So a few YEARS back, our garbage disposal crapped out. I bought a new one, but never put it in. I was really tired of reaching in there to pull out utensils, toys, the plastic rings from the milk jugs, etc. So, because my skids are too busy to do chores, and my bios already have their own chores to do, the dishes are mine. Fine. I don't care. The only thing I ask is that you rinse your dishes when you put them in the sink. And if your dish still has food on it, scrape it into the dog dish or into the trash first. SD17 ABSOLUTELY REFUSES to do this. According to my DH, she just needs to be trained. OK. At 17 years old, and we've been going through this for at least 3 years now, how much more time does she need? I'm tired of having to scrape soggy, disgusting food outof my sink. I have asked her repeatedly to not do this. After asking nicely didn't work, I started telling her to stop her disgusing shit. That doesn't work either. So, what is my next plan of action? I think I have it figured out. Next time, I'm going to pull her nasty food out of the strainer and stick it to her damn doorknob to her room. Think she'll get it then? We shall see.
- ATotalOfNine's blog
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BAHAHAHAHA Love it....start
BAHAHAHAHA Love it....start putting it random places in her room with a note "Thanks for giving this to me, but you can have it back"
I've heard putting it where
I've heard putting it where they sleep does wonders.
^^ this
I would make her pull it out
I would make her pull it out of the garbage disposal. Lazy McLazerton sounds like she won't much care if there is a pile of slop on her door knob. She won't want to stick her hand in there!
SD17.5's ONLY daily chore was
SD17.5's ONLY daily chore was taking out the garbage and recycling each night before she went to bed. Did she do it? Sometimes. Were we constantly having to remind her? Yes. Was it making us insane? Pretty much. It's not difficult for her to remember to do her hour-long beauty regimen before bed, and she certainly remembered easily anything that SHE wanted to do, so it wasn't an inability to retain the information.
Not taking the garbage out at night caused a kitchen stink in the morning. With a toddler, a diaper left overnight in the can made an unbearably foul odor that affected all of us, especially DD12, who was the first into the kitchen in the morning for breakfast.
One night, after reminding SD to take out the garbage several times, and us finding it still in the kitchen an hour after she'd gone to bed, DH put the can in her bedroom. When she got into the shower, I noticed that the garbage had been taken out, and that she'd used half a can of air freshener in her room. She didn't forget again for AT LEAST a few months.
I like your door handle idea....the point is to make your problem with the sink HER problem. She doesn't care now because it is only bothering you. Make it affect her, and she'll remember to scrape her plate next time.
I have the SAME problem with
I have the SAME problem with SD7 and SD9. And even DH! Me and my bios do the dishes (They take turns doing them during the week and I do them on weekends) so we all scrape and rinse our dishes, knowing how much it sucks trying to get dried up food off a dish. Sometimes they'll have ass scrape it, but rarely rinse them.
I think as an adult, when he was living with someone, DH always had someone else do the housework and has been spoiled. I know skids are spoiled since they never do a damned thing. Before I met DH he and the skids ate fast food all the time, so minimal dishes. And of course, according to DH, skids are 'too little' to do the dishes. SD7 may be too little, but SD9 is nearly 10 years old and is old enough to start learning if someone (who is NOT me or my bios) does them with her!
My bios started "helping"
My bios started "helping" with the dishes at around 5....they'd stand on a stool next to me and help dry the plastic stuff and some of the silverware and help put away the non-breakable stuff they could reach. There's absolutely no reason that 7 and 9 are too young to learn how to scrape a plate or rinse it. It amazes me how 7 kids who grow up in the same house with the same 2 adults for 9 years can all behave so differently. Of course, my kids have to listen to both adults in the house. My skids only have to listen to daddy.