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Vent. They're going to drive me nuts.

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

SD forgot it was SO's bday today. So. I offered to take her to the store to get him something. She had money with her.

So I took her after work and she picked out a couple of things and a couple of cards for bday and father's day, which she also forgot about. Whatever.

I do hope she is planning on giving them to him at some point because she hid them in her room. But again. Whatever. Not my problem if she looks like a child who can't be bothered to acknowledge her dad on his bday.

But. SO decided that, for his bday, we would all go out to dinner and to a movie. Cool. Except the movie doesn't get out until 9:00 and that will push SD's bedtime past 9:30. Even though he and I made a point of telling her last night that she would be obeying her bedtime every night from here on out. It doesn't mean asleep at 9:30 but it sure does mean SD is in her room and stays there for the night.

I just love how he is flip-flopping on ish now that she is here.
I also love how he doesn't seem to care that this might make it that much harder for me to get her to go to bed tomorrow and Sunday at her scheduled bed time while he is at work.


ManagingMom's picture

Don't tell SD what time it is after the movie. Let her think it is approaching 9:00. Just say something like, "let's get you home so that you can go to bed on time". Then get her up the next morning at her usual time. She'll go to bed at the right time Sunday night.

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

Fat chance on that. She always asks what time it is and SO has told her that she is missing bed time again. *groan* also. She is 12. She's not that easily deceived.

ManagingMom's picture

Hmmm. Well, tell her she can go with you to the movie if she promises to go right to bed when you get home. Tell her if she fails to go right to bed she won't get to go with you the next time you go to the movies.

Let DH remind her about bedtime Sunday night before he leaves for work.

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

I really appreciate your comments and suggestions. I really do. But, if you go read my most recent entry, you'll see how futile me telling SD anything is at this given moment if it isn't "Omigosh, SD you are soooo amazing!"

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

No apologies necessary at all! As I said, I really appreciate the comments and suggestions! More than you know Smile