literally a day or two at the most. One box of cereal if it is sugar cereal will last one day in our house because they are such pigs!
FML!!! I hate my f'ing life right now. I was in a good mood until I got home. I got to babysit one of my favorite little guys tonight and he is such a character and so much fun, so I was in a great mood when I left. By the time I got home I was dreading coming home. SS18 was parked in my spot, which instantly pissed me off. I have asked him repeatedly to NOT park in the driveway, but yet he does it all the time. DH tells me not to make a big deal about it. Of course not.
So I'm re-reading my journal today, re-reading old posts, etc., and it just made me realize even more how miserable I am. I have been miserable from literally day one. I wish I would have never married this man or his miserable brats. I hate my life --- I HATE IT. The only good thing about it is that I have a great daughter that i look forward to being here every other week. She is actually a nice person, nice to be around, is respectful and nice to everyone in the house -- even though the skids are shitheads.
So the other day I made the decision that instead of praying the way I've been praying and nothing seems to be changing, I'm praying a different way -- asking God to either make some serious changes in our family -- for the better, bring healing and restoration by the time my daughter graduates in June, and if no changes -- serious changes -- happen that He would open doors for me to get out of this marriage. I am going to separate -- not divorce. I just told Him I don't know what else to do anymore, and I can't take it anymore. I have stayed with this family for 6+ years, and it has been awful. I don't think God intended for me to be abused.
I feel like this whole thing has turned me into someone that I am not. I feel like these kids would be better off without me, and I'm not killing myself (suicide) for that to happen. I'm walking out the door. Ironically in moving out I may need to find a home for my dog if where I'm moving won't allow me to have a dog, and I was more sad about having to give up my dog than losing my DH and his kids. I literally teared up in thinking about no longer having my dog! But not them.
I think it will be a huge weight off of me if/when I am out. I have been disengaging now for a few weeks, but I still have to live here for now because right now I can't support myself and my daughter because I've been unable to work due to my autoimmune condition. I've got a disability hearing set up for next month so am hoping that goes well. Another thing I'm praying about.
Nobody can say that I haven't tried. I've gotten on anti-depressants, anti-anxiety meds, I'm seeing a counselor, doing light therapy to help with my depression also. My depression is related to this situation I'm living in! HELLO!!! My DH says to me the other day "well, is there another medication that you can take or something else you can do?" Yes, I can leave, that's what I can do asshole. When I told him I was struggling with more and more depression. I have a husband who won't listen to me -- who doesn't pay attention to what I'm telling him -- who dismisses what I tell him -- who thinks I'm just overly sensitive -- etc. F- U! And I wonder why I'm so frickin' pissed all the time too. It's because of HIM.
And he wonders why I never want to have sex. Boo frickin' hoo! Funny thing though -- once we've had sex, all is right with the world for him. But my world is still upside down and inside out, and a f'up mess to me. Did I mention that I am hating my life right now?
God is going to need to perform a miracle in my family for me to stay because right now....it's looking bleak. My Dad wants me to just come home now. He's ready to come up here and pack me up and move me home with him and my Mom. He hates to see this going on. He actually told my Mom "those people don't deserve her!" Awww I love my Dad!! If my DH was anything like my Dad, he wouldn't allow his children to treat me the way they do.
Thanks for listening tonight if you read this far -- I needed to get this off my chest -- again, so thankful for this site -- can't post this kind of stuff on FB....feel a little better after venting.
- momof5_1969's blog
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You said so many things I
You said so many things I feel! "I'm done, changed me into something I'm not, better off without me, can't support myself and my kids at this point.....eef my life!"
When is enough, enough and why would we be the assholes if we said so?
Your situation does indeed
Your situation does indeed sound dreadful and your DH is not helping at all by burying his head in the sand and making out YOU are the one who has the problem. However, you have support in the form of your lovely-sounding parents - why not take them up on their kind offer? If I decided to leave my DH I have no-one except my exH (how ironic!) who has offered to provide sanctuary if I have nowhere to run. My parents both passed away years ago.
You said yourself that you only need anti-depressants because you are depressed because of the situation you find yourself in. I think you know yourself that living like this is not sustainable for much longer. Don't stay there until you are suicidal. Cut your losses and accept the lifeline your parents are offering. THey might even house your doggie too!
If you believe God will show
If you believe God will show you your path He wil.
Your story could have been mine. Many things happened in my life and I went on shutdown mode. I did what I needed to in order to survive my day.
I prayed for the path, and His help finding it.
Many things happened and I realized I love my DH. I want to be married to him. I still struggle with co sharing his life without forming a family.
And I keep asking for that path.
Your family sounds very supportive, and I would disengage from the skid situation. Keep your eyes and heart open to find your path. Don't fight the direction. I'm much happier now, and you too will find your peace
Mom, I'm praying praying, and
Mom, I'm praying praying, and praying for you too! You are "situationally depressed", I've been there. When you fix your "situation" you'll be fine. lol Take your parents up on their kind offer. This can't be good for your health dear. Those fucking brats! And just think, you'll be able to enjoy your daughter w/out them around at your Dad's.
I once thought I had
I once thought I had depression, went on meds and it didn't really help. Went to counciling but it didn't really help because I wasn't very honest. I didn't want to hear for years what I knew. To save myself I needed a divorce. I loved my ex through some of the worst mental and emotional abuse that still has me messed up today. There weren't even skids involed. I spent more time trying to please another human than myself why? So he wouldn't cheat on me again, call me names, accuse me of cheating and beat my esteem to the bottom of hell. He did anyway. He'd tell me what friends he was moving in, he would invite his friends (women) to go places and never me. Everyone came first I wasn't even an after thought. Best thing I did for myself AND kids was finally having enough I should of done it years before. Sometimes the only option seems like the worst, but I'm getting me back. All my dreams and hopes I'm rebuilding. Have strength. Love yourself. Id stopped parying for anything and one day I did I prayed to have the strength to get out, and I got it.
i wouldnt even wait 5
i wouldnt even wait 5 months... i would set down and have a serious talk..show him your serious by the plans youve made if you had to leave...and if he doesnt wise up at least you know youve done your best and thats it and take ur dads offer... why wait 5 more long months to be unhappy if dh isnt going to change anything???
I agree... you need to tell
I agree... you need to tell your husband flat out that you are thinking about leaving. Some times men need a serious jolt in order to get moving.
Don't wait ... Just go, to
Don't wait ... Just go, to your parents, IF they will let you bring dog.
Save yourself. Love your self!!
Take care of you!!!! It's that simple.
Will your dad not take the
Will your dad not take the dog ??? I guess living with your parents again isnt really a great option?
I couldnt be parted from my dog either lol
But I admit, reading your blog makes my alarm bells start ringing! Am I going to be you in 6years time?? ...Im only 18 months in and already diagnosed with stress and anxiety! Not on meds YET though. ...on a waiting list to have botox injected into my eye at the hospital though because I get a nerve that pulses eratically under my eye when im stressed.... Im turning into a shell of my former self. But thinking about leaving him fills me with utter dread. Hes "the one". But is that worth risking my health and sanity for???
Ugg, you too with the eye?! I
Ugg, you too with the eye?! I am only 25 and my eye will not STOP doing that... anytime I am stressed out. It is very annoying and embaressing. I did not know that you could get botox for that though... hmm.
my parents are in the process
my parents are in the process of moving closer to my sister, and that's part of the reason I'm waiting and the other part is I'm waiting for my daughter to graduate because if I move in with my parents then i won't get to see my daughter every other week. Right now they live 3 hours away. i figure i've lived with it this long i can forge on for a few more months. She graduates in June -- so we'll see, maybe i can get out then. She is planning on going to a college that will be very close to where my parents are moving to so I'll be able to be close to her. And no, i don't think my parents will let me bring my dog
That just tears me up more than anything because i love my little dog. She's my girl! We'll see what happens and what comes up. SD17 still is not talking to me. i told my DH some things that i found out about SD17 and funny thing he even tried to make excuses for her again. They are huge warning signs that she needs to be on the implant to prevent pregnancy because i don't think she takes her pill consistently enough to prevent pregnancy. i want to be out before that happens.
i believe that i will get my health back once I'm out. I know my husband is going to take it that i don't love him when i leave because he doesn't think his kids are that bad, but if that's the case, then that's the case.
Ugg, so awful your situation
Ugg, so awful your situation sounds, and I agree that God does not want you to be miserable, but remember, God also is perfect in his timing, and his path for your life. Who knows WHAT he has in store for you. It may be the seperation, who knows, but pray that he will reveal it to you.
And P.s. I know how you feel about the dog.
Ladies, IMHO he isn't "the
Ladies, IMHO he isn't "the one " if being with him fills you with stress and anxiety. I know it's the skids making you feel that way, but if he were "the one" he would put a stop to whatever was making your eyes twitch! ( I get that too if I'm at the computer too long).
I saw my counselor today, and
I saw my counselor today, and it was like a weight was lifted off of me. She is a Christian counselor and i told her what i have posted here -- that i am disengaging, that i am giving it a few more months, waiting for change or i am separating from my family after my daughter graduates and goes off to college. She supported my decision and totally validated ALL of my feelings. She has met with both of us and has heard both of us together -- she is also a step mom herself, and i'm telling you, when i went in i was crying before i even got there and i felt like the weight of the world was on my shoulders, but when i left i felt like a weight was lifted off of me. i feel like if i was off track, and my mom even said this too, that God would use her to tell me if i was going in the wrong direction.
i'm leaving tomorrow for a dr. appointment is a large city and then from there I am heading down to visit my parents and am going to be gone for a couple of days. i am ssoooooooo looking forward to being away. My Mom's church is doing a women's event and they are doing a fashion show and other women festivities and i think it will be good for me to be around festivities and my family who are supportive of me.
i feel a little bit bad because my DH is completely clueless as to how i feel. i think he thinks that everything is hunky dory, even though i told him yesterday that i am severely miserable. he did say he was making an appointment with the counselor himself -- asked me to make the appointment for him, and i told him no -- that he could make it himself.
So we'll see what happens next.