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What to pack for a dysfunctional family vacation at the beach

cpreston's picture

Two bathing suits
Four pairs of shorts (we have a washer and dryer)
Two pairs of jeans
Black Bra, White Bra
Two nice outfits for going out to dinner
Flip flops
Shoes for the nice outfit
Hair Spray
Hair Gel
Body wash
Face wash
SPF 30 waterproof sunscreen for me and DD
SPF 50 waterproof sunscreen for the Mister
Brush & Comb
Hair Dryer
Bath Towel
Beach Towel
My i-pod to tune out the “noise” at the beach
The novel War and Peace (something to read, they don’t bother me while I’m reading)
Some crossword and sodoku puzzles (in case we get a rainy day)
Bottle of Tylenol
Bottle of Xanax
Bottle of Vodka
7 packs of cigarettes
Two or three lighters (I’m always losing my lighters)

I think that’s it… am I forgetting anything?


cpreston's picture

Vodka by day you're okay
xanax at night, you're alright
isn't that how the saying goes?

cpreston's picture

Ok ok, let me write this down

Extra Towels
OH and we have to bring our own sheets too, almost forgot that
More Vodka (If I buy the big handles, I think three might last me the week, so two more)
A bottle of tequila… I can get limes and salt at the store down at the beach…
Hmmm… Still feeling like I’m forgetting something

cpreston's picture

we do have a 'family' laptop... DD and I share it... I'm quite sure that she's not going to leave home without it
(oh, I hope we have internet connection at this house.. or not... I could go to McDonalds or the coffee shop to get away if we don't)
Sorry, hon! I have to check in on WORK and there's no internet connection.... I'll be at the coffee shop for the next few hours!

Justshootme's picture

A big beach bag to carry everything and some plastic grocery bags for the kids to put wet stuff in. You can alos used them to protect stuff from the sand and water (camera, books, etc.)

Edited to add: Oh! And a nice pair of sandles. Wouldn't want to wear flip-flops to dinner. Wink

overworkedmom's picture

Biggrin Hahaha!

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

I always bring a beach umbrella and beach chairs with me...what about goggles and snorkels?