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I can see why the Bible doesn't condone divorce

Anon2009's picture

Except in extreme circumstances, like cheating and abuse. And I don't say this to offend anyone.

Nothing about these situations is natural. Stepparents aren't natural. Nobody is wired automatically to want one. Same goes for step/half siblings. Nobody's automatically wired to want them either.

It seems like many people abdicate their parental duties when they get divorced. Often, these are duties they performed well when married to the kids' other parent. That's not natural. The Bible states clearly that people should parent their kids. And a lot of people feel that is easier to do when they're married to the kids' other parent.

Then, us stepparents enter the scene. Many people want to meet the right person, then have kids. But in our situations, the "right person" has kids and a past with someone else. I found myself jealous that BM was with DH for years and got to have kids with him. Petty? Probably. Unnatural? Definitely.

It seems like a lot of kids of divorce cease to mature and often believe the world owes them. This seems to happen much less in intact families. It seems like kids from intact families grow up and move on and out. It seems like many people whose parents are divorced do not. To me, that's not natural. I was so excited at 18 to begin my own life.

Maybe Jesus and the other authors of the Bible had the foresight to see this...

What do you think?


DeeDeeTX's picture

I believe the Bible and most major religions say you shouldn't have sex outside of marriage for that reason.

Mom2TwinsnTeens's picture

:jawdrop: hou, you said the "b" word! Funny, I got over 100 butt-hurt replies when I complained about women having children out of wedlock and the mods deleted my blog. Guess I'm not popular or charismatic enough to get away with it. *sigh* I never was one of the cool kids.

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

I am not one of the people who complained about your blog. In fact I missed it completely (I go days and can't get on the internet for things that are going on in the house or with the kiddos, especially in the summer) but for the record I support your point of view wholeheartedly. And I'm DEFINATELY not in with the in crowd.

bi's picture

people were angry with you because you strongly implied that you are a better parent than an unmarried mother, and your kids are better kids than those whose parents aren't married. personality is what makes a person, not the marital status of themselves or their parents. i'm quite certain that you are not automatically above me because your parents were married and mine weren't. i'm also certain your children do not get to walk all over mine because you are married and i am not.

Anon2009's picture

"Out of wedlock breeding is even worse. Producing a bastard child out of a relationship devoid of love is just cruel and evil."

Agreed. 110%.

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

I'm not a Christian, and I don't believe anything in the bible, but I am 100% against divorce for families with children unless there is abuse, addiction, or adultery. Even in the case of abuse, addiction or adultery, I would say in most cases divorce is still not what is in the best interest of children, and in most cases, abuse, addiction and adultery could have been avoided by choosing better and treating a partner better during marriage. Flame on, but keep in mind I said MOST marriages. I realize there are exceptions where women were abused, or there was adultery and there were no warning signs. However, if people are honest, most abusers present warning signs prior to marriage, and plenty of adultery is the result of rejection within a marriage. In other words, there are 2 sides to these stories.

bi's picture

i divorced the ex because he was a loser. he chose to be perpetually unemployed and high. he was doing nothing a man and father is supposed to do. he would rather steal than work. he didn't abuse me and he didn't cheat on me, but i think i still had a very valid reason to want him out of my life.