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Need some suggestions about the boys going out side....

purpledaisies's picture

Ok We don't like the boys being on games all day long so we have decided that from the time they get up til about dark they will not be allowed on them and will have to do something else. Problem is that they whine and complain to the point I throw them outside then all they do is sit on the porch looking pathetic and all our neighbors and people that walk by will look at them like I'm torching them. :O

We have a park down the road, a library, the square, We live in a small town and in the heart of it too. Every single thing in this town is with in walking distance including my parents and my siblings. expect one brother that lives way away.

We have a pool and all kinds of out door crap like balls (football, basketball, bikes ect..) But all they want to do is sit on the porch! UGH makes me want to :sick:

What can I do to get them out and about instead of on the games or sitting on the porch?? I ahve tried all kinds of things just at a loss. :? :?


PeanutandSons's picture

My skids are the same way, but about the tv (the video games have been removed perminently due to lying). Rooms full of toys they never play with, yard full of toys and sports equipment they never touch.... All they want to do is zone out in front of the tv. I send them outside, they are back in every 5 minutes for some other stupid reason..... I have to pee, then the other one does, then I need a drink, then the other one comes in, then one needs to grab a toy out of his room, then the other one does. It's infuriating. They would literally watch tv 15 hours a day if I let them.

J used to have a -no tv on school days- policy.... But Dh wasn't behind it and I just got tired of arguing with the skids.

I make sure BS(stb3) doesn't watch more than an hour or two a day, because I do NOT want him turning out like the skids.

purpledaisies's picture

LOL I had to laugh at this one b/c the other day I told them that they had these choices, to go to the park or to the square or library or they could hang my flag that I just bought. They choose to hang my flag. lol

Kenna's picture

Sounds like you are on the right track and eventually they will get bored with the porch lol
Some things that worked with my boys (teens now) was going outside with them. I have no shame in beating them in a game of basketball lol Also as a family we started geocaching when they were very young, it might be worth checking out

snoopyinoz's picture

If they want to sit there hand them a book and tell them that they can either play or read the book and do a book report on it. No fun books either

ThatGirl's picture

Since you're not doing anything, I need the lawn mowed, fence painted, car washed, etc.

purpledaisies's picture

LOL that is what I was thinking and I will NOT pay disney bucks for them either. I have a while board on the fridge that has chores they can do to earn disney bucks but so far NOTHING has been done. Oh well I guess they won't have that much spending money. They will have 100 bucks for their bdays but they don't know that so i am baffled to way they don;t want to earn spending money?