this was a reply on someone elses post but they deleted it... so here i go... its about the bullying on here...
I'm sorry and Echo I have always appreciated your posts and your advice. I have been here for a while now and I'm sorry but I agree with Knucklehead... I usto post quite often and I loved being able to give my advice and support to those sparents that I felt I could help. But within the last month or two, quite a few new people have joined steptalk and its just not the same. There has been a lot of cruelty, back biting, bullying, ect. There has not been very much support, kind words, helpful advice, ect lately. And it truly makes me sad. I usto spend all my free time on here because it was my safe haven away from home. I thought I had made some amazing friends on here. But now I just do not know anymore. The people that have been here for a while have been wonderful. So I'm not sure if all of this is stemming from new users, our suspicions, people just being bitter due to their miserable blended family lives or what. All I know is that I miss the way things usto be here. I haven't posted in a while because honestly I worry that instead of getting the support and helpful advice I need, I might just get completely torn apart, ganged up on and be even more upset than I was before I make the post. Therefore I refrain from seeking advice or getting support from steptalk.
The original poster is right. Steptalk is not this. It is a place that us stepparents come to be able to tell our situations and our problems without there being judgement, without having to hold back from saying our true feelings, expressing our true feelings in our blended families and getting all the things we do not get in our real lives... Like support, kind words, helpful advice, hearing how others relate to us, how others do feel the same as us, being able to know we are not alone. This is a safe haven for stepparents to come together. We all need to remember why we came here... And we all need to remember what we and everyone else here is looking to get out of being a member of steptalk.
We truly need to think before we speak. If your comments are not to be supportive and helpful, and your intentions are not in the right place, then why even comment?? The OP does not need to hear hateful, judgmental responses. They do not need to feel anymore alone or hurt than their SKids, BM, DH and ILs already make them. They need to know that this is the one place that they can turn to when their real family doesn't seem to get it nor care. We are a family here. And if some steptalk users don't get that this is what stalks about, then they need to just keep their comments to themselves.
I love steptalk I really do. I finally know I'm not alone, that I'm not crazy, that I was right in feeling the way I do towards my blended family situation. You all made me see the light. It was honestly a pure blessing to have found this sight. It saved my marriage and it is helping fix my family that was once so torn apart due to BM, SS and DH. I no longer feel like DH is still married to his ex bc through your guyses advice, I finally got thru to him. He's on my side now and BM knows it. I can never thank you guys enough for all your help. But I do see things getting out of hand here recently and I don't want to lose what I have found here. I don't want to see steptalk turn into a place with clicks, bullying, judgement, hurtful words, ect. I want others to find what I found here. That is why I chose to comment on this post. The op has a point.
So why not come together you guys?? And when you see bullying, ppl being jerks, ect on here... Stands up for what's right, or disengage. Don't help gang up, don't start petty fights... Just stick to the whole "if you can't say nothing nice, don't say anything at all."
P. S. This was done on my phone and while my 3 yr old is running a muck, so please excuse all the typos..
- ms.blessed.n.distressed's blog
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Well said. Typos a.d all .
Well said. Typos a.d all ;).
A tip of my hat to another LJ
A tip of my hat to another LJ person! Yeah, I fled ONTD pretty darn quick.
wow you typed all that on
wow you typed all that on your phone? i can't hardly stand to text. lol
i appreciate what you have to say, and i agree with you. but the point is that people will or will not give helpful, constructive advice.
i think the best advice a new person can get from being on here is to take the helpful, constructive advice and just pass on the stuff that doesn't apply. even well-meaning people will post advice and get belligerent because they feel so strongly about it they can't let it go.
when a person gets like that we start a verbal "explanation" or even all out "war". best to just ignore and respond to what you can relate too.
this is a public forum and there are just too many opinions to worry about.
and i agree there is an "in" crowd. and some of us who are not in the "in" crowd even have people that we like and will defend.
we just can't monitor this sort of thing. i felt the same way at first. but you can't really stop it, so you have to learn how to work around it. kwim?
it Ebays and flows?? LOL!!! I
it Ebays and flows?? LOL!!! I know it was an autocorrect, but still funny!
I agree. However sometimes
I agree. However sometimes there is a poster who is usually newish who is so tied up in the middle of their lives they cannot see the trees for the forest. And try as you might and believe the posters (I believe until I work it out for myself, sorta like me and Santa Claus)you can see they are floundering in a losing battle. This need to be pointed out to them so they step back and examine their life in a new way.
So often women on these sites try to fix all ills and make everything happy and blended. And some kids and Dh/Sos just are not wanting that esp the kids. Many partners appear to want somoene to pick up the slack for their kids because they chose a shitty mother and feel guilty and allow their new partner to be the chief cook and bottle washer and laundress and housekeeper and chauffeur with no disciplinary power at all. Women and men are running to their bedrooms to hide from stepkids all over the country if you read this site as a snapshot of steparents across the nation. And sometimes it takes someone saying "Stop now! Step back. Consider this 4 yr old childs life. In the last 18 months she has had to move 3x, Daddy gets a new girlfriend and after 3 months they move in together with her 2 kids and a new school and you expect to her roll over and want her tummy scratched?"
Nothing is perfect in this world and certianly not stepfamilies. We just try to get by with the least amount of descernable bloodshed. And most days we are winning.
I swear, I don't really know
I swear, I don't really know who the "gang" is now. That kind of stuff comes and goes here, you just have to roll with the tide and outlast the people that try to make everyone miserable. It really is as simple as that.
Sometimes it's nice to have
Sometimes it's nice to have someone play devils advocate too. It may help to hear another perspective, but if you do then you are accused of being a troll, BM. Etc. I don't post or reply very often anymore after seeing people get blasted for having a differing opinion. Just because someone doesn't agree doesn't mean they are attacking but too many times lately that is how it is taken.
I try to just ignore the
I try to just ignore the people that I feel are attacking me. There are a couple that follow me around saying shit and I just don't give in to it. And sometimes peoples opinions are just different from mine. Sometimes its helpful to see a different point of view and sometimes I don't like their point of view!! I'm sure people don't always agree with me but I try to say things in a nice way.
Lately it does seem very negative on here. I am almost afraid to post anything. If I see certain people posting that day I just keep my mouth shut!!
Tell them to stop stalking or
Tell them to stop stalking or harassing you, if you feel like you are attacked.
There is one person but I
There is one person but I don't see her on here much. She knows who she is trust me even though I have never said anything to her directly. I just ignore her but she does not forget a freaking thing I have ever said. Its so weird!! I even delete my blogs!!
lol aggravated1 no but
lol aggravated1
no but really...harrassment is serious :O
There have been times in the
There have been times in the ebb and flow of things on here people have posted or responded in ways that bunched my panties and made me want to get defensive. However I've been around the net longer than I care to admit and the thing I've realized the most that makes a difference in those moments? I do have to give a rats about it. I let so much on facebook, and LJ, and myspace, and AOL, and tribes, etc roll right on by with the scroll button. We all have varying different lives, circumstances, upbringings of course we are going to have moments, comments and advice/opinions that won't mesh with everyone all the time. we'll all likely rub people on here or irl, or elsewhere the wrong way it happens. Pick your battles. Take the advice you can, vent because you need to and let the rest just roll away.
I totally get what you're
I totally get what you're saying. I have found not even responding to their comments the best way to deal with them. If you skip over the negative (aka unhelpful and judgmental) comments, you can get a lot of support and ideas from the rest of the gang here.
I've been on this site a few
I've been on this site a few years. Every so often the drama flares up and people get kicked off.
Hugs and I agree miss.....
Hugs and I agree miss.....
your post is spot on, and I
your post is spot on, and I get that I am "new" here but you know not as "new" as people think I am. I have been reading as a guest here for 3 years. But with that being said, it cant be the "new" people that are blamed for everything though because frankly it I read one more post about "Crew" I think I may scream. I understand people are understandably upset that they got dupped, however do you think that is the first time someone has "dupped" you guys on this sight...the world is a sick place...I would bet not. It is just one of the few times someone has got caught. If "crew" was looking for attention, she sure did find a boat load because even as I logged in this morning people were still appauled, shocked, and writing posts that are nasty, and cutting. Alot of attention continues to be paid to someone who doesnt warrent another thought let alone everyones she is still getting non stop attention because everyone it still going on and on and on....and on about it...your posting is spot on...
expect talk of crew to go on
expect talk of crew to go on about a week. and randomly for a long time to come. the more you talk about it the more it will be "talked" about in general. so just ignore it.
i'm getting tired of it too. but people process differently and some people aren't on this site daily and will want to know what's up, etc. just expect it and it won't be so annoying.
I'm sorry Echo, I was not
I'm sorry Echo, I was not trying to put you on blast at all... This was meant to be a comment on Knuckleheads blog yesterday. The one where she was talking about bullying and you commented saying you think she should take it down only bc no good would come from it, ect. To which I replied "I'm sorry echo... I've always appreciated your comments and blogs, ect and I've been here for a while but I have to agree with knucklehead on this one." I only referred to you because I didn't feel she should take it down because someone needs to say something. I wasn't trying to imply that you were the one bullying or that you think the bullying is ok, by any means. I guess it was just confusing because knuckleheads post and your comments are not here for everyone to read and be able to see what I was referring to when I made that statement. I just figured when you saw the title you would know what I was talking about. So, I hope this clears things up a bit... Sorry for the confusion.